mysql 数据操作 多表查询 子查询 带EXISTS关键字的子查询
EXISTS 判断某个sql语句的有没有查到结果 有就返回真 true 否则返回假 False
如果条件成立 返回另外一条sql语句的返回结果
- mysql> select * from employee where EXISTS(select id from department where name='技术');
- +----+------------+--------+------+--------+
- | id | name | sex | age | dep_id |
- +----+------------+--------+------+--------+
- | 1 | mike | male | 18 | 200 |
- | 2 | alex | female | 48 | 201 |
- | 3 | jack | male | 38 | 201 |
- | 4 | yuanhao | female | 28 | 202 |
- | 5 | liwenzhou | male | 18 | 200 |
- | 6 | jingliyang | female | 18 | 204 |
- +----+------------+--------+------+--------+
- 6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
子查询也查不出结果 exists 返回是false
- mysql> select * from employee where EXISTS(select id from department where name='it');
- Empty set (0.00 sec)
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