




CKFinder : Configuration File - Basic Instructions

In a generic usage case, the following tasks must be done to configure CKFinder:

1. Check the baseDir and baseUrl options;

2. If available, paste your license key in the "licenseKey" setting;

3. Enable CKFinder using the "enabled" setting.

WARNING : DO NOT simply set "enabled" to "true" on a production site. By doing so, you

are allowing "anyone" to upload and list the files in your server. You must implement

some kind of session validation.



<enabled>true</enabled> 开启文件上传


Configure the location of uploaded files. See the following article for more details:




<baseURL>/house/userfiles/</baseURL>   上传路径




Set the maximum size of uploaded images. If an uploaded image is larger, it

gets scaled down proportionally. Set to 0 to disable this feature.






See the following article for more details:





ResourceType : defines the "resource types" handled in CKFinder. A resource

type is nothing more than a way to group files under different paths, each one

having different configuration settings.

Each resource type name must be unique.

When loading CKFinder, the "type" querystring parameter can be used to display

a specific type only. If "type" is omitted in the URL, the

"DefaultResourceTypes" settings is used (may contain the resource type names

separated by a comma). If left empty, all types are loaded.

maxSize is defined in bytes, but shorthand notation may be also used.

Available options are: G, M, K (case insensitive).

1M equals 1048576 bytes (one Megabyte), 1K equals 1024 bytes (one Kilobyte), 1G equals one Gigabyte.

Example: 'maxSize' => "8M",


ATTENTION: Flash files with `swf' extension, just like HTML files, can be used

to execute JavaScript code and to e.g. perform an XSS attack. Grant permission

to upload `.swf` files only if you understand and can accept this risk.





<type name="Files">








<type name="Images">







<type name="Flash">









The session variable name that CKFinder must use to retrieve

the "role" of the current user. The "role", can be used in the "accessControls"

settings (bellow).




























Increases the security on an IIS web server.

If enabled, CKFinder will disallow creating folders and uploading files whose names contain characters

that are not safe under an IIS web server.




Due to security issues with Apache modules, it is recommended to leave the

following setting enabled.

How does it work? Suppose the following:

- If "php" is on the denied extensions list, a file named foo.php cannot be


- If "rar" (or any other) extension is allowed, one can upload a file named


- The file foo.php.rar has "rar" extension so, in theory, it can be also


In some conditions Apache can treat the foo.php.rar file just like any PHP

script and execute it.

If CheckDoubleExtension is enabled, each part of the file name after a dot is

checked, not only the last part. In this way, uploading foo.php.rar would be

denied, because "php" is on the denied extensions list.




Indicates that the file size (maxSize) for images must be checked only

after scaling them. Otherwise, it is checked right after uploading.




Perform additional checks for image files

if set to true, validate image size




For security, HTML is allowed in the first Kb of data for files having the

following extensions only.




Force ASCII names for files and folders. If enabled, characters with diactric

marks will be automatically converted to ASCII letters.




Enables protection in the connector.

The default CSRF protection mechanism is based on double submit cookies, where

connector checks if the request contains a valid token that matches the token

sent in the cookie





Folders to not display in CKFinder, no matter their location.

No paths are accepted, only the folder name.

The * and ? wildcards are accepted.

".*" disallows the creation of folders starting with a dot character.







Files to not display/upload in CKFinder, no matter their location.

No paths are accepted, only the file name, including extension.

The * and ? wildcards are accepted.










<param name="smallThumb" value="90x90"></param>

<param name="mediumThumb" value="120x120"></param>

<param name="largeThumb" value="180x180"></param>








<!-- Before enabling the watermark plugin make sure to specify path to source image -->

<!-- The "internal" flag informs CKFinder that watermark is a pure server side plugin -->






<param name="source" value="/path/in/servlet/context/logo.gif"></param>

<param name="transparency" value="0.8"></param>

<param name="quality" value="100"></param>

<param name="marginRight" value="5"></param>

<param name="marginBottom" value="5"></param>














Path to configuration file can be relative path inside application,

absolute path on local file system or UNC path.


















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