【easy】572. Subtree of Another Tree
//方法二:用递归来写十分的简洁,我们先从s的根结点开始,跟t比较,如果两棵树完全相同,那么返回true,否则就分别对s的左子结点和右子结点调用递归再次来判断是否相同,只要有一个返回true了,就表示可以找得到。 class Solution {
bool isSubtree(TreeNode* s, TreeNode* t) {
if (!s)
return false;
if (isSame(s,t))
return true;
return isSubtree(s->left,t) || isSubtree(s->right,t);
} bool isSame(TreeNode* s,TreeNode* t){//这是一个子题,判断两个树是否相等
if (s == NULL && t == NULL)
return true;
if (s == NULL || t == NULL)
return false;
if (s->val != t->val)
return false;
if (s->val == t->val)
return isSame(s->left,t->left) && isSame(s->right,t->right);
class Solution {
bool isSubtree(TreeNode* s, TreeNode* t) {
ostringstream os1, os2;
serialize(s, os1);
serialize(t, os2);
return os1.str().find(os2.str()) != string::npos;
void serialize(TreeNode* node, ostringstream& os) {
if (!node) os << ",#";
else {
os << "," << node->val;
serialize(node->left, os);
serialize(node->right, os);
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