Design and Implementation of Global Path Planning System for Unmanned Surface Vehicle among Multiple Task Points (针对多任务点的水面无人艇全局路径规划的设计和实现)

  本文主要解决水面无人艇在对多个任务点进行全局路径规划时的设计和实现算方法,相关研究和设计已在 International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems (IJVAS) EI期刊发表。附InderScience Publiers - IJVAS的官方文献下载链接 Design and Implementation of Global Path Planning System for Unmanned Surface Vehicle among Multiple Task Points,以及arXiv的下载链接。官方文献下载链接需要***才可以打开。


英文在中文之后 / English follows Chinese
  Global path planning is the key technology in the design of unmanned surface vehicles. This paper establishes global environment modelling based on electronic charts and hexagonal grids which are proved to be better than square grids in validity, safety and rapidity. Besides, we introduce Cube coordinate system to simplify hexagonal algorithms. Furthermore, we propose an improved A
algorithm to realize the path planning between two points. Based on that, we build the global path planning modelling for multiple task points and present an improved ant colony optimization to realize it accurately. The simulation results show that the global path planning system can plan an optimal path to tour multiple task points safely and quickly, which is superior to traditional methods in safety, rapidity and path length. Besides, the planned path can directly apply to actual applications of USVs.



  其中,通过解析电子海图文件,提取其中的海域地理信息及碍航物等信息,利用六边形进行网格化,建立由可航行六边形网格和不可航行六边形网格组成的环境模型。相关资料可以参考 基于8211lib库对s57电子海图的解析和存储正六边形网格化(Hexagonal Grids)原理与实现
  在实现环境建模后,两点间路径搜索算法优化的目标是在确保航行安全性的前提下,尽可能使规划的路径航行代价最小,最大程度地减小与最短路径、最小航行代价无关的计算量。本文设计综合多因素的航行代价,利用Hart提出的A*算法实现两点间的初步搜索,然后利用去除多余航点的曲线平滑算法,在保证安全的前提下减少路径中不必要的航点,使多段折线化为直线,增加路径的光滑度,规划的路径会更加符合起止点之间的期望路径,符合水面无人艇的运动学特性。相关资料可以参考 Research and Implementation of Global Path Planning for Unmanned Surface Vehicle Based on Electronic Chart 论文。
  在水面无人艇复杂任务应用场景下,多任务点的路径规划可以抽象为网络最短路径问题,该网络本质上是一个有权值的有向图。多任务点的全局路径规划抽象模型--网络最短路径问题,可以近似为旅行商问题(Traveling Salesman Problem, TSP),是非常典型的NP (Nondeterministic Polynomial)难问题。在应用蚁群算法解决多任务点的全局路径规划问题时,路径规划问题可以转化为在一个由节点和边组成的网络权重图(网络最短路径模型)中搜索最优闭环路径,如下图所示。相关资料可以参考 基于蚁群算法的机械臂打孔路径规划


  因为程序实现于2017年,在性能和流程中仍然不够完善,欢迎邮件进行交流和给出建议。程序最新代码请参考本人的GitHub wylloong

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