2014-03-19 04:48




 // 4.7 Least Common Ancestor
// This solution is Naive Algorithm, may timeout on very large and skewed trees.
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std; const int MAXN = ;
// tree[x][0]: parent of node x
// tree[x][1]: left child of node x
// tree[x][2]: right child of node x
// tree[x][3]: value of node x
int tree[MAXN][];
// number of nodes
int e; void build(int a)
int tmp; scanf("%d", &tmp);
tree[a][] = e;
tree[e][] = tmp;
tree[e][] = a;
// build the left subtree
build(e - );
} scanf("%d", &tmp);
tree[a][] = e;
tree[e][] = tmp;
tree[e][] = a;
// build the right subtree
build(e - );
} int main()
int n, ni;
int i;
// the value to be queried
int m1, m2;
// the corresponding node indices of m1 and m2
int s1, s2;
int t1, t2;
int c1, c2, c; while (scanf("%d", &n) == ) {
for (ni = ; ni < n; ++ni) {
// get value for root node
e = ;
scanf("%d", &tree[][]); // root has no parent node
tree[][] = -;
build(); while (scanf("%d%d", &m1, &m2) == && (m1 && m2)) {
s1 = s2 = -;
for (i = ;i <= e; ++i) {
if (tree[i][] == m1) {
s1 = i;
// there're duplicate values
for (i = ;i <= e; ++i) {
if (tree[i][] == m2) {
s2 = i;
// there're duplicate values
} if (s1 != - && s2 != -) {
t1 = s1;
t2 = s2;
c1 = c2 = ; // c1 is the depth of t1
while (tree[t1][] != -) {
t1 = tree[t1][];
// c2 is the depth of t2
while (tree[t2][] != -) {
t2 = tree[t2][];
} // move'em to the same height level
if (c1 > c2) {
c = c1 - c2;
while(c--) {
s1 = tree[s1][];
} else {
c = c2 - c1;
while(c--) {
s2 = tree[s2][];
} while(s1 != s2)
s1 = tree[s1][];
s2 = tree[s2][];
printf("%d\n", tree[s1][]);
} else {
// At least one value is not found in the tree.
printf("Not found in the tree.\n");
} return ;



 // 4.7 Least Common Ancestor
// O(log(n)) solution with binary decomposition.
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std; typedef struct st{
int key;
st *ll;
st *rr;
st(int _key = ): key(_key), ll(NULL), rr(NULL) {}
}st; // maximal number of nodes
const int MAXN = ;
// key -> node_index mapping
int hash_key[MAXN];
// node_index -> key mapping
int key_hash[MAXN];
// depth of each node
int depth[MAXN];
// array recording ancestors
int anc[MAXN][];
// total number of nodes, index starting from 1
int nc; // recursively calculate depths of nodes
void getDepth(st *root, int dep)
if (root == NULL) {
depth[hash_key[root->key]] = dep;
if (root->ll != NULL) {
getDepth(root->ll, dep + );
if (root->rr != NULL) {
getDepth(root->rr, dep + );
} // recursively construct a binary tree
void constructBinaryTree(st *&root)
int tmp; scanf("%d", &tmp);
if (tmp == ) {
root = NULL;
} else {
root = new st(tmp);
if (hash_key[tmp] == ) {
hash_key[tmp] = nc;
key_hash[nc] = tmp;
} // recursively initialize ancestor array
void getParent(st *root)
if (root == NULL) {
} // anc[x][0] is the direct parent of x.
if (root->ll != NULL) {
anc[hash_key[root->ll->key]][] = hash_key[root->key];
if (root->rr != NULL) {
anc[hash_key[root->rr->key]][] = hash_key[root->key];
} // calculate LCA in O(log(n)) time
int leastCommonAncestor(int x, int y)
int i; if (depth[x] < depth[y]) {
return leastCommonAncestor(y, x);
for (i = ; i >= ; --i) {
if (depth[anc[x][i]] >= depth[y]) {
x = anc[x][i];
if (depth[x] == depth[y]) {
if (x == y) {
return x;
} for (i = ; i >= ; --i) {
if (anc[x][i] != anc[y][i]) {
// they'll finally be equal, think about the reason.
x = anc[x][i];
y = anc[y][i];
} // this is the direct parent of x
return anc[x][];
} st *deleteTree(st *root)
if (NULL == root) {
return NULL;
} if (root->ll != NULL) {
root->ll = deleteTree(root->ll);
if (root->rr != NULL) {
root->rr = deleteTree(root->rr);
delete root;
root = NULL; return NULL;
} int main()
int ci, cc;
int i, j;
int x, y;
st *root; while (scanf("%d", &cc) == ) {
for (ci = ; ci < cc; ++ci) {
// data initialization
memset(hash_key, , MAXN * sizeof(int));
memset(key_hash, , MAXN * sizeof(int));
memset(depth, , MAXN * sizeof(int));
memset(anc, , MAXN * * sizeof(int));
nc = ;
root = NULL; constructBinaryTree(root);
getDepth(root, );
for (j = ; j < ; ++j) {
for (i = ; i <= nc; ++i) {
anc[i][j] = anc[anc[i][j - ]][j - ];
while (scanf("%d%d", &x, &y) == && (x && y)) {
if (hash_key[x] == || hash_key[y] == ) {
printf("Not found in the tree.\n");
} else {
printf("%d\n", key_hash[leastCommonAncestor(hash_key[x], hash_key[y])]);
} root = deleteTree(root);
} return ;



 // 4.7 Least Common Ancestor
// Tarjan Offline Algorithm
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
using namespace std; struct TreeNode {
int val;
TreeNode *left;
TreeNode *right; TreeNode(int _val = ): val(_val), left(nullptr), right(nullptr) {};
}; void constructTree(vector<TreeNode *> &nodes,
unordered_set<TreeNode *> &checked)
int ll, rr;
int i; for (i = ; i < (int)nodes.size(); ++i) {
for (i = ; i < (int)nodes.size(); ++i) {
scanf("%d%d", &ll, &rr);
if (ll > ) {
nodes[i]->left = nodes[ll - ];
checked.erase(nodes[ll - ]);
if (rr > ) {
nodes[i]->right = nodes[rr - ];
checked.erase(nodes[rr - ]);
} TreeNode *findRoot(TreeNode *node, unordered_map<TreeNode *, TreeNode *> &disjoint_set)
if (node != disjoint_set[node]) {
disjoint_set[node] = findRoot(disjoint_set[node], disjoint_set);
} return disjoint_set[node];
} void tarjanLCA(TreeNode *root, unordered_map<TreeNode *, TreeNode *> &disjoint_set,
unordered_map<TreeNode *, unordered_map<TreeNode *, TreeNode *> > &query,
unordered_set<TreeNode *> &checked)
if (root == nullptr) {
} disjoint_set[root] = root;
if (root->left != nullptr) {
tarjanLCA(root->left, disjoint_set, query, checked);
disjoint_set[root->left] = root;
if (root->right != nullptr) {
tarjanLCA(root->right, disjoint_set, query, checked);
disjoint_set[root->right] = root;
checked.insert(root); if (query.find(root) == query.end()) {
} unordered_map<TreeNode *, TreeNode *>::iterator it;
for (it = query[root].begin(); it != query[root].end(); ++it) {
if (it->second != nullptr) {
// already solved, skip it
if (checked.find(it->first) != checked.end()) {
query[root][it->first] = query[it->first][root] = findRoot(it->first, disjoint_set);
} int main()
int n;
int i;
int val;
vector<TreeNode *> nodes;
TreeNode *root;
unordered_map<TreeNode *, TreeNode *> disjoint_set;
unordered_map<TreeNode *, unordered_map<TreeNode *, TreeNode *> > query;
unordered_map<TreeNode *, unordered_map<TreeNode *, TreeNode *> >::iterator it1;
unordered_set<TreeNode *> checked;
unordered_map<TreeNode *, TreeNode *>::iterator it2;
int idx1, idx2; while (scanf("%d", &n) == && n > ) {
for (i = ; i < n; ++i) {
scanf("%d", &val);
nodes[i] = new TreeNode(val);
constructTree(nodes, checked);
root = *(checked.begin());
checked.clear(); while (scanf("%d%d", &idx1, &idx2) == && (idx1 >= && idx2 >= )) {
if (idx1 > idx2) {
i = idx1;
idx1 = idx2;
idx2 = i;
query[nodes[idx1]][nodes[idx2]] = nullptr;
query[nodes[idx2]][nodes[idx1]] = nullptr;
// Tarjan Offline Algorithm
tarjanLCA(root, disjoint_set, query, checked); // print the results
for (it1 = query.begin(); it1 != query.end(); ++it1) {
for (it2 = (it1->second).begin(); it2 != (it1->second).end(); ++it2) {
if (it1->first->val > it2->first->val) {
printf("The least common ancestor of %d and %d is %d.\n",
it1->first->val, it2->first->val, it2->second->val);
} // clear up
for (it1 = query.begin(); it1 != query.end(); ++it1) {
} return ;

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