






如:2.0X5.0mm槽宽,内角要求最大r0.5mm  那么内角槽宽为(2-0.1)/2 =0.95mm










       #region 方槽  加内角孔
gLayer glayer = g.getFEATURES($"{"drl"}", g.STEP, g.JOB, "mm", true);
foreach (var item in glayer.Llist)
List<gL> glList = calc2.l_InnerLine(item);


/// <summary>
/// 将线段转为内切边的4条线段
/// </summary>
/// <param name="l"></param>
/// <param name="SlotWidth">4个SLOT槽宽 当为0时,自动计算SLOT槽宽</param>
/// <param name="UpVal">单边预大值</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public List<gL> l_InnerLine(gL l, double SlotWidth = , double UpVal = )
List<gL> lineList = new List<gL>();
double width = l.width * 0.001;
if (SlotWidth < 0.001)
SlotWidth = ((width + UpVal * ) - 0.1)*0.5;
SlotWidth = ((int)(Math.Floor((SlotWidth * ) / )) * ) * 0.001; ;
double val = (width - SlotWidth)* 0.5 + UpVal ;
double ang_direction = p_ang(l);
double length = width + UpVal * - SlotWidth;
gL gL1 = p_val_angL(l.pe, val, ang_direction, length);
gL1.width = SlotWidth * ;
gL gL2 = p_val_angL(l.ps, val, p_ang_invert(ang_direction), length);
gL2.width = SlotWidth * ;
lineList.Add(new gL(gL1.ps, gL2.pe, gL1.width));
lineList.Add(new gL(gL1.pe, gL2.ps, gL1.width));
return lineList;
/// <summary>
/// 求方位角
/// </summary>
/// <param name="l"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public double p_ang(gL l)//求方位角
return p_ang(l.ps, l.pe);
/// <summary>
/// //求增量T 线L坐标
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ps"></param>
/// <param name="val"></param>
/// <param name="ang_direction"></param>
/// <param name="length"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public gL p_val_angL(gPoint ps, double val, double ang_direction, double length = )
gPoint pe = p_val_ang(ps, val, ang_direction);
gL tempL;
tempL.ps = p_val_ang(pe, length * 0.5, ang_direction + );
tempL.pe = p_val_ang(pe, length * 0.5, ang_direction - );
tempL.negative = false;
tempL.attribut = "";
tempL.symbols = "";
tempL.width = ;
return tempL;
/// <summary>
/// 求反方位角
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ang_direction"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public double p_ang_invert(double ang_direction)//求反方位角
if (ang_direction >= )
return ang_direction - ;
return ang_direction + ;
/// <summary>
/// 求增量坐标
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ps">起点</param>
/// <param name="val">增量值</param>
/// <param name="ang_direction">角度</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public gPoint p_val_ang(gPoint ps, double val, double ang_direction)
gPoint pe;
pe.x = ps.x + val * Math.Cos(ang_direction * Math.PI / );
pe.y = ps.y + val * Math.Sin(ang_direction * Math.PI / );
return pe;


/// <summary>
/// Line 数据类型
/// </summary>
public struct gL
public gL(double ps_x, double ps_y, double pe_x, double pe_y, double width_)
this.ps = new gPoint(ps_x, ps_y);
this.pe = new gPoint(pe_x, pe_y);
this.negative = false;
this.symbols = "r";
this.attribut = string.Empty;
this.width = width_;
public gL(gPoint ps_, gPoint pe_, double width_)
this.ps = ps_;
this.pe = pe_;
this.negative = false;
this.symbols = "r";
this.attribut = string.Empty;
this.width = width_;
public gL(gPoint ps_, gPoint pe_, string symbols_, double width_)
this.ps = ps_;
this.pe = pe_;
this.negative = false;
this.symbols = symbols_;
this.attribut = string.Empty;
this.width = width_;
public gPoint ps;
public gPoint pe;
public bool negative;//polarity-- positive negative
public string symbols;
public string attribut;
public double width;
public static gL operator +(gL l1, gPoint move_p)
l1.ps += move_p;
l1.pe += move_p;
return l1;
public static gL operator +(gL l1, gP move_p)
l1.ps += move_p.p;
l1.pe += move_p.p;
return l1;
public static gL operator -(gL l1, gPoint move_p)
l1.ps -= move_p;
l1.pe -= move_p;
return l1;
public static gL operator -(gL l1, gP move_p)
l1.ps -= move_p.p;
l1.pe -= move_p.p;
return l1;
/// <summary>
/// PAD 数据类型
/// </summary>
public struct gP
public gP(double x_val, double y_val, double width_)
this.p = new gPoint(x_val, y_val);
this.negative = false;
this.angle = ;
this.mirror = false;
this.symbols = "r";
this.attribut = string.Empty;
this.width = width_;
public gPoint p;
public bool negative;//polarity-- positive negative
public double angle;
public bool mirror;
public string symbols;
public string attribut;
public double width;
public static gP operator +(gP p1, gP p2)
p1.p += p2.p;
return p1;
public static gP operator -(gP p1, gP p2)
p1.p -= p2.p;
return p1;
/// <summary>
/// 点 数据类型 (XY)
/// </summary>
public struct gPoint
public gPoint(gPoint p_)
this.x = p_.x;
this.y = p_.y;
public gPoint(double x_val, double y_val)
this.x = x_val;
this.y = y_val;
public double x;
public double y;
public static gPoint operator +(gPoint p1, gPoint p2)
p1.x += p2.x;
p1.y += p2.y;
return p1;
public static gPoint operator -(gPoint p1, gPoint p2)
p1.x -= p2.x;
p1.y -= p2.y;
return p1;


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