


In the C programming language, as of the C99 standard, restrict is a keyword that can be used in pointer declarations. The restrict keyword is a declaration of intent given by the programmer to the compiler. It says that for the lifetime of the pointer, only it or a value directly derived from it (such as pointer + 1) will be used to access the object to which it points. This limits the effects of pointer aliasing, aiding caching optimizations. If the declaration of intent is not followed and the object is accessed by an independent pointer, this will result in undefined behavior.


If the compiler knows that there is only one pointer to a memory block, it can produce better code. For instance:

void updatePtrs(size_t *ptrA, size_t *ptrB, size_t *val)


*ptrA += *val;

*ptrB += *val;


In the above code, the pointers ptrA, ptrB, and val might refer to the same memory location, so the compiler will generate less optimal code :

load R1 ← *val ; Load the value of val pointer

load R2 ← *ptrA ; Load the value of ptrA pointer

add R2 += R1 ; Perform Addition

set R2 → *ptrA ; Update the value of ptrA pointer

; Similarly for ptrB, note that val is loaded twice,

; because ptrA may be equal to val.

load R1 ← *val

load R2 ← *ptrB

add R2 += R1

set R2 → *ptrB

However if the restrict keyword is used and the above function is declared as :

void updatePtrs(size_t *restrict ptrA, size_t *restrict ptrB, size_t *restrict val);

then the compiler is allowed to assume that ptrA, ptrB, and val point to different locations and updating one pointer will not affect the other pointers. The programmer, not the compiler, is responsible for ensuring that the pointers do not point to identical locations.

Now the compiler can generate better code as follows:

load R1 ← *val

load R2 ← *ptrA

add R2 += R1

set R2 → *ptrA

; Note that val is not reloaded,

; because the compiler knows it is unchanged

load R2 ← *ptrB

add R2 += R1

set R2 → *ptrB

Note that the above assembly code is shorter because val is loaded once.



void * memcpy(void * restrict s1, const void * restrict s2, size_t n);

void * memove(void * s1, const void * s2, size_t n);




int main(void)


int a = 5;

int * restrict ptr = &a;


*ptr += 8;

int *p = &a;


printf("%d\n", a);

return 0;


编译命令  gcc  -std=c99   test.c   // 编译和运行都OK,but never这样干,这就违背了// restrict的用意。它主要用来修饰函数指针参数和由malloc得到的指针。



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