LeetCode 811. Subdomain Visit Count (子域名访问计数)
Java Solution:
Runtime: 7 ms, faster than 99.54%
Memory Usage: 36.4 MB, less than 99.04%
class Solution
public List<String> subdomainVisits(String[] cpdomains)
// saving each domains including subdomain into map with its count
Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
// iterate each domain
for(String str : cpdomains)
int index = str.indexOf(" ");
// get count frist
int count = Integer.parseInt(str.substring(0, index));
// get domain and its subdomains
String domains = str.substring(index + 1); do {
index = domains.indexOf("."); map.put(domains, map.getOrDefault(domains, 0) + count); if(index > 0) // means still having more subdomain
domains = domains.substring(index + 1);
} } while(index > 0); // if index == -1, it means reaching to the end
} for(String str : map.keySet())
result.add(map.get(str) + " " + str);
} return result;
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