B. Linear Algebra Test
time limit per test

3.0 s

memory limit per test

256 MB


standard input


standard output

Dr. Wail is preparing for today's test in linear algebra course. The test's subject is Matrices Multiplication.

Dr. Wail has n matrices, such that the size of the ith matrix
is (ai × bi),
where ai is
the number of rows in the ith matrix,
and bi is
the number of columns in the ith matrix.

Dr. Wail wants to count how many pairs of indices i and j exist,
such that he can multiply the ith matrix
with the jth matrix.

Dr. Wail can multiply the ith matrix
with the jth matrix,
if the number of columns in the ith matrix
is equal to the number of rows in the jthmatrix.


The first line contains an integer T (1 ≤ T ≤ 100),
where T is the number of test cases.

The first line of each test case contains an integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 105),
where n is the number of matrices Dr. Wail has.

Then n lines follow, each line contains two integers ai and bi (1 ≤ ai, bi ≤ 109) (ai ≠ bi),
where ai is
the number of rows in the ith matrix,
and bi is
the number of columns in the ith matrix.


For each test case, print a single line containing how many pairs of indices i and j exist,
such that Dr. Wail can multiply the ith matrix
with the jth matrix.

2 3
2 3
4 2
3 5
9 4

As input/output can reach huge size it is recommended to use fast input/output methods: for example, prefer to use scanf/printfinstead of cin/cout in
C++, prefer to use BufferedReader/PrintWriter instead of Scanner/System.out in

In the first test case, Dr. Wail can multiply the 1st matrix (2 × 3) with
the 4th matrix (3 × 5),
the 2nd matrix (2 × 3) with
the 4th matrix (3 × 5),
the 3rd matrix (4 × 2) with
the 1st and
second matrices (2 × 3), and the 5th matrix (9 × 4) with
the 3rd matrix (4 × 2).
So, the answer is 5.





2 3

3 2

这一类的情况结果是2对,而不是一对;另外由于数据是1e9,所以以后见到1e9都用上long long

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int maxn=1e5+10;
typedef long long ll;
struct node
ll col,row;
int flag;
struct mnode
int flag;
}; int main()
ll t;
map<ll,node> m;
// map<mnode,mnode>mab;
ll n;
ll a,b;
ll ans=0,flag=0;
for(ll i=1;i<=n;i++)
m[b].row+=1; }
map<ll,node>::iterator it;
ans+=it->second.col*it->second.row; }
return 0;

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