


 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
const int MAXN = ;
int t[MAXN], n;
char c[MAXN];
int get_sum(int i, vector<int> & v, char color)
int maxn = , last = v[i];
for (int j = v[i] + ; j <= v[i + ]; j++)
if (c[j] == color || c[j] == 'P')
if (t[j] - t[last] > maxn) maxn = t[j] - t[last];
last = j;
return last == v[i] ? : t[v[i + ]] - t[v[i]] - maxn;
int main()
while (cin >> n)
int p_start = -, p_end = -, r_start = -, r_end = -, b_start = -, b_end = -;
vector<int> v;
for (int i = ; i < n; i++)
cin >> t[i] >> c[i];
if (c[i] == 'P')
p_end = i;
if (p_start == -) p_start = i;
else if (c[i] == 'R')
r_end = i;
if (r_start == -) r_start = i;
b_end = i;
if (b_start == -) b_start = i;
ll ans = ;
if (p_start == -)
if (r_start != -) ans += t[r_end] - t[r_start];
if (b_start != -) ans += t[b_end] - t[b_start];
cout << ans << endl;
if (r_start != -)
if (r_start < p_start) ans += t[p_start] - t[r_start];
if (r_end > p_end) ans += t[r_end] - t[p_end];
if (b_start != -)
if (b_start < p_start) ans += t[p_start] - t[b_start];
if (b_end > p_end) ans += t[b_end] - t[p_end];
for (int i = ; i < v.size() - ; i++)
int tmp_R = get_sum(i, v, 'R'), tmp_B = get_sum(i, v, 'B');
if (!tmp_R && !tmp_B) { ans += t[v[i + ]] - t[v[i]]; continue; }
int minn = * (t[v[i + ]] - t[v[i]]);
int tmp = tmp_R + tmp_B + t[v[i + ]] - t[v[i]];
minn = min(minn, tmp);
ans += minn;
cout << ans << endl;
return ;

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