
ScrollView 不仅可以垂直滚动,还能水平滚动(通过horizontal属性来设置)。



import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { AppRegistry, ScrollView, Image, Text } from 'react-native'; export default class IScrolledDownAndWhatHappenedNextShockedMe extends Component {
render() {
return (
<Text style={{fontSize:96}}>Scroll me plz</Text>
<Image source={{uri: "", width: 64, height: 64}} />
<Image source={{uri: "", width: 64, height: 64}} />
<Image source={{uri: "", width: 64, height: 64}} />
<Image source={{uri: "", width: 64, height: 64}} />
<Image source={{uri: "", width: 64, height: 64}} />
<Text style={{fontSize:96}}>If you like</Text>
<Image source={{uri: "", width: 64, height: 64}} />
<Image source={{uri: "", width: 64, height: 64}} />
<Image source={{uri: "", width: 64, height: 64}} />
<Image source={{uri: "", width: 64, height: 64}} />
<Image source={{uri: "", width: 64, height: 64}} />
<Text style={{fontSize:96}}>Scrolling down</Text>
<Image source={{uri: "", width: 64, height: 64}} />
<Image source={{uri: "", width: 64, height: 64}} />
<Image source={{uri: "", width: 64, height: 64}} />
<Image source={{uri: "", width: 64, height: 64}} />
<Image source={{uri: "", width: 64, height: 64}} />
<Text style={{fontSize:96}}>What's the best</Text>
<Image source={{uri: "", width: 64, height: 64}} />
<Image source={{uri: "", width: 64, height: 64}} />
<Image source={{uri: "", width: 64, height: 64}} />
<Image source={{uri: "", width: 64, height: 64}} />
<Image source={{uri: "", width: 64, height: 64}} />
<Text style={{fontSize:96}}>Framework around?</Text>
<Image source={{uri: "", width: 64, height: 64}} />
<Image source={{uri: "", width: 64, height: 64}} />
<Image source={{uri: "", width: 64, height: 64}} />
<Image source={{uri: "", width: 64, height: 64}} />
<Image source={{uri: "", width: 64, height: 64}} />
<Text style={{fontSize:80}}>React Native</Text>




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