# coding=utf8
# 使用前需安装net-snmp-utils或net-snmp包
from _utils.patrol2 import run_cmd
import sys
import os
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, ProcessPoolExecutor
from zipfile import ZipFile
import stat
import time
import datetime now_time = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S') # def get_host_ip():
# try:
# s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
# s.connect(('', 80))
# ip = s.getsockname()[0]
# finally:
# s.close()
# return ip
# ftp_ips = get_host_ip()
# if ftp_ips in (None,'') or ftp_ips.startswith('127.'):
# print 'ftp_ip:',ftp_ip def get_type(host):
cmd = 'snmpwalk -v {} -c {} {}|head -1'.format(snmp_version, community, host)
# print cmd
code, result = run_cmd(cmd)
if code:
print '查询类型失败'
# print result
if 'H3C' in result:
return 'H3C'
return 'Cisco' def snmp_set(host, oid):
cmd = 'snmpset -r 0 -v {} -c {} {} {}'.format(snmp_version, community, host, oid)
# print cmd
code, result = run_cmd(cmd)
return code, result def snmp_test(pre_oid, host, flag):
cmd = 'snmpwalk -r 0 -v {} -c {} {} {}.{}'.format(snmp_version, community, host, pre_oid, flag)
# print cmd
code, result = run_cmd(cmd)
return code, result def do_snmp(host, filename, ftp_ip):
if connect_type != 'tftp' and (not username or not password):
print '文件服务器的登录用户名或密码缺失,请重新输入后尝试'
sys.exit(1) device_type = get_type(host)
print device_type
if device_type == 'H3C':
pre_oid = ''
elif device_type == 'Cisco':
pre_oid = '.' flag_num = 1
while 1:
code, res = snmp_test(pre_oid, host, flag_num)
if (code and res) or 'No Such Instance currently exists at this OID' in res:
flag_num += 1 if device_type == 'H3C':
action_type = '{} i 3'.format(
flag_num) # 指定配置文件操作类型,3为当前系统运行的配置
filename = '{} s {}'.format(flag_num,
filename) # 指定文件名,目的文件名
ftp_ip = '{} a {}'.format(flag_num, ftp_ip) # 指定服务器地址
if connect_type == 'tftp':
protocol_type = '{} i 2'.format(flag_num) # 2 #使用TFTP协议
elif connect_type == 'ftp': # 1 #使用FTP协议
login_info = '{flag_num} s {username}{flag_num} s {password} '.format(
username=username, password=password, flag_num=flag_num)
ftp_ip = ftp_ip + ' ' + login_info
protocol_type = '{} i 1'.format(flag_num) # 1 #使用FTP协议 save_log = '{} i 4'.format(flag_num)
oid = '{action_type} {protocol_type} {filename} {ftp_ip} {save_log}'.format(
action_type=action_type, filename=filename, protocol_type=protocol_type, ftp_ip=ftp_ip,
elif device_type == 'Cisco':
action_type = '.{} i 4'.format(
flag_num) # 指定配置文件操作类型,3为当前系统运行的配置
filename = '.{} s "{}"'.format(flag_num, filename) # 指定文件名
ftp_ip = '.{} a {}'.format(flag_num, ftp_ip) # 指定服务器地址
if connect_type == 'tftp':
protocol_type = '.{} i 1'.format(flag_num) # 2 #使用TFTP协议
elif connect_type == 'ftp': # 1 #使用FTP协议
protocol_type == ''
save_log = '.{} i 4'.format(flag_num)
oid = '{action_type} {protocol_type} {ftp_ip} {filename} {save_log}'.format(
action_type=action_type, filename=filename, protocol_type=protocol_type, ftp_ip=ftp_ip,
print oid
code, res = snmp_set(host, oid)
if code:
print '{}配置备份失败'.format(host)
print res
return False,filename,ftp_ip
print '{}配置备份成功'.format(host)
# print res
return True,filename,ftp_ip def zip_file(filenames):
has_file = False
dest_path = os.path.join(ftp_directory, '{}.zip'.format(now_time)) for path in filenames:
if not os.path.exists(path):
print '{}文件不存在'.format(path)
filename = path.split(os.sep)[-1]
run_cmd('chmod 777 {}'.format(path))
dest_path = '{}/{}.zip'.format(ftp_directory, now_time)
code, res = run_cmd('tar -rvf {} {}'.format(dest_path, path))
if not code:
has_file = True
print res
# filename = path.split(os.sep)[-1]
# print path, filename
# with ZipFile(dest_path, mode='a') as fp:
# fp.write(path, filename)
if has_file:
return dest_path
return 'no back files' def get_result(status):
status,name,host_member = status.result()
if status:
filenames.append(os.path.join(ftp_directory, name))
failhosts.append(host_member) if __name__ == '__main__':
filenames = []
failhosts = []
if host_file not in ([], [''], '', None):
with open(host_file[0], 'r') as f:
hosts = f.readlines()
hosts = host.split(',') p = ProcessPoolExecutor()
for host_member in hosts:
host_member = host_member.strip()
if filename:
name = '{}_{}_{}'.format(host_member, now_time, filename)
name = '{}_{}.cfg'.format(host_member, now_time) res = p.submit(do_snmp, host_member, name, ftp_ip).add_done_callback(get_result) p.shutdown()
if filenames:
backup_file = zip_file(filenames)
print '备份完成,备份文件路径:', backup_file if not filenames:
backup_file = 'no back files'
print '备份失败'
if failhosts:
print '设备备份失败:', ','.join(failhosts)
failhosts = ','.join(failhosts)
if not failhosts:
except Exception as e:
print '设备备份失败:', e



# coding=utf8
from _utils.patrol2 import run_cmd,data_format,report_format
import sys
import os
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
import time reports=[]
def get_result(status):
global reports
status_res = status.result()
#print status_res
# if status:
# filenames.append(os.path.join(ftp_directory, name))
# else:
# failhosts.append(host_member) def get_status(ip):
print ip
return 11 if __name__ == '__main__':
ip = [str(i) for i in range(0, 60)]
p = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=50)
for ipaddress in ip:
res = p.submit(get_status,ipaddress).add_done_callback(get_result) p.shutdown()
print reports
except Exception as e:
print '设备备份失败:', e



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