Easy come, easy go.


Easy come, easy go, I finally undestand the phrase through somewhat hard way.

Things were going so well for a moment, I was so confident that it would last forever, but it seemed my fate had quite the opposite in mind.

Everything was twisted, I felt hurt, and I have never felt so terrible for so long time, I was lost.

There is no other word that could describe my feeling better than lost.

I felt pain, I felt like I was left to survive by myself, and on top of everything, I felt disgusting in being fooled.

Somehow I was so optimistic and confident that the things I had wouldn't leave me, I thought I was strong enough and powerful enough to tackle with everything happened to me.

But it seems I was wrong, at least I had wasted many golden opportunities due to my weak willpower and poor execution.

So, how to change a little? I really wonder I could get a thorough change in my mind.

Women are the largest untapped reservoir of talent in the world.


From Hillary Clinton.

Every man and woman should be advocating for equal opportunities.

We all have different qualities, all combined men and women, we would have a world of not only equal rights but also equal opportunities.

We would have unlimited resources to find out valuable solutions while creating a better world, also from a humanitarian point of view.

Remember that we are all unique living beings that should have equal opportunities to shine and to make a difference.

For us who already live a privileged life, let us make some action, let's act for life, let's make it happen.

Today I am coding for a simple demo using STM32F4, when compling the program, a linker error arose:

undefined reference to '__errno'

collect2. exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status.

Actually there was no error in the program, the error was resulted from a improper linker-script, I didn't link some libraries in the script.

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