
Delegates, Events, Lambda Expressions



  1. 需要调用的方法的地址
  2. 方法的参数
  3. 方法的返回值



public delegate string MyDelegate(bool a, bool b, bool c);

sealed class MyDelegate : System.MulticastDelegate
public string Invoke(bool a, bool b, bool c);
public IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(bool a, bool b, bool c,AsyncCallback cb, object state);
public string EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result);
} // This is only pseudo-code!
public sealed class DelegateName : System.MulticastDelegate
public delegateReturnValue Invoke(allDelegateInputRefAndOutParams);
public IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(allDelegateInputRefAndOutParams,AsyncCallback cb, object state);
public delegateReturnValue EndInvoke(allDelegateRefAndOutParams,IAsyncResult result);



public abstract class MulticastDelegate : Delegate
// Returns the list of methods "pointed to." public sealed override Delegate[] GetInvocationList();
// Overloaded operators.
public static bool operator ==(MulticastDelegate d1, MulticastDelegate d2);
public static bool operator !=(MulticastDelegate d1, MulticastDelegate d2); // Used internally to manage the list of methods maintained by the delegate.
private IntPtr _invocationCount;
private object _invocationList;
} public abstract class Delegate : ICloneable, ISerializable
// Methods to interact with the list of functions.
public static Delegate Combine(params Delegate[] delegates);
public static Delegate Combine(Delegate a, Delegate b);
public static Delegate Remove(Delegate source, Delegate value);
public static Delegate RemoveAll(Delegate source, Delegate value);
// Overloaded operators.
public static bool operator ==(Delegate d1, Delegate d2);
public static bool operator !=(Delegate d1, Delegate d2); // Properties that expose the delegate target.
public MethodInfo Method { get; }
public object Target { get; }


Member Meaning
Method This property returns a System.Reflection.MethodInfo object that represents details of a static method maintained by the delegate.
Target If the method to be called is defined at the object level (rather than a static method), Target returns an object that represents the method maintained by the delegate. If the value returned from Target equals null, the method to be called is a static member.
Combine() This static method adds a method to the list maintained by the delegate. In C#, you trigger this method using the overloaded += operator as a shorthand notation.
GetInvocationList() This method returns an array of System.Delegate objects, each representing a particular method that may be invoked.
Remove() RemoveAll() These static methods remove a method (or all methods) from the delegate’s invocation list. In C#, the Remove() method can be called indirectly using the overloaded -= operator.




  1. 定义一种新的delegates类型,来支持回调
  2. 在使用delegates的类中定义一个该delegates的成员变量,可以是private也可以是public
  3. 定义一个辅助函数来使得调用者可以方便的调用回调
  4. 实现函数,在其中正确地调用delegates变量






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