var config = {
* Option merge strategies (used in core/util/options)//选项合并策略
optionMergeStrategies: Object.create(null), /**
* Whether to suppress warnings.//是否抑制警告
silent: false, /**
* Show production mode//生产模式 tip message on boot?//提示信息引导
productionTip: "development" !== 'production', /**
* Whether to enable devtools//是否启用开发者工具
devtools: "development" !== 'production', /**
* Whether to record perf//是否记录性能
performance: "development" !== 'production', /**
* Error handler for watcher errors//错误处理观察错误
errorHandler: null, /**
* Ignore certain custom elements//忽略某些自定义元素
ignoredElements: [], /**
* Custom user key aliases for v-on//自定义用户键别名
keyCodes: Object.create(null), /**
* Check if a tag is reserved so that it cannot be registered as a//检查如果一个标签被保留所以它将不会被注册为一个组件
* component. This is platform-dependent and may be overwritten.//这是与平台相关的可能被覆盖
isReservedTag: no, /**
* Check if a tag is an unknown element.检查一个标签是否是未知的元素
* Platform-dependent.//平台相关
isUnknownElement: no, /**
* Get the namespace of an element//得到一个元素的命名空间
getTagNamespace: noop, /**
* Parse the real tag name for the specific platform.//针对特殊的平台解析真正的标签名称
parsePlatformTagName: identity, /**
* Check if an attribute must be bound using property, e.g. value//检查是否一个属性必须被限制用一个属性
* Platform-dependent.
mustUseProp: no, /**
* List of asset types that a component can own.//组件能拥有的资产类型列表
_assetTypes: [
], /**
* List of lifecycle hooks.//钩子的生命周期
_lifecycleHooks: [
], /**
* Max circular updates allowed in a scheduler flush cycle.最大循环更新允许在一个调度冲洗循环
_maxUpdateCount: 100


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