LeetCode OJ--Permutations II
给的一个数列中,可能存在重复的数,比如 1 1 2 ,求其全排列。
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std; class Solution{
vector<vector<int> > permuteUnique(vector<int> &num) {
vector<vector<int> > ans;
return ans; vector<int> _num = num;
sort(_num.begin(),_num.end()); vector<int> _beforeOne = _num;
if(_num != _beforeOne)
_beforeOne = _num;
return ans;
bool nextPermutation(vector<int> &num)
return next_permutation(num.begin(),num.end());
} template<typename BidiIt>
bool next_permutation(BidiIt first,BidiIt last)
const auto rfirst = reverse_iterator<BidiIt>(last);
const auto rlast = reverse_iterator<BidiIt>(first); auto pivot = next(rfirst);
while(pivot != rlast && *pivot >= *prev(pivot))
} //this is the last permute, or the next is the same as the begin one
if(pivot == rlast)
return false;
//find the first num great than pivot
auto change = rfirst;
++change; swap(*change,*pivot);
return true;
}; int main()
vector<int> num;
num.push_back(); Solution myS;
return ;
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