
There is an integer array which has the following features:

  • The numbers in adjacent positions are different.
  • A[0] < A[1] && A[A.length - 2] > A[A.length - 1].

We define a position P is a peek if:

A[P] > A[P-1] && A[P] > A[P+1]

Find a peak element in this array. Return the index of the peak.


Given [1, 2, 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 6]

Return index 1 (which is number 2) or 6 (which is number 7)


class Solution {
* @param A: An integers array.
* @return: return any of peek positions.
int findPeak(vector<int> A) {
if (A.size() < ) {
return -;
} int n = A.size();
int start = ;
int end = n - ;
while (start < end - ) {
int mid = start + (end - start) / ;
if (A[mid] > A[mid - ] && A[mid] > A[mid + ]) {
return mid;
} else if (A[mid] > A[mid-]) {
start = mid;
} else {
end = mid;
} if (A[start] > A[start + ]) {
return start;
} else if (A[end] > A[end - ]) {
return end;
} return -;

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