
Note: 试了好久终于找到了这种设置方法!


class option_context(object):
    >>> with option_context('display.max_rows', 10, 'display.max_columns', 5):


    def __init__(self, *args):
            raise ValueError(
                'Need to invoke as'
                'option_context(pat, val, [(pat, val), ...)).'

        ], ]))

    def __enter__(self):
        undo = []
        for pat, val in self.ops:
            undo.append((pat, _get_option(pat, silent=True)))

        self.undo = undo

        for pat, val in self.ops:
            _set_option(pat, val, silent=True)

    def __exit__(self, *args):
        if self.undo:
            for pat, val in self.undo:
                _set_option(pat, val, silent=True)



with pd.option_context('display.float_format', lambda x: '%.3f' % x)


Series(np.random.randn(3)).apply(lambda x: '%.3f' % x)



List of Options

Option Default Function
display.chop_threshold None If set to a float value, all floatvalues smaller then the giventhreshold will be displayed asexactly 0 by repr and friends.
display.colheader_justify right Controls the justification ofcolumn headers. used by DataFrameFormatter.
display.column_space 12 No description available.
display.date_dayfirst False When True, prints and parses dateswith the day first, eg 20/01/2005
display.date_yearfirst False When True, prints and parses dateswith the year first, eg 2005/01/20
display.encoding UTF-8 Defaults to the detected encodingof the console. Specifies the encodingto be used for strings returned byto_string, these are generally stringsmeant to be displayed on the console.
display.expand_frame_repr True Whether to print out the full DataFramerepr for wide DataFrames acrossmultiple lines,max_columns isstill respected, but the output willwrap-around across multiple “pages”if its width exceedsdisplay.width.
display.float_format None The callable should accept a floatingpoint number and return a string withthe desired format of the number.This is used in some places likeSeriesFormatter.See core.format.EngFormatter for an example.
display.height 60 Deprecated. Use display.max_rows instead.
display.large_repr truncate For DataFrames exceeding max_rows/max_cols,the repr (and HTML repr) can showa truncated table (the default from 0.13),or switch to the view from behaviour in earlier versions of pandas).allowable settings, [‘truncate’, ‘info’]
display.line_width 80 Deprecated. Use display.width instead.
display.max_columns 20 max_rows and max_columns are usedin __repr__() methods to decide ifto_string() or info() is used torender an object to a string. Incase python/IPython is running ina terminal this can be set to 0 andpandas will correctly auto-detectthe width the terminal and swap toa smaller format in case all columnswould not fit vertically. The IPythonnotebook, IPython qtconsole, or IDLEdo not run in a terminal and henceit is not possible to do correctauto-detection. ‘None’ value meansunlimited.
display.max_colwidth 50 The maximum width in characters ofa column in the repr of a pandasdata structure. When the column overflows,a ”...” placeholder is embedded inthe output.
display.max_info_columns 100 max_info_columns is used in DataFrame.infomethod to decide if per column informationwill be printed.
display.max_info_rows 1690785 will usually show null-countsfor each column. For large framesthis can be quite slow. max_info_rowsand max_info_cols limit this nullcheck only to frames with smallerdimensions then specified.
display.max_rows 60 This sets the maximum number of rowspandas should output when printingout various output. For example,this value determines whether therepr() for a dataframe prints outfully or just a summary repr.‘None’ value means unlimited.
display.max_seq_items 100 when pretty-printing a long sequence,no more then max_seq_items willbe printed. If items are omitted,they will be denoted by the additionof ”...” to the resulting string.If set to None, the number of itemsto be printed is unlimited.
display.memory_usage True This specifies if the memory usage ofa DataFrame should be displayed when method is invoked.
display.mpl_style None Setting this to ‘default’ will modifythe rcParams used by matplotlibto give plots a more pleasing visualstyle by default. Setting this toNone/False restores the values totheir initial value.
display.multi_sparse True “Sparsify” MultiIndex display (don’tdisplay repeated elements in outerlevels within groups)
display.notebook_repr_html True When True, IPython notebook willuse html representation forpandas objects (if it is available).
display.pprint_nest_depth 3 Controls the number of nested levelsto process when pretty-printing
display.precision 6 Floating point output precision interms of number of places after thedecimal, for regular formatting as wellas scientific notation. Similar tonumpy’sprecision print option
display.show_dimensions truncate Whether to print out dimensionsat the end of DataFrame repr.If ‘truncate’ is specified, onlyprint out the dimensions if theframe is truncated (e.g. not displayall rows and/or columns)
display.width 80 Width of the display in characters.In case python/IPython is running ina terminal this can be set to Noneand pandas will correctly auto-detectthe width. Note that the IPython notebook,IPython qtconsole, or IDLE do not run in aterminal and hence it is not possibleto correctly detect the width.
io.excel.xls.writer xlwt The default Excel writer engine for‘xls’ files.
io.excel.xlsm.writer openpyxl The default Excel writer engine for‘xlsm’ files. Available options:‘openpyxl’ (the default).
io.excel.xlsx.writer openpyxl The default Excel writer engine for‘xlsx’ files.
io.hdf.default_format None default format writing format, ifNone, then put will default to‘fixed’ and append will default to‘table’
io.hdf.dropna_table True drop ALL nan rows when appendingto a table
mode.chained_assignment warn Raise an exception, warn, or noaction if trying to use chainedassignment, The default is warn
mode.sim_interactive False Whether to simulate interactive modefor purposes of testing
mode.use_inf_as_null False True means treat None, NaN, -INF,INF as null (old way), False meansNone and NaN are null, but INF, -INFare not null (new way).

[Options and Settings]


pandas.set_option(pat,value) = <pandas.core.config.CallableDynamicDoc object at 0xb559f20c>

Sets the value of the specified option.


[Python pandas, widen output display?]


df_data.to_csv(outfile, index=False,
                   header=False, float_format='%11.6f')

[Print different precision by column with pandas.DataFrame.to_csv()]




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