1069 The Black Hole of Numbers (20 分)

For any 4-digit integer except the ones with all the digits being the same, if we sort the digits in non-increasing order first, and then in non-decreasing order, a new number can be obtained by taking the second number from the first one. Repeat in this manner we will soon end up at the number 6174 -- the black hole of 4-digit numbers. This number is named Kaprekar Constant.

For example, start from 6767, we'll get:

7766 - 6677 = 1089
9810 - 0189 = 9621
9621 - 1269 = 8352
8532 - 2358 = 6174
7641 - 1467 = 6174
... ...

Given any 4-digit number, you are supposed to illustrate the way it gets into the black hole.

Input Specification:

Each input file contains one test case which gives a positive integer N in the range (.

Output Specification:

If all the 4 digits of N are the same, print in one line the equation N - N = 0000. Else print each step of calculation in a line until 6174 comes out as the difference. All the numbers must be printed as 4-digit numbers.

Sample Input 1:


Sample Output 1:

7766 - 6677 = 1089
9810 - 0189 = 9621
9621 - 1269 = 8352
8532 - 2358 = 6174

Sample Input 2:


Sample Output 2:

2222 - 2222 = 0000
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll; bool comp(char a,char b){
return a>b;
} int to_int(string s){
int sum = ;
for(int i=;i < s.size();i++){
int num = s[i] - '';
sum = sum* + num;
return sum;
} string minuss(string s1,string s2){
string res;
int a = to_int(s1);
int b = to_int(s2);
int c = a - b;
res = to_string(c);
int len = res.size();
for(int i=;i < (-len);i++){ //加前导0;
res = ""+res;
return res;
} int main(){ string s;cin >> s;
int len = s.size();
for(int i=;i < (-len);i++){ //加前导0;
s = ""+s;
string s1 = s,s2 = s;
string ans = minuss(s1,s2);
// cout << ans;
if(ans == ""){
printf("%s - %s = %s\n",s1.c_str(),s2.c_str(),ans.c_str());
return ;
printf("%s - %s = %s\n",s1.c_str(),s2.c_str(),ans.c_str());
} while(ans!=""){
s1 = ans; s2 = ans;
ans = minuss(s1,s2);
printf("%s - %s = %s\n",s1.c_str(),s2.c_str(),ans.c_str());
} return ;


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