Introduction to validation

Inputs of an application should be validated first. This input can be sent by user or another application. In a web application, validation is usually implemented twice: in client and in the server. Client-side validation is implemented mostly for user experience. It's better to check a form first in the client and show invalid fields to the user. But, server-side validation is more critical and unavoidable.


Server side validation is generally implemented in application services or controllers (in general, all services get data from presentation layer). An application service method should first check (validate) input and then use it. ASP.NET Boilerplate provides a good infrastructure to automatically validate all inputs of an application for;


See Disabling Validation section to disable validation if needed.


Using data annotations(使用数据注释)

ASP.NET Boilerplate supports data annotation attributes. Assume that we're developing a Task application service that is used to create a task and gets an input as shown below:


public class CreateTaskInput
public int? AssignedPersonId { get; set; } [Required]
public string Description { get; set; }

Here, Description property is marked as Required. AssignedPersonId is optional. There are also many attributes (like MaxLength, MinLength, RegularExpression...) in System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotationsnamespace. See Task application service implementation:


public class TaskAppService : ITaskAppService
private readonly ITaskRepository _taskRepository;
private readonly IPersonRepository _personRepository; public TaskAppService(ITaskRepository taskRepository, IPersonRepository personRepository)
_taskRepository = taskRepository;
_personRepository = personRepository;
} public void CreateTask(CreateTaskInput input)
var task = new Task { Description = input.Description }; if (input.AssignedPersonId.HasValue)
task.AssignedPerson = _personRepository.Load(input.AssignedPersonId.Value);
} _taskRepository.Insert(task);

As you see, no validation code is written since ASP.NET Boilerplate does it automatically. ASP.NET Boilerplate also checks if input is null and throws AbpValidationException if so. So, you don't have to write null-check code (guard clause). It also throws AbpValidationException if any of the input properties are invalid.


This machanism is similar to ASP.NET MVC's validation but notice that an application service class is not derived from Controller, it's a plain class and can work even out of a web application.

这种机制是类似ASP.NET MVC的验证而注意到应用服务类不是来自控制器,它是一个普通班,甚至可以从一个Web应用程序的工作

Custom Validation(自定义验证)

If data annotations are not sufficient for your case, you can implement ICustomValidate interface as shown below:

如果数据注释不够满足你的情况,你可以实现icustomvalidate 接口如下图所示:

public class CreateTaskInput : ICustomValidate
public int? AssignedPersonId { get; set; } public bool SendEmailToAssignedPerson { get; set; } [Required]
public string Description { get; set; } public void AddValidationErrors(CustomValidatationContext context)
if (SendEmailToAssignedPerson && (!AssignedPersonId.HasValue || AssignedPersonId.Value <= 0))
context.Results.Add(new ValidationResult("AssignedPersonId must be set if SendEmailToAssignedPerson is true!"));

ICustomValidate interface declares AddValidationErrors method to be implemented. We must add ValidationResult objects to context.Results list if there are validation errors. You can also use context.IocResolver toresolve dependencies if needed in validation progress.

icustomvalidate 接口揭露 addvalidationerrors方法被执行。我们必须在上下文中加上ValidationResult对象。如果验证错误。你也可以使用context.iocresolver 如果在验证中需要。

In addition to ICustomValidate, ABP also supports .NET's standard IValidatableObject interface. You can also implement it to perform additional custom validations. If you implement both interfaces, both of them will be called.


Disabling Validation(禁用验证)

For automatically validated classes (see Introduction section), you can use these attributes to control validation:


  • DisableValidation attribute can be used for classes, methods or properties of DTOs to disable validation.
  • disablevalidation属性可以用于类、方法或属性的DTOS禁用验证。
  • EnableValidation attribute can only be used to enable validation for a method, if it's disabled for the containing class.
  • enablevalidation属性只能用于使一个方法验证,如果该类被禁用。


We may need to perform an extra operation to arrange DTO parameters after validation. ASP.NET Boilerplate defines IShouldNormalize interface that has Normalize method for that. If you implement this interface, Normalize method is called just after validation (and just before method call). Assume that our DTO gets a Sorting direction. If it's not supplied, we want to set a default sorting:


public class GetTasksInput : IShouldNormalize
public string Sorting { get; set; } public void Normalize()
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Sorting))
Sorting = "Name ASC";


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