e620. Activating a Keystroke When Any Component in the Window Has Focus
Normally, a keystroke registered to a component is activated when the component has the focus. This type of activation condition is called WHEN_FOCUSED
. It is possible to specify that a keystroke be activated if any component (including itself) in the window has the focus. This type of keystroke activation condition is called WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW
Keyboard accelerators use this type of keystroke activation condition. For example, in many applications, regardless of which component has the focus, typing F1 in an active window causes a help window to appear.
There are three types of activation conditions available: WHEN_FOCUSED
. When a key is typed, the focused component is checked for a registered keystroke to handle the typed key. If found, the action bound to the keystroke is invoked. If not found, the set of WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT
keystrokes is searched for a handler of the typed key. WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT
is described in e621 Activating a Keystroke When Any Child Component Has Focus. If none are found still, the set of WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW
keystrokes is searched for a handler of the typed key.
activated keystrokes, the source of the resulting action event is the component to which the keystroke is registered, not the focused component.
// To create an action, see e855 创建一个事件 // Register keystroke
KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("F2"), action.getValue(Action.NAME)); // Register action
component.getActionMap().put(action.getValue(Action.NAME), action);
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