
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std; template <class T> T maxn(T x[], int len)
int i;
T store = x[0]; int k = 0;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
if(x[i] > x[k]) k = i;
} store = x[k]; return store;
} class time0
int hh,mm,ss;
time0(int a = 0, int b = 0, int c = 0):hh(a),mm(b),ss(c){};
bool operator > (time0 &t);
void display();
}; void time0::display()
cout << hh << " " << mm << " " << ss << endl;
} bool time0::operator > (time0 &t)
int pre = 0, beh = 0;
pre = hh * 3600 + mm * 60 + ss;
beh = t.hh * 3600 + t.mm * 60 + ss;
if(pre > beh)return true;
else return false;
} class date
int year,mouth,day;
date(int a = 0, int b = 0, int c = 0):year(a),mouth(b),day(c){};
bool operator > (date &d);
void display();
}; void date::display()
cout << year << " " << mouth << " " << day << endl;
} bool date::operator > (date &d)
int pre = 0, beh = 0;
pre = year * 365 + mouth * 30 + day;
beh = d.year * 365 + d.mouth * 30 + day;
if(pre > beh)return true;
else return false;
} int intArray[100]; double douArray[100]; time0 timeArray[100]; date dateArray[100]; int main()
int ope;
int i,j;
while(cin >> ope)
if(ope == -1)break; if(ope == 1)
int tot = 0;
int w;
cin >> w;
if(w == 0)break; intArray[tot++] = w;
} double result = 0;
result = maxn<int> (intArray,tot); cout << result << endl;
else if(ope == 2)
int tot = 0;
double w;
cin >> w;
if(w == 0)break; douArray[tot++] = w;
} double result = 0;
result = maxn<double> (douArray,tot); cout << result << endl;
else if(ope == 3)
int hh1,mm1,ss1;
int tot = 0;
cin >> hh1;
if(hh1 == 0)break; cin >> mm1 >> ss1; time0 t(hh1,mm1,ss1);
timeArray[tot++] = t;
} time0 result;
result = maxn<time0> (timeArray, tot); result.display();
else if(ope == 4)
int hh1,mm1,ss1;
int tot = 0;
cin >> hh1;
if(hh1 == 0)break; cin >> mm1 >> ss1; date t(hh1,mm1,ss1);
dateArray[tot++] = t;
} date result;
result = maxn<date> (dateArray, tot); result.display();
return 0;


#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
using namespace std; template <class T> int addSet(T * myset, T elem,int len)
if(len > 100)
cout << "Full Set." << endl;
return len;
} int i, j;
for(i = 0; i < len; i++)
if(*(myset + i) == elem)
cout << elem << " is already exist!" << endl;
return len;
} *(myset + len) = elem; cout << len-1 << endl; len ++; return len;
} template <class T> int deleSet(T * myset, T elem, int len)
int i, j; bool flag = false;
int beg = 1;
for(i = 0; i < len; i++)
if(*(myset + i) == elem)
flag = true;
beg = i;
} if(!flag)
cout << elem << " is not exist!" << endl;
return len;
} cout << beg-1 << endl; for(i = beg, j = beg + 1; j < len; i++, j++)
*(myset + i) = *(myset + j);
} len --; return len;
} template <class T> int findElem(T * myset, T elem, int len)
int i, j; for(i = 0; i < len; i++)
if(*(myset + i) == elem)
return i;
} return -1;
} int intSet[100]; double douSet[100]; string StrSet[100]; int main()
int intLen = 1, douLen = 1, strLen = 1; int i; int ope; while(cin >> ope)
if(ope == 0)break; if(ope == 1)
int nope, inum;
cin >> nope >> inum; if(nope == 1)
intLen = addSet<int> (intSet, inum, intLen);
else if(nope == 2)
intLen = deleSet<int> (intSet, inum, intLen);
else if(nope == 3)
int judge = findElem<int> (intSet, inum, intLen);
if(judge == -1)
cout << inum << " is not exist!" << endl;
cout << judge-1 << endl;
else if(ope == 2)
int nope;
double inum;
cin >> nope >> inum; if(nope == 1)
douLen = addSet<double> (douSet, inum, douLen);
else if(nope == 2)
douLen = deleSet<double> (douSet, inum, douLen);
else if(nope == 3)
int judge = findElem<double> (douSet, inum, douLen);
if(judge == -1)
cout << inum << " is not exist!" << endl;
cout << judge-1 << endl;
else if(ope == 3)
int nope;
string inum;
cin >> nope >> inum; if(nope == 1)
strLen = addSet<string> (StrSet, inum, strLen);
else if(nope == 2)
strLen = deleSet<string> (StrSet, inum, strLen);
else if(nope == 3)
int judge = findElem<string> (StrSet, inum, strLen);
if(judge == -1)
cout << inum << " is not exist!" << endl;
cout << judge-1 << endl;
return 0;



#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std; template <class T> class MySet
T data[100];
int count; public:
count = 0;
}; int addSet(T elem)
if(count > 100)
cout << "Full Set." << endl;
return count;
} int i, j;
for(i = 0; i < count; i++)
if(data[i] == elem)
cout << elem << " is already exist!" << endl;
return count;
} data[count] = elem; cout << count << endl; count ++; return count;
}; int deleSet(T elem)
int i, j; bool flag = false;
int beg = 1;
for(i = 0; i < count; i++)
if(data[i] == elem)
flag = true;
beg = i;
} if(!flag)
cout << elem << " is not exist!" << endl;
return count;
} cout << beg << endl; for(i = beg, j = beg + 1; j < count; i++, j++)
data[i] = data[j];
} count --; return count;
}; int findElem(T elem)
int i, j; for(i = 0; i < count; i++)
if(data[i] == elem)
return i;
} return -1;
}; }; //int MySet::addSet(T elem) //int MySet::deleSet(T elem) //int MySet::findElem(T elem) int main()
MySet<int> intSet;
MySet<double> douSet;
MySet<string> strSet; int intLen = 1, douLen = 1, strLen = 1; int i; int ope; while(cin >> ope)
if(ope == 0)break; if(ope == 1)
int nope, inum;
cin >> nope >> inum; if(nope == 1)
intLen = intSet.addSet(inum);
else if(nope == 2)
intLen = intSet.deleSet(inum);
else if(nope == 3)
int judge = intSet.findElem(inum);
if(judge == -1)
cout << inum << " is not exist!" << endl;
cout << judge << endl;
else if(ope == 2)
int nope;
double inum;
cin >> nope >> inum; if(nope == 1)
douLen = douSet.addSet(inum);
else if(nope == 2)
douLen = douSet.deleSet(inum);
else if(nope == 3)
int judge = douSet.findElem(inum);
if(judge == -1)
cout << inum << " is not exist!" << endl;
cout << judge << endl;
else if(ope == 3)
int nope;
string inum;
cin >> nope >> inum; if(nope == 1)
strLen = strSet.addSet(inum);
else if(nope == 2)
strLen = strSet.deleSet(inum);
else if(nope == 3)
int judge = strSet.findElem(inum);
if(judge == -1)
cout << inum << " is not exist!" << endl;
cout << judge << endl;
return 0;



#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <sstream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std; int small(int a, int b)
if(a == 0 || b == 0)return 0; int t;
if(a < b)
t = a; a = b; b = t;
int c = a % b;
while(c != 0)
a = b;
b = c;
c = a % b;
} return b;
} class FS
int fz,fm;
FS(int a = 0, int b = 0):fz(a),fm(b){};
FS operator + (const FS &f);
void display();
}; void FS::display()
bool flag = false; if(fz * fm == 0)
cout << "0z1m" << endl;
return ;
} if(fz * fm < 0)
flag = true;
if(fz < 0)fz = -fz;
if(fm < 0)fm = -fm; if(flag)cout << "-"; cout << fz << "z" << fm << "m" << endl;
} FS FS::operator + (const FS &f)
bool flag1 = false, flag2 = false; // false - true + if(fz*fm < 0)flag1 = true;
if(f.fz*f.fm < 0)flag2 = true; int newfz = 0,newfm = 0;
if(!flag1 && !flag2)
int common = 0;
if(fz == 0 || f.fz == 0)
if(fz == 0)
newfz = f.fz;
newfm = f.fm;
else if(f.fz == 0)
newfz = fz;
newfm = fm;
newfz = fz * f.fm + fm * f.fz;
newfm = fm * f.fm;
} if(newfz != 0)
common = small(newfz,newfm);
newfz /= common;
newfm /= common;
else if(!flag1 && flag2)
int common = 0;
if(fz == 0 || f.fz == 0)
if(fz == 0)
newfz = f.fz;
newfm = f.fm;
else if(f.fz == 0)
newfz = fz;
newfm = fm;
newfz = fz * f.fm + fm * f.fz;
newfm = fm * f.fm;
} if(newfz != 0)
common = small(newfz,newfm);
newfz /= common;
newfm /= common;
else if(flag1 && !flag2)
int common = 0;
if(fz == 0 || f.fz == 0)
if(fz == 0)
newfz = f.fz;
newfm = f.fm;
else if(f.fz == 0)
newfz = fz;
newfm = fm;
newfz = fz * f.fm + fm * f.fz;
newfm = fm * f.fm;
} if(newfz != 0)
common = small(newfz,newfm);
newfz /= common;
newfm /= common;
else if(flag1 && flag2)
int common = 0;
newfz = - (fz * f.fm + fm * f.fz);
newfm = fm * f.fm; if(newfz != 0)
common = small(newfz,newfm);
newfz /= common;
newfm /= common;
} newfz = -newfz;
} FS f1(newfz,newfm);
return f1;
} int main()
int n;
int i,j,k;
cin >> n; string s1,s2;
stringstream stream;
int sfz = 0, sfm = 0;
for(k = 1; k <= n; k++)
cin >> s1 >> s2; string s;
for(i = 0; i < s1.length(); i++)
if(s1[i] == 'z')
stream << s;
stream >> sfz;
s = ""; continue;
} if(s1[i] == 'm')
stream << s;
stream >> sfm;
s = ""; break;
} s += s1[i];
} FS c1(sfz,sfm);
s = "";
sfz = 0;
sfm = 0; for(i = 0; i < s2.length(); i++)
if(s2[i] == 'z')
stream << s;
stream >> sfz;
s = ""; continue;
} if(s2[i] == 'm')
stream << s;
stream >> sfm;
s = ""; break;
} s += s2[i];
} FS c2(sfz,sfm);
s = "";
sfz = 0;
sfm = 0; FS c3 = c1 + c2;
} return 0;



#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std; class Complex
int real, imag;
Complex(int a = 0, int b = 0):real(a), imag(b){};
void display();
Complex operator * (Complex &b);
}; void Complex::display()
if(real == 0 && imag == 0)
cout << "0" << endl;
return ;
} else if(real == 0)
if(imag != 1 && imag != -1)
cout << imag << "i" << endl;
else if(imag == 1)
cout << "i" << endl;
cout << "-i" << endl; return ;
} else if(imag == 0)
cout << real << endl;
return ;
} if(imag < 0)
if(imag != -1)
cout << real << imag << "i" << endl;
else cout << real << "-i" << endl;
if(imag != 1)
cout << real << "+" << imag << "i" << endl;
else if(imag == 1)
cout << real << "+i" << endl;
} Complex Complex::operator * (Complex &b)
int creal = 0, cimag = 0;
creal = real * b.real - imag * b.imag;
cimag = real * b.imag + b.real * imag; Complex c(creal, cimag);
return c;
} int main()
string s1, s2;
int i;
while (cin >> s1 >> s2)
string s;
stringstream stream; int areal = 0, aimag = 0;
int breal = 0, bimag = 0;
for (i = 0; i < s1.length(); i++)
if (i == 0 && s1[0] == '-')
s += '-';
} if (s1[i] == '+' || s1[i] == '-')
stream << s;
stream >> areal;
stream.clear(); s = ""; if (s1[i] == '-')
s += '-'; continue;
} if (s1[i] == 'i')
if(s == "-" || s == "")
if(s == "-")aimag = -1;
else aimag = 1; s = ""; break;
} stream << s;
stream >> aimag;
stream.clear(); s = ""; break;
} s += s1[i];
} if (s != "")
stream << s;
stream >> areal;
stream.clear(); s = "";
} s = ""; for (i = 0; i < s2.length(); i++)
if (i == 0 && s2[0] == '-')
s += '-';
} if (s2[i] == '+' || s2[i] == '-')
stream << s;
stream >> breal;
stream.clear(); s = ""; if (s2[i] == '-')
s += '-'; continue;
} if (s2[i] == 'i')
if(s == "-" || s == "")
if(s == "-")bimag = -1;
else bimag = 1; s = ""; break;
} stream << s;
stream >> bimag;
stream.clear(); s = ""; break;
} s += s2[i];
} if (s != "")
stream << s;
stream >> breal;
stream.clear(); s = "";
} Complex A(areal, aimag), B(breal, bimag);
Complex C = A * B;
return 0;
} //i -i


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