I have said that i dislike jQuery UI’s unified API, so i want to

  get the instance of the component after invoke like this:

  $(function() {

  var tabs = $("div.tabs").tabs();

  // Note: Now tabs is the instance of the component

  window.setTimeout(function() {


  }, 2000);


  To achieve this, i modified the plugin code:

  (function($) {

  function Tabs(tabs, panes) {

  var that = this;

  this.tabs = tabs;

  this.panes = panes;

  this.current = 0;


  this.tabs.click(function() {




  Tabs.prototype = {

  clickTab: function(index) {

  this.current = index;





  $.fn.tabs = function() {

  var tabs = this.children("ul").find("li > a");

  var panes = this.children("div");

  return new Tabs(tabs, panes);



  Note that Tabs is defined in the self-execution function, so it will be hidden

  from the outside world.

  And we public the clickTab metod in the prototype. I works well.

  This article is over, below is some advance topics.


  How to extend Tabs class?

  It maybe a little difficult because it’s a private function.

  Never mind, just change the prototype of $.fn.tabs:

  (function($) {

  function Tabs(tabs, panes) {

  // ...


  Tabs.prototype = {

  // ...


  $.fn.tabs = function() {

  // ...


  $.fn.tabs.prototype = Tabs.prototype;


  We can extend the Tabs class like this:

  $.fn.tabs.prototype.getLength = function() {

  return this.tabs.length;


  $(function() {

  var tabs = $("div.tabs").tabs();



  Or we can use the method introduced in jQuery core, which is described in

  my last post.

  (function($) {

  $.fn.tabs = function() {

  var tabs = this.children("ul").find("li > a");

  var panes = this.children("div");

  return new $.fn.tabs.prototype.init(tabs, panes);


  $.fn.tabs.prototype = {

  init: function(tabs, panes) {

  var that = this;

  this.tabs = tabs;

  this.panes = panes;

  this.current = 0;


  this.tabs.click(function() {




  clickTab: function(index) {

  this.current = index;





  $.fn.tabs.prototype.init.prototype = $.fn.tabs.prototype;



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