
remote: GitLab: You are not allowed to access master!
remote: error: hook declined to update refs/heads/master
To sa_gitlab@192.168.xxx:xxx/xxx.git
! [remote rejected] master -> master (hook declined)


但是问题的根源不在这,在新建工程的hooks里面的这两个文件只是ln -s 出来的软链接,关键问题是,这两个软链接链错了位置。

查看 gitlab-shell/lib/gitlab_project.rb这个创建新工程的文件,里面有

def add_project
FileUtils.mkdir_p(full_path, mode: 0770)
#cmd = "cd #{full_path} && git init --bare && #{create_hooks_cmd}"
cmd = "cd #{full_path} && git init --bare"
def create_hooks_cmd
pr_hook_path = File.join(ROOT_PATH, 'hooks', 'post-receive')
up_hook_path = File.join(ROOT_PATH, 'hooks', 'update')
#2013年11月5日 <feixiang> path alway add /home/repositories/ ,but what we want is a absolute path , comment it
"ln -s #{pr_hook_path} #{full_path}/hooks/post-receive && ln -s #{up_hook_path} #{full_path}/hooks/update"


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