
[Forces and torques measured by a force sensor]


[Force sensor object (green) measuring the force and torque exerted by a beam (blue) anchored in a wall (red)]



  力传感器能刚性地连接两个物体,但在仿真过程中当其受到的力/力矩超过阈值或某些用户定义的条件发生时,这种刚性连接可以失效。Initially, a force sensor acts as a rigid link. During simulation, a force sensor can however be broken when a specified force/torque threshold is overshot or when some other user-defined conditions are met.

  下面看看力传感器的属性对话框,Filter栏用于滤波减少数据抖动,Breaking settings栏用于设定力传感器失效的阈值,Visual properties设置其外观与尺寸:

  • Filter: when force or torque data is acquired by the force sensor, then it is accumulated and can be filtered in order to obtain less jittery values.
  • Sample size: the number of values that should be used for the filter. 1 will not filter values (raw output).
  • Average value: if selected, then the force sensor will deliver average values (average of sample size values).
  • Median value: if selected, then the force sensor will deliver median values (median of sample size values).
  • Breaking settings: this section allows to set-up some automatic breaking conditions and behavior for a force sensor.
  • Force threshold: the amplitude of the force vector that triggers a threshold violation.
  • Torque threshold: the amplitude of the torque vector that triggers a threshold violation
  • Consecutive threshold violations for breaking: the number of consecutive times the sensor is allowed to violate a threshold before breaking.

  根据上面选项的描述,我们将力矩阈值设为1N*m(默认为10N*m),然后再进行仿真,一段时间(时间长短由Consecutive threshold violations for breaking控制:10*50ms=0.5s)后蓝色的杆会从墙上掉下来。从曲线图中也可以看出,超出一定时间后力传感器的力矩读数变为0:

   VREP中力传感器的一大用处就是用来测量机器人与外界环境交互时的接触力,比如检测机械手爪的夹持力或是机器人脚底的压力分布等信息。通常需要将力传感器添加在末端(手指或脚底板上)然后再连接一个接触体。(Attach a force sensor at the tip of robot leg, then attach a contact shape to the force sensor (i.e. Tip --> forceSensor --> contactShape). Then you can read the force/torque in the force/torque sensor)




  The two objects collide with each other slightly (it is a border condition and only some of the engines will register that collision). The solution: simply adjust the local respondable masks of your two bodies, so that they won't react to collision anymore. Then the sensor reading will be much better.




  因为物体间的质量相差太大,进行动态仿真时要避免物体的质量或惯性矩过小。但奇葩的是即使质量很小,切换到Vortex或Newton引擎时结果也很稳定... Bullet和ODE主要用于游戏中,而Vortex专注于科学物理仿真,计算准确度以及稳定性肯定会比游戏物理引擎要好。所以VREP提供了4个物理引擎还是有道理的,要根据它们的长处来选择合适的引擎进行仿真,不能总是用默认的Bullet。

Design consideration 7:

Keep masses similar and not too light. When linking two shapes with a dynamically enabled joint or a dynamically enabled force sensor, make sure the two shape's masses are not too different (m1<10*m2 and m2<10*m1), otherwise the joint or force sensor might be very soft and wobbly and present large positional/orientational errors (this effect can however also be used as a natural damping sometimes). Additionally, very low mass shapes should be avoided since they won't be able to exert very large forces onto other shapes (even if propelled by high force actuators!).




if (sim_call_type==sim_childscriptcall_initialization) then
objectName=simGetObjectName(gripperHandle) motorHandle=simGetObjectHandle('BaxterGripper_closeJoint')
-- the 'BaxterGripper_centerJoint' is handled by a joint callback script (i.e. custom position controller)
end if (sim_call_type==sim_childscriptcall_cleanup) then end if (sim_call_type==sim_childscriptcall_actuation) then
close=simGetIntegerSignal(objectName..'_close') if (close==) then


    -- simSetIntegerSignal(gripperName..'_close',1) -- close
-- simSetIntegerSignal(gripperName..'_close',0) -- open

  Signals can be seen as global variables. Three types of signals are currently supported: integer-type signals, floating-type signals and string-type signals. Signals can be defined, redefined, read and cleared. At simulation end, all signals created by the main script or any child script will be cleared.

  设置整型信号的函数原型为:number result = simSetIntegerSignal(string signalName,  number signalValue)


  获取信号值的函数为:number signalValue=simGetIntegerSignal(string signalName)  


How to get stable measurements when using force sensor?



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