delphi Firemonkey ListBoxItem自绘


procedure TForm1.ListBoxItem1Paint(Sender: TObject; Canvas: TCanvas; const ARect: TRectF);
if (Sender as TListBoxItem).IsSelected then
Canvas.Fill.Kind := TBrushKind.Solid;
Canvas.Fill.Color := TAlphaColorRec.Blue;
Canvas.FillRect(ARect, , , [], ); Canvas.Fill.Kind := TBrushKind.Solid;
Canvas.Fill.Color := TAlphaColorRec.White;
Canvas.FillText(ARect, (Sender as TListBoxItem).Text, False, , [], TTextAlign.Leading, TTextAlign.Center);
Canvas.Fill.Kind := TBrushKind.Solid;
Canvas.Fill.Color := TAlphaColorRec.White;
Canvas.FillRect(ARect, , , [], ); Canvas.Fill.Color := TAlphaColorRec.Black;
Canvas.Fill.Kind := TBrushKind.Solid;
Canvas.FillText(ARect, (Sender as TListBoxItem).Text, False, , [], TTextAlign.Leading, TTextAlign.Center);

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