在R中运行Shell命令脚本(Call shell commands from R)
Args <- commandArgs()
shell_cmd<-paste0("grep -n CHR ",Args[6])
grep_out<-system(shell_cmd, intern = TRUE)
how to run:
/myPathToRscript/Rscript aaa.R bbb.vcf
invokes the OS command specified by command
system(command, intern = FALSE,
ignore.stdout = FALSE, ignore.stderr = FALSE,
wait = TRUE, input = NULL, show.output.on.console = TRUE,
minimized = FALSE, invisible = TRUE)
command |
the system command to be invoked, as a character string. |
intern |
a logical (not |
ignore.stdout, ignore.stderr |
a logical (not |
wait |
a logical (not |
input |
if a character vector is supplied, this is copied one string per line to a temporary file, and the standard input of |
show.output.on.console, minimized, invisible |
arguments that are accepted on Windows but ignored on this platform, with a warning. |
Invoke a System Command, using a Shell
runs the command specified by cmd
, usually under a shell.
shell(cmd, shell, flag="/c", intern=FALSE, wait=TRUE,
translate=FALSE, mustWork=FALSE, ...)
cmd |
the system command to be invoked, as a string. |
shell |
a string giving the name of the shell to be used, or NULL (no shell). If missing, a suitable shell is chosen: see ‘Details’. |
flag |
the switch to run a command under the shell. If the shell is bash or tcsh the default is changed to "-c" . |
intern |
a logical, indicates whether to make the output of the command an R object. |
wait |
should the R interpreter wait for the command to finish? The default is to wait, and the interpreter will always wait if intern = TRUE . |
translate |
If TRUE , "/" in cmd is translated to "\" . |
mustWork |
a logical; if TRUE failure to run the command will give an R error. |
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