1. A + B Problem【easy】
Write a function that add two numbers A and B. You should not use +
or any arithmetic operators.
There is no need to read data from standard input stream. Both parameters are given in function aplusb
, you job is to calculate the sum and return it.
Are a and b both 32-bit
- Yes.
Can I use bit operation?
- Sure you can.
Given a=1
and b=2
return 3
Of course you can just return a + b to get accepted. But Can you challenge not do it like that?
class Solution {
* @param a: The first integer
* @param b: The second integer
* @return: The sum of a and b
int aplusb(int a, int b) {
while (b != ) {
int aa = a ^ b;
int bb = (a & b) << ;
a = aa;
b = bb;
} return a;
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