Write a function that add two numbers A and B. You should not use + or any arithmetic operators.


There is no need to read data from standard input stream. Both parameters are given in function aplusb, you job is to calculate the sum and return it.


Are a and b both 32-bit integers?

  • Yes.

Can I use bit operation?

  • Sure you can.

Given a=1 and b=2 return 3


Of course you can just return a + b to get accepted. But Can you challenge not do it like that?


 class Solution {
* @param a: The first integer
* @param b: The second integer
* @return: The sum of a and b
int aplusb(int a, int b) {
while (b != ) {
int aa = a ^ b;
int bb = (a & b) << ;
a = aa;
b = bb;
} return a;


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