highcharts自定义导出文件格式(csv) highcharts的一些使用心得
之前也有一篇借用浏览器的ActiveX插件来实现导出excel文件的文章:http://www.stepday.com/topic/?544 今天我们就来扩展一下highcharts如何直接导出csv格式的文件。
根据highcharts官方的扩展组件来看,我们需要下载导出csv的核心js文件:https://rawgithub.com/highslide-software/export-csv/master/export-csv.js 可以点击下载至本地也可以直接在自己的页面内引入,形如:
/** * A Highcharts plugin for exporting data from a rendered chart as CSV, XLS or HTML table * * Author: Torstein Honsi * Licence: MIT * Version: 1.4.2 */ /*global Highcharts, window, document, Blob */ (function (factory) { if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) { module.exports = factory; } else { factory(Highcharts); } })(function (Highcharts) { 'use strict'; var each = Highcharts.each, pick = Highcharts.pick, seriesTypes = Highcharts.seriesTypes, downloadAttrSupported = document.createElement('a').download !== undefined; Highcharts.setOptions({ lang: { downloadCSV: 'Download CSV', downloadXLS: 'Download XLS', viewData: 'View data table' } }); /** * Get the data rows as a two dimensional array */ Highcharts.Chart.prototype.getDataRows = function () { var options = (this.options.exporting || {}).csv || {}, xAxis = this.xAxis[0], rows = {}, rowArr = [], dataRows, names = [], i, x, xTitle = xAxis.options.title && xAxis.options.title.text, // Options dateFormat = options.dateFormat || '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', columnHeaderFormatter = options.columnHeaderFormatter || function (series, key, keyLength) { return series.name + (keyLength > 1 ? ' ('+ key + ')' : ''); }; // Loop the series and index values i = 0; each(this.series, function (series) { var keys = series.options.keys, pointArrayMap = keys || series.pointArrayMap || ['y'], valueCount = pointArrayMap.length, requireSorting = series.requireSorting, categoryMap = {}, j; // Map the categories for value axes each(pointArrayMap, function (prop) { categoryMap[prop] = (series[prop + 'Axis'] && series[prop + 'Axis'].categories) || []; }); if (series.options.includeInCSVExport !== false && series.visible !== false) { // #55 j = 0; while (j < valueCount) { names.push(columnHeaderFormatter(series, pointArrayMap[j], pointArrayMap.length)); j = j + 1; } each(series.points, function (point, pIdx) { var key = requireSorting ? point.x : pIdx, prop, val; j = 0; if (!rows[key]) { rows[key] = []; } rows[key].x = point.x; // Pies, funnels, geo maps etc. use point name in X row if (!series.xAxis || series.exportKey === 'name') { rows[key].name = point.name; } while (j < valueCount) { prop = pointArrayMap[j]; // y, z etc val = point[prop]; rows[key][i + j] = pick(categoryMap[prop][val], val); // Pick a Y axis category if present j = j + 1; } }); i = i + j; } }); // Make a sortable array for (x in rows) { if (rows.hasOwnProperty(x)) { rowArr.push(rows[x]); } } // Sort it by X values rowArr.sort(function (a, b) { return a.x - b.x; }); // Add header row if (!xTitle) { xTitle = xAxis.isDatetimeAxis ? 'DateTime' : 'Category'; } dataRows = [[xTitle].concat(names)]; // Add the category column each(rowArr, function (row) { var category = row.name; if (!category) { if (xAxis.isDatetimeAxis) { if (row.x instanceof Date) { row.x = row.x.getTime(); } category = Highcharts.dateFormat(dateFormat, row.x); } else if (xAxis.categories) { category = pick(xAxis.names[row.x], xAxis.categories[row.x], row.x) } else { category = row.x; } } // Add the X/date/category row.unshift(category); dataRows.push(row); }); return dataRows; }; /** * Get a CSV string */ Highcharts.Chart.prototype.getCSV = function (useLocalDecimalPoint) { var csv = '', rows = this.getDataRows(), options = (this.options.exporting || {}).csv || {}, itemDelimiter = options.itemDelimiter || ',', // use ';' for direct import to Excel lineDelimiter = options.lineDelimiter || '\n'; // '\n' isn't working with the js csv data extraction // Transform the rows to CSV each(rows, function (row, i) { var val = '', j = row.length, n = useLocalDecimalPoint ? (1.1).toLocaleString()[1] : '.'; while (j--) { val = row[j]; if (typeof val === "string") { val = '"' + val + '"'; } if (typeof val === 'number') { if (n === ',') { val = val.toString().replace(".", ","); } } row[j] = val; } // Add the values csv += row.join(itemDelimiter); // Add the line delimiter if (i < rows.length - 1) { csv += lineDelimiter; } }); return csv; }; /** * Build a HTML table with the data */ Highcharts.Chart.prototype.getTable = function (useLocalDecimalPoint) { var html = '<table>', rows = this.getDataRows(); // Transform the rows to HTML each(rows, function (row, i) { var tag = i ? 'td' : 'th', val, j, n = useLocalDecimalPoint ? (1.1).toLocaleString()[1] : '.'; html += '<tr>'; for (j = 0; j < row.length; j = j + 1) { val = row[j]; // Add the cell if (typeof val === 'number') { val = val.toString(); if (n === ',') { val = val.replace('.', n); } html += '<' + tag + ' class="number">' + val + '</' + tag + '>'; } else { html += '<' + tag + '>' + (val === undefined ? '' : val) + '</' + tag + '>'; } } html += '</tr>'; }); html += '</table>'; return html; }; function getContent(chart, href, extension, content, MIME) { var a, blobObject, name, options = (chart.options.exporting || {}).csv || {}, url = options.url || 'http://www.highcharts.com/studies/csv-export/download.php'; if (chart.options.exporting.filename) { name = chart.options.exporting.filename; } else if (chart.title) { name = chart.title.textStr.replace(/ /g, '-').toLowerCase(); } else { name = 'chart'; } // MS specific. Check this first because of bug with Edge (#76) if (window.Blob && window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) { // Falls to msSaveOrOpenBlob if download attribute is not supported blobObject = new Blob([content]); window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(blobObject, name + '.' + extension); // Download attribute supported } else if (downloadAttrSupported) { a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = href; a.target = '_blank'; a.download = name + '.' + extension; document.body.appendChild(a); a.click(); a.remove(); } else { // Fall back to server side handling Highcharts.post(url, { data: content, type: MIME, extension: extension }); } } /** * Call this on click of 'Download CSV' button */ Highcharts.Chart.prototype.downloadCSV = function () { var csv = this.getCSV(true); getContent( this, 'data:text/csv,\uFEFF' + csv.replace(/\n/g, '%0A'), 'csv', csv, 'text/csv' ); }; /** * Call this on click of 'Download XLS' button */ Highcharts.Chart.prototype.downloadXLS = function () { var uri = 'data:application/vnd.ms-excel;base64,', template = '<html xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40">' + '<head><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml><x:ExcelWorkbook><x:ExcelWorksheets><x:ExcelWorksheet>' + '<x:Name>Ark1</x:Name>' + '<x:WorksheetOptions><x:DisplayGridlines/></x:WorksheetOptions></x:ExcelWorksheet></x:ExcelWorksheets></x:ExcelWorkbook></xml><![endif]-->' + '<style>td{border:none;font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;} .number{mso-number-format:"0.00";}</style>' + '<meta name=ProgId content=Excel.Sheet>' + '<meta charset=UTF-8>' + '</head><body>' + this.getTable(true) + '</body></html>', base64 = function (s) { return window.btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(s))); // #50 }; getContent( this, uri + base64(template), 'xls', template, 'application/vnd.ms-excel' ); }; /** * View the data in a table below the chart */ Highcharts.Chart.prototype.viewData = function () { if (!this.insertedTable) { var div = document.createElement('div'); div.className = 'highcharts-data-table'; // Insert after the chart container this.renderTo.parentNode.insertBefore(div, this.renderTo.nextSibling); div.innerHTML = this.getTable(); this.insertedTable = true; } }; // Add "Download CSV" to the exporting menu. Use download attribute if supported, else // run a simple PHP script that returns a file. The source code for the PHP script can be viewed at // https://raw.github.com/highslide-software/highcharts.com/master/studies/csv-export/csv.php if (Highcharts.getOptions().exporting) { Highcharts.getOptions().exporting.buttons.contextButton.menuItems.push({ textKey: 'downloadCSV', onclick: function () { this.downloadCSV(); } }, { textKey: 'downloadXLS', onclick: function () { this.downloadXLS(); } }, { textKey: 'viewData', onclick: function () { this.viewData(); } }); } // Series specific if (seriesTypes.map) { seriesTypes.map.prototype.exportKey = 'name'; } if (seriesTypes.mapbubble) { seriesTypes.mapbubble.prototype.exportKey = 'name'; } });
lang: {
printChart: "打印图表",
downloadJPEG: "下载JPEG 图片",
downloadPDF: "下载PDF文档",
downloadPNG: "下载PNG 图片",
downloadSVG: "下载SVG 矢量图",
exportButtonTitle: "导出图片",
这个Viewdata table很蛋疼,点击了显示没办法隐藏了。所以这里我们把它去掉,上面export_csv.js去掉红色关于viewdata的部分就行了,注释掉即可。
// 下载图表
$('.pr_li_1').click(function() {
if (index == 0) {
g_chart = $('#chart_C').highcharts(); //得到上面图表的对象
}else if (index == 1) {
g2_chart = $('#LTV_chart').highcharts(); //得到上面图表的对象
有的人想要表格重新刷新或者重新绘制一下那种效果,可以用在table切换后,或者隐藏显示,刷新数据以后。这个很简单,调用一下就行了:chart1 = new Highcharts.Chart(chart);
chart = {
credits: {
text: null,
chart: {
// type: 'column',
renderTo: 'chart_C',
zoomType: 'xy',
// inverted: false
exporting: {
enabled: false
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