1. log.info "starting"
  3. // we use class to create objects of a class
  4. Planet p1 = new Planet()
  5. Planet p2 = new Planet()
  7. //Planet.name = "Pluto" illegal
  8. Planet.shape = "Circle" // static variable
  9. Planet.log = log
  11. p1.name = "earth" // non static variable
  12. p2.name = "jupiter"
  14. p1.printName() // non static has to be called with reference
  15. Planet.revolve() // static can be called with class
  17. class Planet{
  18. // variables and functions
  19. def name // non static variable
  20. def static shape // static variable
  21. def static log
  23. public void printName(){ // non static function
  24. log.info ("Name of planet is $name. Shape is $shape")
  25. xyz() // non static can access static
  26. }
  28. public static void revolve(){ // static function
  29. //log.info (name) // error, static cannot access non static
  30. xyz() // call one function from another function
  31. log.info ("Planet revolving. Shape is $shape")
  32. }
  34. public static void xyz(){
  35. log.info "inside xyz"
  36. }
  37. }

Test Result:

  1. Tue Oct 06 18:30:29 CST 2015:INFO:starting
  2. Tue Oct 06 18:30:29 CST 2015:INFO:Name of planet is earth. Shape is Circle
  3. Tue Oct 06 18:30:29 CST 2015:INFO:inside xyz
  4. Tue Oct 06 18:30:29 CST 2015:INFO:inside xyz
  5. Tue Oct 06 18:30:29 CST 2015:INFO:Planet revolving. Shape is Circle

 Note :

Static cannot access non static

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