- // Include ezSQL core
- include_once "shared/ez_sql_core.php";
- // Include ezSQL database specific component
- include_once "mysql/ez_sql_mysql.php";
- // Initialise database object and establish a connection
- // at the same time - db_user / db_password / db_name / db_host
- include_once ("Pagination.php");
- $db = new ezSQL_mysql('root', 'abcdef', 'test_t', 'localhost');
- $var = $db->get_var("SELECT count(*) FROM users");
- $user = $db->get_row("SELECT name,email FROM users WHERE id = 2");

- $users = $db->get_results("SELECT name, email FROM users");
- foreach ( $users as $user )
- {
- // 使用对象语法
- echo $user->name;
- echo $user->email;
- }

- // Extract results into the array $dogs (and evaluate if there are any results at the same time)..
- if ( $dogs = $db->get_results(“SELECT breed, owner, name FROM dogs”, ARRAY_A) )
- {
- // Loop through the resulting array on the index $dogs[n]
- foreach ( $dogs as $dog_detail )
- {
- // Loop through the resulting array
- foreach ( $dogs_detail as $key => $val )
- {
- // Access and format data using $key and $val pairs..
- echo “<b>” . ucfirst($key) . “</b>: $val<br>”;
- }
- // Do a P between dogs..
- echo “<p>”;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // If no users were found then if evaluates to false..
- echo “No dogs found.”;
- }

Breed: Boxer
Owner: Amy
Name: Tyson
Breed: Labrador
Owner: Lee
Name: Henry
Breed: Dachshund
Owner: Mary
Name: Jasmine
$db->query("INSERT INTO users (id, name, email) VALUES (NULL,'justin','')");
// Display last query and all associated results
bool | $db->query(query) |
var | $db->get_var(query) |
mixed | $db->get_row(query) |
mixed | $db->get_results(query) |
ezSQL functions
$db->get_results -- get multiple row result set from the database (or previously cached results)
$db->get_row -- get one row from the database (or previously cached results)
$db->get_col -- get one column from query (or previously cached results) based on column offset
$db->get_var -- get one variable, from one row, from the database (or previously cached results)
$db->query -- send a query to the database (and if any results, cache them)
$db->debug -- print last sql query and returned results (if any)
$db->vardump -- print the contents and structure of any variable
$db->select -- select a new database to work with
$db->get_col_info -- get information about one or all columns such as column name or type
$db->hide_errors -- turn ezSQL error output to browser off
$db->show_errors -- turn ezSQL error output to browser on
$db->escape -- Format a string correctly to stop accidental mal formed queries under all PHP conditions
$db = new db -- Initiate new db object.
ezSQL variables
$db->num_rows – Number of rows that were returned (by the database) for the last query (if any)
$db->insert_id -- ID generated from the AUTO_INCRIMENT of the previous INSERT operation (if any)
$db->rows_affected -- Number of rows affected (in the database) by the last INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE (if any)
$db->num_queries -- Keeps track of exactly how many 'real' (not cached) queries were executed during the lifetime of the current script
$db->debug_all – If set to true (i.e. $db->debug_all = true;) Then it will print out ALL queries and ALL results of your script.
$db->cache_dir – Path to mySQL caching dir.
$db->cache_queries – Boolean flag (see mysql/disk_cache_example.php)
$db->cache_inserts – Boolean flag (see mysql/disk_cache_example.php)
$db->use_disk_cache – Boolean flag (see mysql/disk_cache_example.php)
$db->cache_timeout – Number in hours (see mysql/disk_cache_example.php)
编辑 ez_sql_mysql.php 文件,在96行添加一段代码
- if(is_resource($this->dbh) && get_resource_type($this->dbh) == 'mysql link') {
- @mysql_query('set names utf8',$this->dbh);
- }
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