mysql练习----More JOIN operations
This tutorial introduces the notion of a join. The database consists of three tables movie
, actor
and casting
movie |
actor | casting |
id | id | movieid |
title | name | actorid |
yr | ord | |
director | ||
budget | ||
gross | ||
Field name | Type | Notes |
id | INTEGER | An arbitrary unique identifier |
title | CHAR(70) | The name of the film - usually in the language of the first release. |
yr | DECIMAL(4) | Year of first release. |
director | INT | A reference to the actor table. |
budget | INTEGER | How much the movie cost to make (in a variety of currencies unfortunately). |
gross | INTEGER | How much the movie made at the box office. |
id | title | yr | director | budget | gross |
10003 | "Crocodile" Dundee II | 1988 | 38 | 15800000 | 239606210 |
10004 | 'Til There Was You | 1997 | 49 | 10000000 |
Field name | Type | Notes |
id | INTEGER | An arbitrary unique identifier |
name | CHAR(36) | The name of the actor (the term actor is used to refer to both male and female thesps.) |
id | name |
20 | Paul Hogan |
50 | Jeanne Tripplehorn |
Field name | Type | Notes |
movieid | INTEGER | A reference to the movie table. |
actorid | INTEGER | A reference to the actor table. |
ord | INTEGER | The ordinal position of the actor in the cast list. The
star of the movie will have ord value 1 the co-star will have value 2, ... |
movieid | actorid | ord |
10003 | 20 | 4 |
10004 | 50 | 1 |
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