


要想离线使用LaTeX,首先需要一个编辑器,也就是敲LaTeX的软件,这里强烈推荐 TextStudio这个软件是开源免费的,而且界面是我找过的软件中还过得去的。。因为感觉其他的也都不怎么好看。

但是光有编辑器还不行啊,你还得有编译器,这里推荐使用 MiKTeX怎么理解这个软件的作用呢,就好像你要运行python代码,你得安装官网提供的Python3.6或者Anaconda之后才能编译python代码啊,之前没搞懂这个关系,一直以为跟markdown一样,结果并不是。




  • temp.tex: 保存LaTeX的文件
  • temp.bib: 保存参考文献的文件,其实也可以将参考文献写在*.tex中,但是我个人更喜欢把他们分开,因为这样逻辑更清晰。
  • ieeeconf.cls: IEEE样式模板。




1. temp.tex

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The review of Automated Machine learning
} \author{He Xin$^{1}$ and Wang Zhichun$^{2}$
} \begin{document} \maketitle
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\begin{abstract} Test test testTest test testTest test testTest test test Test test testTest test testTest test testTest test test \end{abstract} \section{INTRODUCTION} As we all know(\cite{xie_genetic_2017}), deep learning, which has been used in a lot of research fields including image classification, image recognition, machine translation, has achieved remarkable achievements in those tasks. Take the image classification as an example, AlexNet () outperformed traditional computer vision methods on ImageNet (Russakovsky et al., 2015), which was in turn outperformed by VGG nets (Simonyan \& Zisserman, 2015), then ResNets (He et al., 2016) etc. \section{METHODS} As we all know(\cite{xie_genetic_2017}), deep learning, which has been used in a lot of research fields including image classification, image recognition, machine translation, has achieved remarkable achievements in those tasks. Take the image classification as an example, AlexNet () outperformed traditional computer vision methods on ImageNet (Russakovsky et al., 2015), which was in turn outperformed by VGG nets (Simonyan \& Zisserman, 2015), then ResNets (He et al., 2016) etc. \subsection{Bayesian Optimization} Test test testTest test testTest test testTest test test
As we all know(\cite{xie_genetic_2017}), deep learning, which has been used in a lot of research fields including image classification, image recognition, machine translation, has achieved remarkable achievements in those tasks. Take the image classification as an example, AlexNet () outperformed traditional computer vision methods on ImageNet (Russakovsky et al., 2015), which was in turn outperformed by VGG nets (Simonyan \& Zisserman, 2015), then ResNets (He et al., 2016) etc. \subsection{Gradient-based} Test test testTest test testTest test testTest test test
As we all know(\cite{xie_genetic_2017}), deep learning, which has been used in a lot of research fields including image classification, image recognition, machine translation, has achieved remarkable achievements in those tasks. Take the image classification as an example, AlexNet () outperformed traditional computer vision methods on ImageNet (Russakovsky et al., 2015), which was in turn outperformed by VGG nets (Simonyan \& Zisserman, 2015), then ResNets (He et al., 2016) etc. \subsection{Meta Learning} Test test testTest test testTest test testTest test test As we all know(\cite{xie_genetic_2017}), deep learning, which has been used in a lot of research fields including image classification, image recognition, machine translation, has achieved remarkable achievements in those tasks. Take the image classification as an example, AlexNet () outperformed traditional computer vision methods on ImageNet (Russakovsky et al., 2015), which was in turn outperformed by VGG nets (Simonyan \& Zisserman, 2015), then ResNets (He et al., 2016) etc. \subsection{Evolutionary Algorithm}
Test test testTest test testTest test testTest test test As we all know(\cite{xie_genetic_2017}), deep learning, which has been used in a lot of research fields including image classification, image recognition, machine translation, has achieved remarkable achievements in those tasks. Take the image classification as an example, AlexNet () outperformed traditional computer vision methods on ImageNet (Russakovsky et al., 2015), which was in turn outperformed by VGG nets (Simonyan \& Zisserman, 2015), then ResNets (He et al., 2016) etc. \subsection{Reinforcement Learning} Test test testTest test testTest test testTest test test Test test testTest test testTest test testTest test test Test test testTest test testTest test testTest test test \section{Comparison and Analysis} Test test testTest test testTest test testTest test test
Test test testTest test testTest test testTest test test Test test testTest test testTest test testTest test test \subsection{Units} Test test testTest test testTest test testTest test test
Test test testTest test testTest test testTest test test Test test testTest test testTest test testTest test test \begin{itemize} \item Test test test
\item Test test test \end{itemize} \section{CONCLUSIONS} Test test testTest test testTest test testTest test test Test test testTest test testTest test testTest test test Test test testTest test testTest test testTest test test \addtolength{\textheight}{-12cm} % This command serves to balance the column lengths
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\section*{APPENDIX} Test test
Test test testTest test testTest test testTest test test Test test testTest test testTest test testTest test test \section*{ACKNOWLEDGMENT} Test test testTest test testTest test testTest test test Test test testTest test testTest test testTest test test
Test test %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \nocite{*}
\bibliography{temp} \end{document}

2. temp.bib

title = {Genetic {CNN}},
url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1703.01513},
abstract = {The deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is the state-of-the-art solution for large-scale visual recognition. Following basic principles such as increasing the depth and constructing highway connections, researchers have manually designed a lot of fixed network structures and verified their effectiveness.},
language = {en},
urldate = {2018-10-22},
journal = {arXiv:1703.01513 [cs]},
author = {Xie, Lingxi and Yuille, Alan},
month = mar,
year = {2017},
note = {arXiv: 1703.01513},
keywords = {Computer Science - Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
file = {Xie 和 Yuille - 2017 - Genetic CNN.pdf:E\:\\Zotero_storage\\storage\\A73TXSBC\\Xie 和 Yuille - 2017 - Genetic CNN.pdf:application/pdf}

3. ieeeconf.cls




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