
# Settings file in YAML
# Settings can be specified either in hierarchical form, e.g.:
# pipeline:
# batch:
# size: 125
# delay: 5
# Or as flat keys:
# pipeline.batch.size: 125
# pipeline.batch.delay: 5
# ------------ Node identity ------------
# Use a descriptive name for the node:
# node.name: test
# If omitted the node name will default to the machine's host name
# ------------ Data path ------------------
# Which directory should be used by logstash and its plugins
# for any persistent needs. Defaults to LOGSTASH_HOME/data
path.data: /var/lib/logstash
# ------------ Pipeline Settings --------------
# The ID of the pipeline.
# pipeline.id: main
# Set the number of workers that will, in parallel, execute the filters+outputs
# stage of the pipeline.
# This defaults to the number of the host's CPU cores.
# pipeline.workers: 2
# How many events to retrieve from inputs before sending to filters+workers
# pipeline.batch.size: 125
# How long to wait in milliseconds while polling for the next event
# before dispatching an undersized batch to filters+outputs
# pipeline.batch.delay: 50
# Force Logstash to exit during shutdown even if there are still inflight
# events in memory. By default, logstash will refuse to quit until all
# received events have been pushed to the outputs.
# WARNING: enabling this can lead to data loss during shutdown
# pipeline.unsafe_shutdown: false
# ------------ Pipeline Configuration Settings --------------
# Where to fetch the pipeline configuration for the main pipeline
# path.config:
# Pipeline configuration string for the main pipeline
# config.string:
# At startup, test if the configuration is valid and exit (dry run)
# config.test_and_exit: false
# Periodically check if the configuration has changed and reload the pipeline
# This can also be triggered manually through the SIGHUP signal
#config.reload.automatic: true
# How often to check if the pipeline configuration has changed (in seconds)
# config.reload.interval: 3s
# Show fully compiled configuration as debug log message
# NOTE: --log.level must be 'debug'
# config.debug: false
# When enabled, process escaped characters such as \n and \" in strings in the
# pipeline configuration files.
# config.support_escapes: false
# ------------ Module Settings ---------------
# Define modules here. Modules definitions must be defined as an array.
# The simple way to see this is to prepend each `name` with a `-`, and keep
# all associated variables under the `name` they are associated with, and
# above the next, like this:
# modules:
# - name: MODULE_NAME
# Module variable names must be in the format of
# ------------ Cloud Settings ---------------
# Define Elastic Cloud settings here.
# Format of cloud.id is a base64 value e.g. dXMtZWFzdC0xLmF3cy5mb3VuZC5pbyRub3RhcmVhbCRpZGVudGlmaWVy
# and it may have an label prefix e.g. staging:dXMtZ...
# This will overwrite 'var.elasticsearch.hosts' and 'var.kibana.host'
# cloud.id: <identifier>
# Format of cloud.auth is: <user>:<pass>
# This is optional
# If supplied this will overwrite 'var.elasticsearch.username' and 'var.elasticsearch.password'
# If supplied this will overwrite 'var.kibana.username' and 'var.kibana.password'
# cloud.auth: elastic:<password>
# ------------ Queuing Settings --------------
# Internal queuing model, "memory" for legacy in-memory based queuing and
# "persisted" for disk-based acked queueing. Defaults is memory
# queue.type: memory
# If using queue.type: persisted, the directory path where the data files will be stored.
# Default is path.data/queue
# path.queue:
# If using queue.type: persisted, the page data files size. The queue data consists of
# append-only data files separated into pages. Default is 64mb
# queue.page_capacity: 64mb
# If using queue.type: persisted, the maximum number of unread events in the queue.
# Default is 0 (unlimited)
# queue.max_events: 0
# If using queue.type: persisted, the total capacity of the queue in number of bytes.
# If you would like more unacked events to be buffered in Logstash, you can increase the
# capacity using this setting. Please make sure your disk drive has capacity greater than
# the size specified here. If both max_bytes and max_events are specified, Logstash will pick
# whichever criteria is reached first
# Default is 1024mb or 1gb
# queue.max_bytes: 1024mb
# If using queue.type: persisted, the maximum number of acked events before forcing a checkpoint
# Default is 1024, 0 for unlimited
# queue.checkpoint.acks: 1024
# If using queue.type: persisted, the maximum number of written events before forcing a checkpoint
# Default is 1024, 0 for unlimited
# queue.checkpoint.writes: 1024
# If using queue.type: persisted, the interval in milliseconds when a checkpoint is forced on the head page
# Default is 1000, 0 for no periodic checkpoint.
# queue.checkpoint.interval: 1000
# ------------ Dead-Letter Queue Settings --------------
# Flag to turn on dead-letter queue.
# dead_letter_queue.enable: false

# If using dead_letter_queue.enable: true, the maximum size of each dead letter queue. Entries
# will be dropped if they would increase the size of the dead letter queue beyond this setting.
# Default is 1024mb
# dead_letter_queue.max_bytes: 1024mb

# If using dead_letter_queue.enable: true, the directory path where the data files will be stored.
# Default is path.data/dead_letter_queue
# path.dead_letter_queue:
# ------------ Metrics Settings --------------
# Bind address for the metrics REST endpoint
# http.host: ""
# Bind port for the metrics REST endpoint, this option also accept a range
# (9600-9700) and logstash will pick up the first available ports.
# http.port: 9600-9700
# ------------ Debugging Settings --------------
# Options for log.level:
# * fatal
# * error
# * warn
# * info (default)
# * debug
# * trace
# log.level: info
path.logs: /var/log/logstash
# ------------ Other Settings --------------
# Where to find custom plugins
# path.plugins: []
#xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.username: logstash_system
#xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.password: changeme


## JVM configuration

# Xms represents the initial size of total heap space
# Xmx represents the maximum size of total heap space


## Expert settings
## All settings below this section are considered
## expert settings. Don't tamper with them unless
## you understand what you are doing

## GC configuration

## optimizations

# disable calls to System#gc

## locale
# Set the locale language

# Set the locale country

# Set the locale variant, if any

## basic

# set the I/O temp directory

# set to headless, just in case

# ensure UTF-8 encoding by default (e.g. filenames)

# use our provided JNA always versus the system one

## heap dumps

# generate a heap dump when an allocation from the Java heap fails
# heap dumps are created in the working directory of the JVM

# specify an alternative path for heap dumps
# ensure the directory exists and has sufficient space

## GC logging

# log GC status to a file with time stamps
# ensure the directory exists


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