Racket Cheat Sheet
Racket Cheat Sheet
来源 http://docs.racket-lang.org/racket-cheat/index.html?q=Racket%20Cheat%20Sheet
Sites | main download docs git |
Community | packages users@ dev@ irc slack twitter |
Running | Put #lang racket "Hello, world!" in hello.rkt and run racket hello.rkt |
Literals | integer 1 rational 1/2 complex 1+2ifloating 3.14 double 6.02e+23 hex #x29 octal #o32 binary #b010101 |
Arithmetic | + - * / quotient remaindermodulo add1 sub1 max min roundfloor ceiling sqrt expt exp logsin ... atan |
Compare | = < <= > >= |
Bitwise | bitwise-ior bitwise-andbitwise-xor bitwise-notarithmetic-shift integer-length |
Format | number->string string->numberreal->decimal-string |
Test | number? complex? ... exact-nonnegative-integer? ... zero?positive? negative? even? odd?exact? inexact? |
Misc | random |
Match Pattern | (? number? n) 42 |
Literals | "Racket" quoting "a \" approaches!"unicode "λx:(μα.α→α).xx" |
Create | make-string string string-appendbuild-string string-join |
Observe | string-length string-refsubstring string-split in-string |
Modify | string-downcase string-upcasestring-trim |
Test | string? string=? string<=?string-ci<=? |
Regexp | #rx"a|b" #rx"^c(a|d)+r$" regexp-quote regexp-match regexp-splitregexp-replace regexp-replace* |
Match Pattern | (? string? s) "Banana?" |
Literals | #"rawbytes\0" |
Create | make-bytes bytes |
Numbers | integer->integer-bytes real->floating-point-bytes |
Observe | bytes-length bytes-refsubbytes in-bytes |
Modify | bytes-set! bytes-copy! bytes-fill! |
Conversion | bytes->string/utf-8 string->bytes/utf-8 |
Test | bytes? bytes=? |
Match Pattern | (? bytes? b) #"0xDEADBEEF" |
Booleans | #t #f not equal? |
Characters | #\a #\tab #\λ char? char->integer integer->char char<=?... char-alphabetic? ... |
Symbols | 'Racket symbol? eq? string->symbol gensym |
Boxes | box? box unbox set-box! box-cas! |
Procedures | procedure? apply composecompose1 keyword-applyprocedure-rename procedure-arity curry arity-includes? |
Void | void? void |
Undefined | undefined |
Create | empty list list* build-listfor/list |
Observe | empty? list? pair? length list-ref member count argmin argmax |
Use | append reverse map andmap ormapfoldr in-list |
Modify | filter remove ... sort take dropsplit-at partition remove-duplicates shuffle |
Match Pattern | (list a b c) (list* a b more)(list top more ...) |
Immutable Hash
Create | hash hasheq |
Observe | hash? hash-ref hash-has-key?hash-count in-hash in-hash-keysin-hash-values |
Modify | hash-set hash-update hash-remove |
Create | build-vector vector make-vectorlist->vector |
Observe | vector? vector-length vector-refin-vector |
Modify | vector-set! vector-fill! vector-copy! vector-map! |
Match Pattern | (vector x y z) (vector x ycalabi–yau ...) |
Create | stream stream* empty-stream |
Observe | stream-empty? stream-firststream-rest in-stream |
Mutable Hash
Create | make-hash make-hasheq |
Observe | hash? hash-ref hash-has-key?hash-count in-hash in-hash-keysin-hash-values |
Modify | hash-set! hash-ref! hash-update!hash-remove! |
Formatting | ~a ~v ~s ~e ~r pretty-format |
Input | read read-bytes peek-byte |
Output | write write-bytes displaydisplayln pretty-print |
Ports and Files | with-input-from-file with-output-to-file flush-outputfile-position make-pipe with-output-to-string with-input-from-string port->bytes port->lines ... |
Time | current-seconds current-inexact-milliseconds date->string date-display-format |
Command-Line Parsing | command-line |
FFI | ffi-lib _uint32 ... _fun mallocfree |
Custodians | make-custodian custodian-shutdown-all current-custodian |
Sandboxes | make-evaluator make-module-evaluator |
Threads | thread kill-thread thread-waitmake-thread-group |
Events | sync choice-evt wrap-evthandle-evt alarm-evt ... |
Channels | make-channel channel-getchannel-put |
Semaphores | make-semaphore semaphore-postsemaphore-wait |
Async Channels | make-async-channel async-channel-get async-channel-put |
Futures | future touch processor-countmake-fsemaphore ... |
Places | dynamic-place place place-waitplace-wait place-channel ... |
Processes | subprocess system* |
Syntax (Beginner)
Modules | (module+ main body ...) (module+ test body ...) (require mod-path) (provideid) |
S-expressions | quote '(a b c) quasiquoteunquote `(1 2 ,(+ 1 2)) |
Procedure Applications | (fn arg1 arg2) keyword args (fn arg1 #:keyarg2) (apply fn arg1 (list arg2)) |
Procedures | (lambda (x) x) (λ (x) x) (λ (x [opt 1]) (+ x opt)) (λ (x #:req key) (+ x key)) (λ (x #:opt [key 1]) (+ xkey)) |
Binding | (let ([x 1] [y 2]) (+ x y)) (let* ([x 1] [x (+ x 1)]) x) |
Conditionals | (if (zero? x) 0 (/ 1 x)) (cond [(even? x) 0] [(odd? x)1] [else "impossible!"]) and or |
Definitions | (define x 1) (define (f y) (+ x y)) |
Iteration | for for/list for* |
Blocks | begin when unless |
Require Sub-forms | prefix-in only-in except-inrename-in for-syntax for-label ... |
Provide Sub-forms | all-defined-out all-from-outrename-out ... contract-out |
Definition | (struct dillo (weight color)) |
Create | (define danny (dillo 17.5'purple)) |
Observe | (dillo? danny) (dillo-weightdanny) (dillo-color danny) |
Modify | (struct-copy dillo danny([weight 18.0])) |
Match Pattern | (dillo w c) |
Pattern Matching
Basics | (match value [pat body] ...) |
Definitions | (match-define pat value) |
Patterns | (quote datum) (list lvp ...)(list-no-order pat ...) (vectorlvp ...) (struct-id pat ...)(regexp rx-expr pat) (or pat...) (and pat ...) (? expr pat...) |
Mutation | set! |
Exceptions | error with-handlers raiseexit |
Promises | promise? delay force |
Continuations | let/cc let/ec dynamic-windcall-with-continuation-prompt abort-current-continuation call-with-composable-continuation |
Parameters | make-parameter parameterize |
External Files Needed at Runtime | define-runtime-path |
Continuation Marks | continuation-marks with-continuation-markcontinuation-mark-set->list |
Multiple Values | values let-values define-values call-with-values |
Basics | any/c or/c and/c false/cinteger-in vector/c listoflist/c ... |
Functions | -> ->* ->i |
Application | contract-out recontract-outwith-contract define/contract |
Sequences | in-range in-naturals in-listin-vector in-port in-lines in-hash in-hash-keys in-hash-values in-directory in-cyclestop-before stop-after in-stream |
Generators | generator yield in-generator |
Sub-structures | (struct 2d (x y)) (struct 3d2d (z)) (2d-x (3d 1 2 3)) |
Mutation | (struct monster (type [hp#:mutable])) (define healie(monster 'slime 10)) (set-monster-hp! healie 0) |
Transparency | (struct cash ($ ¢)#:transparent) (struct->vector (cash 5 95)) |
Printing | (struct nickname [n v]#:methods gen:custom-write[(define (write-proc nn pmode) (fprintf p (nickname-nnn)))]) (displayln (nickname"evens" (in-range 0 100 2))) |
Serialization | (struct txn (who what where)#:prefab) (write (txn"Mustard" "Spatula""Observatory")) |
Definition | define-generics |
Instantiation | (struct even-set () #:methodsgen:set [(define (set-member?st i) (even? i))]) |
Definition | interface class* |
Instantiation | make-object new instantiate |
Methods | send send/apply send/keyword-apply send* send+ |
Fields | get-field set-field! |
Mixins | mixin |
Traits | trait trait-sum trait-excludetrait-rename ... |
Contracts | class/c instanceof/c is-a?/cimplementation?/c subclass?/c |
Definition | define-syntax define-simple-macro begin-for-syntax for-syntax |
Templates | syntax syntax/loc with-syntax |
Parsing ()-Syntax | syntax-parse define-syntax-class pattern |
Syntax Objects | syntax-source syntax-line ...syntax->datum datum->syntaxgenerate-temporaries format-id |
Transformers | make-set!-transformer make-rename-transformer local-expand syntax-local-valuesyntax-local-name syntax-local-lift-expression ... |
Syntax Parameters | define-syntax-parametersyntax-parameterize syntax-parameter-value |
Parsing Raw Syntax | lexer parser cfg-parser |
Inspection | raco pkg show |
Finding | pkgs.racket-lang.org |
Installing | raco pkg install |
Updating | raco pkg update |
Removing | raco pkg remove |
Compiling | raco make program.rkt |
Testing | raco test program.rkt a-directory |
Building Executables | raco exe program.rkt |
Extending DrRacket | drracket:language:simple-module-based-language->module-based-language-mixin |
Slides | slide standard-fish code |
================= End
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