Python strip lstrip rstrip使用方法(字符串处理空格)

lstrip, trim掉左边的空格
rstrip, trim掉右边的空格
strip ( s [ , chars ] )

Return a copy of the string with leading and trailing characters removed. If chars is omitted or None , whitespace characters are removed. If given and not None chars must be a string; the characters in the string will be stripped from the both ends of the string this method is called on.

strip lstrip rstrip使用方法

Python中的strip用于去除字符串的首位字符,同理,lstrip用于去除左边 的字符,rstrip用于去除右边的字符。这三个函数都可传入一个参数,指定要去除的首尾字符。注意的是,传入的是一个字符数组,编译器去除两端所有相应 的字符,直到没有匹配的字符,比如:

theString = 'saaaay yes no yaaaass' 
print theString.strip('say') 
yes no 

theString = 'saaaay yes no yaaaass' 
print theString.strip('say') 
print theString.strip('say ') #say后面有空格 
print theString.lstrip('say') 
print theString.rstrip('say') 
yes no 
es no 
yes no yaaaass 
saaaay yes no

  1. x = '    hello python   '
  2. print  '|' , x.lstrip( ), '|' , x.rstrip( ), '|' , x.strip( ), '|'

| hello python    |     hello python | hello python |

   >>> x_list = x.split(' ')
   >>> y = ''.join(x_list)
   >>> print '|' ,y,'|'
    | hellopython |

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