平时在做spring mvc web新项目时,都需要自己去搭建spring mvc的项目框架,包括基本pom 依赖引入,基本配置文件(web.xml,spring-mvc.xml,数据库配置文件等等),基础工具类引入。实际上对于所有spring mvc web项目,这些基础的配置和基础类都是通用的,都是可以复用,真正需要改变的无非是我们具体的业务逻辑。所以我们可以把这些通用的东西都做成基础模板,通过指定项目的groupId、artifactId、version就可以通过代码自动生成spring mvc 的项目框架,这个项目框架可以直接运行,我们要做的就是直接往项目框架里面添加具体的业务逻辑,在做新项目时可以大大的提高项目的开发效率。

  以下是代码实现,主要就是通过代码读取已经写好的模板文件,根据指定的groupId、artifactId去替换模板文件中的${groupId}、${artifactId}占位符,将替换后的文件写入生成的目录路径下(spring mvc java web项目目录路径都是固定的),并生成spring mvc项目框架,模板文件将项目分为多个模块,web、service、rpc(远程调用模块)、dao(数据库调用模块)、common(基础工具类模块)、cache(缓存模块)、domain(model对象模块):

package com.project.maven.generator;

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; /**
* 多模块maven项目自动生成
* @author liujinfeng
public class MavenProjectGenerate { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(MavenProjectGenerate.class); /**使用的模板文件夹名称*/
private static final String sourceTemplate = "sourceTemplate"; private static final String groupId = "com.zhaogang.mpay"; private static final String artifactId = "mpay"; /**在创建hessian调用客户端应用的时候才会使用*/
// private static final String serverGroupId = "com.zhaogang.pricesoa";
// private static final String serverArtifactId = "price-soa"; /**电脑盘符,文件路径*/
private static final String disk = "E"; /**源模板文件基础路径*/
private static final String sourceBasePath = disk + ":\\generateProject\\" + sourceTemplate; private static final String sourceBasePath1 = disk + ":\\\\generateProject\\\\" + sourceTemplate;
private static final String targetBasePath = disk + ":\\generateProject\\targetProject" + "\\" + artifactId; public static void main(String[] args) {
MavenProjectGenerate mpg = new MavenProjectGenerate();
} /**
* 根据模板创建maven工程
public void createProject(){
} /**
* 递归方式根据源目录和文件创建目标目录和文件
* @param path
private void makeDirectoryAndFileByRecursion (String path){
File[] fileAndDirs = getFileAndDirListFromSourceDir(path);
if (null == fileAndDirs) {
for(File file : fileAndDirs){
if (file.isDirectory()) {
String sourceAbsolutePath = file.getAbsolutePath();
String sourceFileName = null;
String sourceDirPath = getReplacedSourceDirPath(sourceAbsolutePath, false, sourceFileName);
String targetDirPath = getReplacedTargetDirPath(sourceAbsolutePath, sourceDirPath, sourceFileName, false);
}else if(file.isFile()){
String sourceAbsolutePath = file.getAbsolutePath();
String sourceFileName = file.getName();
String sourceDirPath = getReplacedSourceDirPath(sourceAbsolutePath, true, sourceFileName);
String targetDirPath = getReplacedTargetDirPath(sourceAbsolutePath, sourceDirPath, sourceFileName, true);
String targetFileName = sourceFileName;
makeDirectoryAndFile(sourceDirPath, sourceFileName, targetDirPath, targetFileName);
} /**
* 获取目标目录路径
* @param sourceAbsolutePath
* @param sourceDirPath
* @param sourceFileName
* @param isFile
* @return
private String getReplacedTargetDirPath(String sourceAbsolutePath, String sourceDirPath, String sourceFileName, boolean isFile){
String targetDriPath = null;
if (isFile) {
if (isJavaFileDir(sourceDirPath)) {
targetDriPath = replacedSourceDirPath(sourceDirPath) + "\\" + getPackageDir(sourceDirPath, sourceFileName); }else{/**如果是非java文件,则直接根据源路径进行替换后得到目标路径*/
targetDriPath = replacedSourceDirPath(sourceDirPath);
targetDriPath = replacedSourceDirPath(sourceDirPath);
return targetDriPath;
} /**
* 判断此目录路径是否是java文件目录路径
* 引用注意:在正则表达式中的“\\”表示和后面紧跟着的那个字符构成一个转义字符(姑且先这样命名),代表着特殊的意义;所以如果你要在正则表达式中表示一个反斜杠\,应当写成“\\\\”
* @param sourceDirPath
* @return
private boolean isJavaFileDir(String sourceDirPath){
String regex = sourceBasePath1 + "\\\\(web|service|dao|rpc|domain|common|client|cache)\\\\src\\\\main\\\\java";
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regex);
Matcher m = p.matcher(sourceDirPath);
if (m.find()) {
return true;
return false;
} private String replacedSourceDirPath(String sourceDirPath){
String result = sourceDirPath
.replace(sourceBasePath + "\\web", targetBasePath + "\\" + artifactId + "-web")
.replace(sourceBasePath + "\\service", targetBasePath + "\\" + artifactId + "-service")
.replace(sourceBasePath + "\\dao", targetBasePath + "\\" + artifactId + "-dao")
.replace(sourceBasePath + "\\rpc", targetBasePath + "\\" + artifactId + "-rpc")
.replace(sourceBasePath + "\\domain", targetBasePath + "\\" + artifactId + "-domain")
.replace(sourceBasePath + "\\common", targetBasePath + "\\" + artifactId + "-common")
.replace(sourceBasePath + "\\client", targetBasePath + "\\" + artifactId + "-client")
.replace(sourceBasePath + "\\cache", targetBasePath + "\\" + artifactId + "-cache")
.replace(sourceBasePath, targetBasePath);
return result;
} /**
* 获取源目录路径
* @param sourceAbsolutePath
* @param isFile
* @param sourceFileName
* @return
private String getReplacedSourceDirPath(String sourceAbsolutePath, boolean isFile, String sourceFileName){
String sourceDirPath = null;
if (isFile) {
sourceDirPath = sourceAbsolutePath.replace("\\" + sourceFileName, "");
sourceDirPath = sourceAbsolutePath;
return sourceDirPath;
} /**
* 创建目录及文件
* @param sourceDirPath
* @param sourceFileName
* @param targetDirPath
* @param targetFileName
private void makeDirectoryAndFile(String sourceDirPath, String sourceFileName, String targetDirPath, String targetFileName){
String sourceContent = readContentFromSourceFile(sourceDirPath, sourceFileName);
String newContent = getReplacedContent(sourceContent);
if ("pom.xml".equals(sourceFileName)) {
newContent = getReplacedJarVersion(newContent);
if (makeTargetDirectory(targetDirPath)) {
if (makeTargetFile(targetDirPath, targetFileName)) {
writeNewContentToTargetFile(targetDirPath, targetFileName, newContent);
} /**
* 根据java文件的第一行获取包路径
* @param sourceDirPath
* @param sourceFileName
* @return
private String getPackageDir(String sourceDirPath, String sourceFileName){
String packageDir = null;
File file = new File(sourceDirPath + "\\" + sourceFileName);
BufferedReader br = null;
try {
br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
String firstLine = br.readLine();
packageDir = getReplacedContent(firstLine).replace(".", "\\").replace("package ", "").replace(";", "");
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
return packageDir;
} /**
* 获取文件和目录列表
* @param sourceDirPath
* @return
private File[] getFileAndDirListFromSourceDir(String sourceDirPath){
File file = new File(sourceDirPath);
File[] fileList = file.listFiles();
return fileList;
} /**
* 创建目录
* @param dirPath
private boolean makeTargetDirectory(String dirPath){
try {
File file =new File(dirPath);
if (!file .exists() && !file.isDirectory()){
file .mkdirs();
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("dirPath:" + dirPath, e);
return false;
return true;
} /**
* 创建文件
* @param dirPath
* @param fileName
private boolean makeTargetFile(String targetDirPath, String targetFileName){
try {
File file = new File(targetDirPath + "\\" + targetFileName);
if (!file.exists()) {
} catch (IOException e) {
log.error("targetDirPath:" + targetDirPath + ", targetFileName:" + targetFileName, e);
return false;
return true;
} private void writeNewContentToTargetFile(String targetDirPath, String targetFileName, String newContent){
FileWriter fw = null;
try {
fw = new FileWriter(targetDirPath + "\\" + targetFileName);
System.out.println(targetDirPath + "\\" + targetFileName);
} catch (IOException e) {
} finally{
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
} /**
* 将文件中的占位符替换为需要的格式
* @param sourceContent
* @return
private String getReplacedContent(String sourceContent){
String result = sourceContent.replace("${groupId}", groupId).replace("${artifactId}", artifactId);
// if ("sourceTemplate-client".equals(sourceTemplate)) {
// result = result.replace("${server-groupId}", serverGroupId).replace("${server-artifactId}", serverArtifactId);
// }
return result;
} /**
* 如果是pom.xml文件的话就需要替换里面的jar版本号
* @param sourceContent
* @return
private String getReplacedJarVersion(String sourceContent){
String result = sourceContent;
Set<Entry<String, String>> set = JarDependencyVersion.jarVersionMap.entrySet();
for(Entry<String, String> entry : set){
result = result.replace(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
return result;
} /**
* 一次性读出文件中所有内容
* @param sourceDirPath
* @param sourceFileName
* @return
private String readContentFromSourceFile(String sourceDirPath, String sourceFileName){
String encoding = "utf-8";
File file = new File(sourceDirPath + "\\" + sourceFileName);
Long filelength = file.length();
byte[] filecontent = new byte[filelength.intValue()];
try {
FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(file);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
try {
return new String(filecontent, encoding);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
System.err.println("The OS does not support " + encoding);
return null;
} }
package com.project.maven.generator;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map; /**
* 依赖jar包版本号管理类
* @author liujinfeng
public class JarDependencyVersion {
public static Map<String, String> jarVersionMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
jarVersionMap.put("${spring-webmvc}", "4.0.4.RELEASE");
jarVersionMap.put("${spring-jdbc}", "4.0.4.RELEASE");
jarVersionMap.put("${spring-context-support}", "4.0.4.RELEASE");
jarVersionMap.put("${spring-tx}", "4.0.4.RELEASE");
jarVersionMap.put("${mybatis-spring}", "1.2.0");
jarVersionMap.put("${mybatis}", "3.2.2");
jarVersionMap.put("${mysql-connector-java}", "5.0.8");
jarVersionMap.put("${commons-dbcp}", "1.4");
jarVersionMap.put("${cglib-nodep}", "2.1_3");
jarVersionMap.put("${javax.servlet-api}", "3.1.0");
jarVersionMap.put("${velocity}", "1.7");
jarVersionMap.put("${log4j}", "1.2.16");
jarVersionMap.put("${velocity-tools}", "2.0");
jarVersionMap.put("${org.codehaus.jackson}", "1.4.3");
jarVersionMap.put("${commons-pool}", "1.6"); jarVersionMap.put("${artifactId-parent}", "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT");
jarVersionMap.put("${artifactId-web}", "");
jarVersionMap.put("${artifactId-service}", "");
jarVersionMap.put("${artifactId-dao}", "");
jarVersionMap.put("${artifactId-rpc}", "");
jarVersionMap.put("${artifactId-common}", "");
jarVersionMap.put("${artifactId-domain}", "");


使用的时候将代码拷贝至E盘目录下,指定groupId 、artifactId 两个参数

 private static final String groupId = "com.zhaogang.mpay";

 private static final String artifactId = "mpay";
private static final String disk = "E";


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