



  1. public class Node {
  2. public int id;
  3. public String name;
  4. public Node leftChild;
  5. public Node rightChild;
  7. public Node(int id, String name) {
  8. this.id = id;
  9. this.name = name;
  10. }
  11. }



  1. public class BinarySearchTree {
  2. public Node root;
  4. public Node find(int key){
  5. if(root == null){
  6. System.out.println("The tree is empty!");
  7. return null;
  8. }
  9. Node current = root;
  10. while(current.id != key){
  11. if(key > current.id)
  12. current = current.rightChild;
  13. else
  14. current = current.leftChild;
  15. if(current == null)
  16. return null;
  17. }
  18. return current;
  19. }
  21. public boolean insert(Node node){
  22. if(root == null){
  23. root = node;
  24. return true;
  25. }
  26. //树中不允许插入重复的数据项
  27. if(this.find(node.id) != null){
  28. System.out.println("Node with id '" +
  29. node.id + "' has already existed!");
  30. return false;
  31. }
  32. Node current = root;
  33. while(current != null){
  34. if(node.id > current.id){
  35. if(current.rightChild == null){
  36. current.rightChild = node;
  37. return true;
  38. }
  39. current = current.rightChild;
  40. }else{
  41. if(current.leftChild == null){
  42. current.leftChild = node;
  43. return true;
  44. }
  45. current = current.leftChild;
  46. }
  47. }
  48. return false;
  49. }
  51. //前序遍历
  52. public void preorder_iterator(Node node){
  53. System.out.print(node.id + " ");
  54. if(node.leftChild != null)
  55. this.preorder_iterator(node.leftChild);
  56. if(node.rightChild != null)
  57. this.preorder_iterator(node.rightChild);
  58. }
  60. //中序遍历
  61. //中序遍历二叉搜索树将会得到包含二叉搜索树
  62. //所有数据项的有序数列
  63. public void inorder_iterator(Node node){
  64. if(node.leftChild != null)
  65. this.inorder_iterator(node.leftChild);
  66. System.out.print(node.id + " ");
  67. if(node.rightChild != null)
  68. this.inorder_iterator(node.rightChild);
  69. }
  71. //后序遍历
  72. public void postorder_iterator(Node node){
  73. if(node.leftChild != null)
  74. this.postorder_iterator(node.leftChild);
  75. if(node.rightChild != null)
  76. this.postorder_iterator(node.rightChild);
  77. System.out.print(node.id + " ");
  78. }
  80. //获取树(子树)中的最小节点
  81. public Node getMinNode(Node node){
  82. if(this.find(node.id) == null){
  83. System.out.println("Node dosen't exist!");
  84. return null;
  85. }
  86. if(node.leftChild == null)
  87. return node;
  88. Node current = node.leftChild;
  89. while(current.leftChild != null)
  90. current = current.leftChild;
  91. return current;
  92. }
  94. //获取树(子树)中的最大节点
  95. public Node getMaxNode(Node node){
  96. if(this.find(node.id) == null){
  97. System.out.println("Node dosen't exist!");
  98. return null;
  99. }
  100. if(node.rightChild == null)
  101. return node;
  102. Node current = node.rightChild;
  103. while(current.rightChild != null)
  104. current = current.rightChild;
  105. return current;
  106. }
  108. //删除节点需要分3种情况进行讨论
  109. public boolean delete(int key){
  110. if(root == null){
  111. System.out.println("The tree is empty!");
  112. return false;
  113. }
  114. Node targetParent = root;
  115. Node target = root;
  116. boolean isLeftChild = true;
  117. while(target.id != key){
  118. if(key > target.id){
  119. targetParent = target;
  120. target = target.rightChild;
  121. isLeftChild = false;
  122. }else{
  123. targetParent = target;
  124. target = target.leftChild;
  125. isLeftChild = true;
  126. }
  127. if(target == null)
  128. break;
  129. }
  130. if(target == null){
  131. System.out.println("Node dosen't exist!"
  132. + "Can not delete.");
  133. return false;
  134. }
  135. //被删除节点为叶子节点
  136. if(target.leftChild == null &&
  137. target.rightChild == null){
  138. if(target.id == root.id){
  139. root = null;
  140. return true;
  141. }
  142. if(isLeftChild)
  143. targetParent.leftChild = null;
  144. else
  145. targetParent.rightChild = null;
  146. }
  147. //被删除节点有1个子节点
  148. //被删除节点只有右子节点
  149. else if(target.leftChild == null &&
  150. target.rightChild != null){
  151. if(target.id == root.id){
  152. root = root.rightChild;
  153. return true;
  154. }
  155. if(isLeftChild)
  156. targetParent.leftChild = target.rightChild;
  157. else
  158. targetParent.rightChild = target.rightChild;
  159. }
  160. //被删除节点只有左子节点
  161. else if(target.leftChild != null &&
  162. target.rightChild == null){
  163. if(target.id == root.id){
  164. root = root.leftChild;
  165. return true;
  166. }
  167. if(isLeftChild)
  168. targetParent.leftChild = target.leftChild;
  169. else
  170. targetParent.rightChild = target.leftChild;
  171. }
  172. //被删除节点有2个子节点
  173. else{
  174. Node followingNode = this.getFollowingNode(target);
  175. if(target.id == root.id)
  176. root = followingNode;
  177. else if(isLeftChild)
  178. targetParent.leftChild = followingNode;
  179. else
  180. targetParent.rightChild = followingNode;
  181. followingNode.leftChild = target.leftChild;
  182. followingNode.rightChild = target.rightChild;
  183. }
  184. return true;
  185. }
  187. //获取被删除节点的后续节点
  188. private Node getFollowingNode(Node node2Del){
  189. Node nodeParent = node2Del;
  190. //只有被删除节点有左右子节点时,才会调用该方法
  191. //这里直接调用rightChild是没有问题的
  192. Node node = node2Del.rightChild;
  193. while(node.leftChild != null){
  194. nodeParent = node;
  195. node = node.leftChild;
  196. }
  197. if(node.id != node2Del.rightChild.id)
  198. nodeParent.leftChild = node.rightChild;
  199. else
  200. nodeParent.rightChild = node.rightChild;
  201. return node;
  202. }
  204. public static void main(String[] args) {
  205. //插入
  206. BinarySearchTree bst = new BinarySearchTree();
  207. Node n1 = new Node(20, "root");
  208. Node n2 = new Node(10, "left");
  209. Node n3 = new Node(30, "right");
  210. bst.insert(n1);
  211. bst.insert(n2);
  212. bst.insert(n3);
  213. //遍历
  214. bst.preorder_iterator(bst.root);
  215. System.out.println();
  216. bst.inorder_iterator(bst.root);
  217. System.out.println();
  218. bst.postorder_iterator(bst.root);
  219. System.out.println();
  220. //删除
  221. Node n4 = new Node(5, "");
  222. Node n5 = new Node(15, "");
  223. Node n6 = new Node(40, "");
  224. Node n7 = new Node(35, "");
  225. Node n8 = new Node(45, "");
  226. bst.insert(n4);
  227. bst.insert(n5);
  228. bst.insert(n6);
  229. bst.insert(n7);
  230. bst.insert(n8);
  231. bst.inorder_iterator(bst.root);
  232. System.out.println();
  233. bst.delete(20);
  234. bst.inorder_iterator(bst.root);
  235. System.out.println();
  236. }
  237. }


  1. 20 10 30
  2. 10 20 30
  3. 10 30 20
  4. 5 10 15 20 30 35 40 45
  5. 5 10 15 30 35 40 45


树的大部分操作需要从上至下一层层的查找树的节点,对于一棵满树,大约有一半的节点处于最底层(最底层节点数 = 其它层节点数的和 + 1),故节点操作大约有一半需要找到最底层节点,大约有四分之一的节点处于倒数第二层,故节点操作大约有四分之一需要找到倒数第二层节点,依此类推


如果为查找操作或删除操作,被操作的节点可能是是树的任意节点,故查找操作或删除操作的时间复杂度为:1/21*log2(N+1) + 1/22*log2(N/2+1) + ... + 1/2N*1








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