overriding the default options with user-supplied options and the jQuery extend() method


$.fn.pulse = function (options) {
// Merge passed options with defaults
var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.pulse.defaults, options);
return this.each(function () {
// Pulse
for (var i = 0; i < opts.pulses; i++) {
$(this).fadeTo(opts.speed, opts.fadeLow).fadeTo(opts.speed, opts.fadeHigh);
// Reset to normal
$(this).fadeTo(opts.speed, 1);
// Pulse plugin default options
$.fn.pulse.defaults = {
speed: "slow",
pulses: 2,
fadeLow: 0.2,
fadeHigh: 1

call the plugin

// Override only one option
$('#myText1').pulse({ pulses: 6 }); // Override all options
$('#myText2').pulse({ speed: "fast", pulses: 10, fadeLow: 0.3, fadeHigh: 0.8 });

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