U3D MonoBehaviour
Variables 变量
useGUILayout | Disabling this lets you skip the GUI layout phase. 禁用此项,将会跳过GUILayout布局。 |
Functions 函数
CancelInvoke | Cancels all Invoke calls on this MonoBehaviour. 在当前MonoBehaviour,取消所有Invoke调用 |
Invoke | Invokes the method methodName in time seconds. 在time秒后,延迟调用方法methodName。 |
InvokeRepeating | Invokes the method methodName in time seconds, then repeatedly every repeatRate seconds. 在time秒调用methodName方法,然后每repeatRate秒重复调用。 |
IsInvoking | Is any invoke on methodName pending? methodName方法是否在等候调用? |
StartCoroutine | Starts a coroutine. 开始协同程序。 |
StopAllCoroutines | Stops all coroutines running on this behaviour. 停止运行此behaviour上的所有协同程序。 |
StopCoroutine | Stops all coroutines named methodName running on this behaviour. 停止此behaviour上运行的所有名为methodName的协同程序。 |
Static Functions 静态函数
Logs message to the Unity Console (identical to Debug.Log). 输出日志消息到Unity控制台。等同Debug.Log。 |
Messages 消息
Awake | Awake is called when the script instance is being loaded. 当该脚本实例被载入时Awake被调用。 |
FixedUpdate | This function is called every fixed framerate frame, if the MonoBehaviour is enabled. 当MonoBehaviour启用时,其 FixedUpdate 在每一帧被调用。 |
LateUpdate | LateUpdate is called every frame, if the Behaviour is enabled. 当Behaviour启用时,其LateUpdate在每一帧被调用。 |
OnAnimatorIK | Callback for setting up animation IK (inverse kinematics). 设置动画的IK回调(反向运动学)。 |
OnAnimatorMove | Callback for processing animation movements for modifying root motion. 用于修改根运动处理动画移动的回调。 |
OnApplicationFocus | Sent to all game objects when the player gets or loses focus. 当玩家获得或失去焦点时发送给所有游戏对象。 |
OnApplicationPause | Sent to all game objects when the player pauses. 当玩家暂停发送给所有游戏对象。 |
OnApplicationQuit | Sent to all game objects before the application is quit. 在应用退出之前发送给所有的游戏物体。 |
OnAudioFilterRead | If OnAudioFilterRead is implemented, Unity will insert a custom filter into the audio DSP chain. 如果OnAudioFilterRead被执行,Unity将插入一个自定义的过滤器到音频DSP链。 |
OnBecameInvisible | OnBecameInvisible is called when the renderer is no longer visible by any camera. 当renderer(渲染器)在任何相机上都不可见时调用OnBecameInvisible。 |
OnBecameVisible | OnBecameVisible is called when the renderer became visible by any camera. 当renderer(渲染器)在任何相机上可见时调用OnBecameVisible。 |
OnCollisionEnter | OnCollisionEnter is called when this collider/rigidbody has begun touching another rigidbody/collider. 当此collider/rigidbody触发另一个rigidbody/collider时,OnCollisionEnter将被调用。 |
OnCollisionEnter2D | Sent when an incoming collider makes contact with this object's collider (2D physics only). 当进入的碰撞器与这个对象的碰撞器接触,发送信息(仅限2D物理)。 |
OnCollisionExit | OnCollisionExit is called when this collider/rigidbody has stopped touching another rigidbody/collider. 当此collider/rigidbody停止触发另一个rigidbody/collider时,OnCollisionExit将被调用。 |
OnCollisionExit2D | Sent when a collider on another object stops touching this object's collider (2D physics only). 当另一个对象的碰撞器停止接触这个对象的碰撞器时,发送信息(仅限2D物理)。 |
OnCollisionStay | OnCollisionStay is called once per frame for every collider/rigidbody that is touching rigidbody/collider. 当此collider/rigidbody触发另一个rigidbody/collider时,OnCollisionStay将会在每一帧被调用。 |
OnCollisionStay2D | Sent each frame where a collider on another object is touching this object's collider (2D physics only). 当另一个对象的碰撞器每帧接触这个对象的碰撞器时,发送信息(仅限2D物理)。 |
OnConnectedToServer | Called on the client when you have successfully connected to a server. 当成功连接到服务器时,在客户端调用。 |
OnControllerColliderHit | OnControllerColliderHit is called when the controller hits a collider while performing a Move. 在移动的时,当controller碰撞到collider时OnControllerColliderHit被调用。 |
OnDestroy | This function is called when the MonoBehaviour will be destroyed. 当MonoBehaviour将被销毁时,这个函数被调用。 |
OnDisable | This function is called when the behaviour becomes disabled () or inactive. 当对象变为不可用或非激活状态时此函数被调用。 |
OnDisconnectedFromServer | Called on the client when the connection was lost or you disconnected from the server. 当失去连接或从服务器端断开时在客户端调用。 |
OnDrawGizmos | Implement OnDrawGizmos if you want to draw gizmos that are also pickable and always drawn. 如果你想绘制可被点选的gizmos,执行OnDrawGizmos。 |
OnDrawGizmosSelected | Implement this OnDrawGizmosSelected if you want to draw gizmos only if the object is selected. 如果你想在物体被选中时绘制gizmos,执行这个函数。 |
OnEnable | This function is called when the object becomes enabled and active. 当对象被启用并激活状态时此函数被调用。 |
OnFailedToConnect | Called on the client when a connection attempt fails for some reason. 当一个连接因为某些原因失败时在客户端调用。 |
OnFailedToConnectToMasterServer | Called on clients or servers when there is a problem connecting to the MasterServer. 当连接MasterServer出现问题时在客户端或服务器端调用。 |
OnGUI | OnGUI is called for rendering and handling GUI events. 渲染和处理GUI事件时调用。 |
OnJointBreak | Called when a joint attached to the same game object broke. 当附在同一对象上的关节被断开时调用。 |
OnLevelWasLoaded | This function is called after a new level was loaded. 当一个新关卡被载入时此函数被调用。 |
OnMasterServerEvent | Called on clients or servers when reporting events from the MasterServer. 当报告事件来自MasterServer时在客户端或服务器端调用。 |
OnMouseDown | OnMouseDown is called when the user has pressed the mouse button while over the GUIElement or Collider. 当用户鼠标在GUIElement或Collider上点击时OnMouseDown被调用。 |
OnMouseDrag | OnMouseDrag is called when the user has clicked on a GUIElement or Collider and is still holding down the mouse. 当用户鼠标在GUIElement或Collider上拖拽时OnMouseDrag被调用 。 |
OnMouseEnter | OnMouseEnter is called when the mouse entered the GUIElement or Collider. 当鼠标进入到GUIElement(GUI元素)或Collider(碰撞体)中时调用OnMouseEnter。 |
OnMouseExit | OnMouseExit is called when the mouse is not any longer over the GUIElement or Collider. 当用户鼠标不在GUIElement或Collider上时OnMouseExit被调用。 |
OnMouseOver | OnMouseOver is called every frame while the mouse is over the GUIElement or Collider. 当用户鼠标在GUIElement或Collider上经过时OnMouseOver被调用。 |
OnMouseUp | OnMouseUp is called when the user has released the mouse button. 当用户释放鼠标按钮时调用OnMouseUp。 |
OnMouseUpAsButton | OnMouseUpAsButton is only called when the mouse is released over the same GUIElement or Collider as it was pressed. OnMouseUpAsButton只有当鼠标在同一个GUIElement或Collider按下,在释放时调用。 |
OnNetworkInstantiate | Called on objects which have been network instantiated with Network.Instantiate. 当对象使用Network.Instantiate进行网络初始化时调用。 |
OnParticleCollision | OnParticleCollision is called when a particle hits a collider. 当粒子碰到碰撞器时,OnParticleCollision 被调用。 |
OnPlayerConnected | Called on the server whenever a new player has successfully connected. 当一个新玩家成功连接时在服务器上被调用。 |
OnPlayerDisconnected | Called on the server whenever a player disconnected from the server. 当一个玩家从服务器上断开时在服务器端调用。 |
OnPostRender | OnPostRender is called after a camera finished rendering the scene. 在相机完成场景渲染之后被调用。 |
OnPreCull | OnPreCull is called before a camera culls the scene. 在相机消隐场景之前被调用。 |
OnPreRender | OnPreRender is called before a camera starts rendering the scene. 在相机渲染场景之前被调用。 |
OnRenderImage | OnRenderImage is called after all rendering is complete to render image. 当完成所有渲染图像后被调用,用来渲染图像后期效果。 |
OnRenderObject | OnRenderObject is called after camera has rendered the scene. 在相机场景渲染完成后被调用。 |
OnSerializeNetworkView | Used to customize synchronization of variables in a script watched by a network view. 在一个网络视图脚本中,用于自定义变量同步。 |
OnServerInitialized | Called on the server whenever a Network.InitializeServer was invoked and has completed. 当Network.InitializeServer被调用并完成时,在服务器上调用这个函数。 |
OnTriggerEnter | OnTriggerEnter is called when the Collider other enters the trigger. 当Collider(碰撞体)进入trigger(触发器)时调用OnTriggerEnter。 |
OnTriggerEnter2D | Sent when another object enters a trigger collider attached to this object (2D physics only). 当另一个对象进入到这个对象附加的触发碰撞器时发送消息(仅2D物理)。 |
OnTriggerExit | OnTriggerExit is called when the Collider other has stopped touching the trigger. 当Collider(碰撞体)停止触发trigger(触发器)时调用OnTriggerExit。 |
OnTriggerExit2D | Sent when another object leaves a trigger collider attached to this object (2D physics only). 当另一个对象离开附加在这个对象的触发碰撞器时发送消息(仅2D物理)。 |
OnTriggerStay | OnTriggerStay is called once per frame for every Collider other that is touching the trigger. 当碰撞体接触触发器时,OnTriggerStay将在每一帧被调用。 |
OnTriggerStay2D | Sent each frame where another object is within a trigger collider attached to this object (2D physics only). 当另一个对象停留在这个对象附加的触发碰撞器内时,每帧发送消息(仅2D物理)。 |
OnValidate | This function is called when the script is loaded or a value is changed in the inspector (Called in the editor only). 当该脚本被加载或检视面板的值被修改时,此函数被调用(仅在编辑器被调用)。 |
OnWillRenderObject | OnWillRenderObject is called once for each camera if the object is visible. 如果该对象可见,OnWillRenderObject每次会被相机调用。 |
Reset | Reset to default values. 重设为默认值。 |
Start | Start is called on the frame when a script is enabled just before any of the Update methods is called the first time. Start仅在当第一次脚本启用Update方法被调用之前调用。 |
Update | Update is called every frame, if the MonoBehaviour is enabled. 当MonoBehaviour启用时,其Update在每一帧被调用。 |
Variables 变量
useGUILayout | Disabling this lets you skip the GUI layout phase. 禁用此项,将会跳过GUILayout布局。 |
Functions 函数
CancelInvoke | Cancels all Invoke calls on this MonoBehaviour 在当前 MonoBehaviour,取消所有Invoke调用 |
Invoke | Invokes the method methodName in time seconds. 在time秒后,延迟调用方法methodName。 |
InvokeRepeating | Invokes the method methodName in time seconds, then repeatedly every repeatRate seconds. 在time秒调用methodName方法,然后每repeatRate秒重复调用。 |
IsInvoking | Is any invoke on methodName pending? methodName方法是否在等候调用? |
StartCoroutine | Starts a coroutine. 开始协同程序。 |
StopAllCoroutines | Stops all coroutines running on this behaviour. 停止运行此behaviour上的所有协同程序。 |
StopCoroutine | Stops all coroutines named methodName running on this behaviour. 停止此behaviour上运行的所有名为methodName的协同程序。 |
Static Functions 静态函数
Logs message to the Unity Console (identical to Debug.Log). 输出日志消息到Unity控制台。等同Debug.Log。 |
Messages 消息
Awake | Awake is called when the script instance is being loaded. 当该脚本实例被载入时Awake被调用。 |
FixedUpdate | This function is called every fixed framerate frame, if the MonoBehaviour is enabled. 当 MonoBehaviour启用时,其 FixedUpdate 在每一帧被调用。 |
LateUpdate | LateUpdate is called every frame, if the Behaviour is enabled. 当Behaviour启用时,其LateUpdate在每一帧被调用。 |
OnAnimatorIK | Callback for setting up animation IK (inverse kinematics). 设置动画的IK回调(反向运动学)。 |
OnAnimatorMove | Callback for processing animation movements for modifying root motion. 用于修改根运动处理动画移动的回调。 |
OnApplicationFocus | Sent to all game objects when the player gets or loses focus. 当玩家获得或失去焦点时发送给所有游戏对象。 |
OnApplicationPause | Sent to all game objects when the player pauses. 当玩家暂停发送给所有游戏对象。 |
OnApplicationQuit | Sent to all game objects before the application is quit. 在应用退出之前发送给所有的游戏物体。 |
OnAudioFilterRead | If OnAudioFilterRead is implemented, Unity will insert a custom filter into the audio DSP chain. 如果OnAudioFilterRead被执行,Unity将插入一个自定义的过滤器到音频DSP链。 |
OnBecameInvisible | OnBecameInvisible is called when the renderer is no longer visible by any camera. 当renderer(渲染器)在任何相机上都不可见时调用OnBecameInvisible。 |
OnBecameVisible | OnBecameVisible is called when the renderer became visible by any camera. 当renderer(渲染器)在任何相机上可见时调用OnBecameVisible。 |
OnCollisionEnter | OnCollisionEnter is called when this collider/rigidbody has begun touching another rigidbody/collider. 当此collider/rigidbody触发另一个rigidbody/collider时,OnCollisionEnter将被调用。 |
OnCollisionEnter2D | Sent when an incoming collider makes contact with this object's collider (2D physics only). 当进入的碰撞器与这个对象的碰撞器接触,发送信息(仅限2D物理)。 |
OnCollisionExit | OnCollisionExit is called when this collider/rigidbody has stopped touching another rigidbody/collider. 当此collider/rigidbody停止触发另一个rigidbody/collider时,OnCollisionExit将被调用。 |
OnCollisionExit2D | Sent when a collider on another object stops touching this object's collider (2D physics only). 当另一个对象的碰撞器停止接触这个对象的碰撞器时,发送信息(仅限2D物理)。 |
OnCollisionStay | OnCollisionStay is called once per frame for every collider/rigidbody that is touching rigidbody/collider. 当此collider/rigidbody触发另一个rigidbody/collider时,OnCollisionStay将会在每一帧被调用。 |
OnCollisionStay2D | Sent each frame where a collider on another object is touching this object's collider (2D physics only). 当另一个对象的碰撞器每帧接触这个对象的碰撞器时,发送信息(仅限2D物理)。 |
OnConnectedToServer | Called on the client when you have successfully connected to a server. 当成功连接到服务器时,在客户端调用。 |
OnControllerColliderHit | OnControllerColliderHit is called when the controller hits a collider while performing a Move. 在移动的时,当controller碰撞到collider时OnControllerColliderHit被调用。 |
OnDestroy | This function is called when the MonoBehaviour will be destroyed. 当 MonoBehaviour将被销毁时,这个函数被调用。 |
OnDisable | This function is called when the behaviour becomes disabled () or inactive. 当对象变为不可用或非激活状态时此函数被调用。 |
OnDisconnectedFromServer | Called on the client when the connection was lost or you disconnected from the server. 当失去连接或从服务器端断开时在客户端调用。 |
OnDrawGizmos | Implement OnDrawGizmos if you want to draw gizmos that are also pickable and always drawn. 如果你想绘制可被点选的gizmos,执行OnDrawGizmos。 |
OnDrawGizmosSelected | Implement this OnDrawGizmosSelected if you want to draw gizmos only if the object is selected. 如果你想在物体被选中时绘制gizmos,执行这个函数。 |
OnEnable | This function is called when the object becomes enabled and active. 当对象被启用并激活状态时此函数被调用。 |
OnFailedToConnect | Called on the client when a connection attempt fails for some reason. 当一个连接因为某些原因失败时在客户端调用。 |
OnFailedToConnectToMasterServer | Called on clients or servers when there is a problem connecting to the MasterServer. 当连接MasterServer出现问题时在客户端或服务器端调用。 |
OnGUI | OnGUI is called for rendering and handling GUI events. 渲染和处理GUI事件时调用。 |
OnJointBreak | Called when a joint attached to the same game object broke. 当附在同一对象上的关节被断开时调用。 |
OnLevelWasLoaded | This function is called after a new level was loaded. 当一个新关卡被载入时此函数被调用。 |
OnMasterServerEvent | Called on clients or servers when reporting events from the MasterServer. 当报告事件来自MasterServer时在客户端或服务器端调用。 |
OnMouseDown | OnMouseDown is called when the user has pressed the mouse button while over the GUIElement or Collider. 当用户鼠标在GUIElement或Collider上点击时OnMouseDown被调用。 |
OnMouseDrag | OnMouseDrag is called when the user has clicked on a GUIElement or Collider and is still holding down the mouse. 当用户鼠标在GUIElement或Collider上拖拽时OnMouseDrag被调用 。 |
OnMouseEnter | OnMouseEnter is called when the mouse entered the GUIElement or Collider. 当鼠标进入到GUIElement(GUI元素)或Collider(碰撞体)中时调用OnMouseEnter。 |
OnMouseExit | OnMouseExit is called when the mouse is not any longer over the GUIElement or Collider. 当用户鼠标不在GUIElement或Collider上时OnMouseExit被调用。 |
OnMouseOver | OnMouseOver is called every frame while the mouse is over the GUIElement or Collider. 当用户鼠标在GUIElement或Collider上经过时OnMouseOver被调用。 |
OnMouseUp | OnMouseUp is called when the user has released the mouse button. 当用户释放鼠标按钮时调用OnMouseUp。 |
OnMouseUpAsButton | OnMouseUpAsButton is only called when the mouse is released over the same GUIElement or Collider as it was pressed. OnMouseUpAsButton只有当鼠标在同一个GUIElement或Collider按下,在释放时调用。 |
OnNetworkInstantiate | Called on objects which have been network instantiated with Network.Instantiate. 当对象使用Network.Instantiate进行网络初始化时调用。 |
OnParticleCollision | OnParticleCollision is called when a particle hits a collider. 当粒子碰到碰撞器时,OnParticleCollision 被调用。 |
OnPlayerConnected | Called on the server whenever a new player has successfully connected. 当一个新玩家成功连接时在服务器上被调用。 |
OnPlayerDisconnected | Called on the server whenever a player disconnected from the server. 当一个玩家从服务器上断开时在服务器端调用。 |
OnPostRender | OnPostRender is called after a camera finished rendering the scene. 在相机完成场景渲染之后被调用。 |
OnPreCull | OnPreCull is called before a camera culls the scene. 在相机消隐场景之前被调用。 |
OnPreRender | OnPreRender is called before a camera starts rendering the scene. 在相机渲染场景之前被调用。 |
OnRenderImage | OnRenderImage is called after all rendering is complete to render image. 当完成所有渲染图像后被调用,用来渲染图像后期效果。 |
OnRenderObject | OnRenderObject is called after camera has rendered the scene. 在相机场景渲染完成后被调用。 |
OnSerializeNetworkView | Used to customize synchronization of variables in a script watched by a network view. 在一个网络视图脚本中,用于自定义变量同步。 |
OnServerInitialized | Called on the server whenever a Network.InitializeServer was invoked and has completed. 当Network.InitializeServer被调用并完成时,在服务器上调用这个函数。 |
OnTriggerEnter | OnTriggerEnter is called when the Collider other enters the trigger. 当Collider(碰撞体)进入trigger(触发器)时调用OnTriggerEnter。 |
OnTriggerEnter2D | Sent when another object enters a trigger collider attached to this object (2D physics only). 当另一个对象进入到这个对象附加的触发碰撞器时发送消息(仅2D物理)。 |
OnTriggerExit | OnTriggerExit is called when the Collider other has stopped touching the trigger. 当Collider(碰撞体)停止触发trigger(触发器)时调用OnTriggerExit。 |
OnTriggerExit2D | Sent when another object leaves a trigger collider attached to this object (2D physics only). 当另一个对象离开附加在这个对象的触发碰撞器时发送消息(仅2D物理)。 |
OnTriggerStay | OnTriggerStay is called once per frame for every Collider other that is touching the trigger. 当碰撞体接触触发器时,OnTriggerStay将在每一帧被调用。 |
OnTriggerStay2D | Sent each frame where another object is within a trigger collider attached to this object (2D physics only). 当另一个对象停留在这个对象附加的触发碰撞器内时,每帧发送消息(仅2D物理)。 |
OnValidate | This function is called when the script is loaded or a value is changed in the inspector (Called in the editor only). 当该脚本被加载或检视面板的值被修改时,此函数被调用(仅在编辑器被调用)。 |
OnWillRenderObject | OnWillRenderObject is called once for each camera if the object is visible. 如果该对象可见,OnWillRenderObject每次会被相机调用。 |
Reset | Reset to default values. 重设为默认值。 |
Start | Start is called on the frame when a script is enabled just before any of the Update methods is called the first time. Start仅在当第一次脚本启用Update方法被调用之前调用。 |
Update | Update is called every frame, if the MonoBehaviour is enabled. 当 MonoBehaviour启用时,其Update在每一帧被调用。 |
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在自己研究U3D游戏的时候,看过一些人的简单的游戏开发视频,写的不错,只是个人是java web 开发的人,所以结合着MVC思想,对游戏开发进行了一番考虑. 如果能把游戏更加的思想化,分工化,开发便明 ...
- C#部分试题实例
1.在C#中,下列选项中自定义方法的语句错误的是().(选择一项) 正确答案:AD 解析:本题考查自定义方法的定义及调用.A项void是无返回值类型,D项定义方法的时候没有写返回值类型:故选AD. 2 ...
- 2019.02.17 spoj Query on a tree V(链分治)
传送门 题意简述: 给你一棵nnn个黑白点的树,初始全是黑点. 现在支持给一个点换颜色或者求整颗树中离某个点最近的白点跟这个点的距离. 思路: 考虑链分治维护答案,每个链顶用一个堆来维护答案,然后对于 ...
- CSS Grid
效果图如上所示 <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>练习</title> </head> ...
- you-get 安装和用法
以windows为例 安装 从https://github.com/soimort/you-get/releases/latest下载*-full.7z,解压后在cmd中切换至目录下执行you-get ...
- js实现粒子特效,particles.js的使用
今天偶然看到了一个比较炫酷的js网页.是粒子特效的,就试着用了用.一下是步骤,方便以后查看使用. 1.在网站下载源码https://github.com/VincentGarreau/particle ...
- Alpha冲刺 - (5/10)
Part.1 开篇 队名:彳艮彳亍团队 组长博客:戳我进入 作业博客:班级博客本次作业的链接 Part.2 成员汇报 过去两天完成了哪些任务 基于ssm框架的前后端交互测试,结合微信小程序demo 展 ...
- C#顺序表 & 单向链表(无头)
C# 顺序表 非常标准的顺序表结构,等同于C#中的List<T>,但是List<T>在排错查询和数据结构替换上存在缺陷,一些情况会考虑使用自己定义的数据结构 1.优化方向 下表 ...
- nlog 的手动配置
使用nlog的时候,有时候需要手动配置.比如数据库链接和密码不配在文件里,或者统计配置在一个位置之类的. var config = new NLog.Config.LoggingConfigurati ...
- Unix时间戳转日期时间格式,C#、Java、Python各语言实现!
之前有个Q上好友没事问我,怎么自己写Unix时间戳转日期时间?于是我就顺手写了个C#版本给他!最近想起来,就萌发多写几个语言的版本分享,权当练习思路外加熟悉另外两种语言. 先说转换步骤 先处理年份,从 ...
- unicode 编解码记录
unicode 万国码.世界上所有的符号都有对应的Unicode code point.一般是2个字节. 这个字节可以通过任意中方式编码为二进制,例如用来保存到文件.一般通过UTF-x(例如utf-8 ...