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    <div id="eggs">
<div class="egg" data-isbreak="false"></div> //自定义属性,也可以用别的表示
<div class="egg" data-isbreak="false"></div>
<div class="egg" data-isbreak="false"></div>
<div class="egg" data-isbreak="false"></div>
<div id="t"></div>
<audio src="file/1.mp3" id="a1"></audio> //添加音效
<audio src="file/2.mp3" id="a2"></audio> #eggs {
margin-top: 200px;
margin-left: 100px;
} .egg {
width: 158px;
height: 187px;
background-image: url("../image/egg_1.png");
float: left;
margin-right: 30px;
cursor: pointer; //鼠标飘上显示手状
} #t {
width: 74px;
height: 87px;
background-image: url("../image/egg_3.png");
cursor: pointer;
position: absolute;
top: 185px;
left: 220px;
$(function () {
var iNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4 + 1); $(".egg").mouseover(function () {
$("#t").animate({ "left": $(this).offset().left + 116 }, 10); //获取当前对象的方位,offset().left表示距离左边的距离
}); $(".egg").click(function () {
if (j > 1)
if ($(this).attr("data-isbreak") == "false") {
$(this).css("background-image", "url('../image/egg_2.png')");
var i = $(".egg").index($(this)) + 1;//表示当前砸的蛋是第几个蛋
if (i == iNum) {
document.getElementById("a2").play(); //调用音效的对象只能是js对象
else {
$(this).attr("data-isbreak", "true");
else {


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$(":checkbox").attr("title", "nihao"); //$("#dmessage").animate({ "bottom": "0px" }, 2000, function () {
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// }, 5000);
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$(this).appendTo($("#u1")).css("position", "static");


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function Show()
$(function () {
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i = $(".tab").index($(this));
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background-color: #ff6a00;

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