


Q:Im working on a new title right now and I wanted to try out mecanim. I've watched its tutorial and it is indeed impressive to see how easily such motion is achieved using the system.

However, I ran into my first problem using it not long before I started. My game involves a lot of physics, projectiles that hit the target need to push it back, knock enemies out of the arenas, etc, which I was doing without much problem before. I just add force to rigidbodies on collision and they fly away.

However, once I put my mecanim animated character, just standing there on idle, it doesnt move when hit, as if it was a kinematic rigidbody (which it isnt).

How can I have my character move using mecanim for fluid motion, but still be affected by world physics?

PS: The push back mechanics are working on legacy animated/moved characters

Thx for the attention

A:Click on your character. In the inspector you'll see in the Animator a check box: "Apply Root Motion." Disable this and you will be able to knock your guy about using addForce or whatever physics you like all at the same time playing its animation. Obviously you'll want to use root motion most of the time or your guy will just run in place when you use the controls, so you'll need to disable "Apply Root Motion" in script during events such as getting hit.




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