【Pygame】 简易五子棋
import pygame
import sys
import time
import random pygame.init()
screen_size = (800,560)
WIDTH = 720
HEIGHT = 720
GRID_WIDTH = WIDTH // 20 WHITE = (255, 250, 255)
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
GREEN = (0, 0xff, 0)
RED = (0xff, 0, 0)
color = [BLACK,WHITE]
class checker:
def __init__(self,x,y):
self.ox = x
self.oy = y
self.color = (0,0,0)
self.state = 0 # 0 1 2 checks = []
colorful = []
aiful = []
for i in range(1,16):
for j in range(1,16):
achecker = checker(i,j)
for i in range(1,16):
movements1 = []
movements2 = [] screen = pygame.display.set_mode(screen_size,0, 32)
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
bg = pygame.image.load("image\\checker.jpg").convert()
weixiao = pygame.image.load("image\\weixiao.jpg").convert()
huaji = pygame.image.load("image\\huaji.jpg").convert()
arrow = pygame.image.load("image\\arrow.jpg").convert()
bgcolor = (255,255,255) turn = 0
def draw_check(surf):
surf.blit(bg, (0, 0))
def draw_column(surf,where):
surf.blit(huaji, (650, 100))
surf.blit(weixiao, (650, 300))
if where == 1:
surf.blit(arrow, (580, 100))
surf.blit(arrow, (580, 300))
def draw_checker(surf):
for c in checks:
if c.state == 1:
pygame.draw.circle(surf, c.color, (c.ox * 35, c.oy * 35), 10, 0)
if c.state == 2:
pygame.draw.circle(surf, c.color, (c.ox * 35, c.oy * 35), 10, 0)
def tmax(a):
max = a[0]
for i in a:
if max < i:
max = i
return max
def Ai_choose():
for i in aiful:
i = 0
if len(movements) == 0:
return (7,7)
for i in movements1:
aiful[i[0]+i[1]*15] = 0
if i[0] > 0:
aiful[i[0]-1+i[1]*15] +=1
if i[0] < 15:
aiful[i[0]+1 + i[1] * 15] += 1
if i[1] > 0:
aiful[i[0]+ (i[1]-1) * 15] += 1
if i[1] < 15:
aiful[i[0] + (i[1] + 1) * 15] += 1
c = tmax(aiful)
print(c) def check_win(x,y):
i = x
j = y
count = 0
ck = colorful[x+y*15]
if ck == 0:
return False
while i>=0 and colorful[i+y*15] == ck:
i -= 1
count += 1
i = x+1
while i< 15 and colorful[i+y*15] == ck:
i += 1
count += 1
if count >= 5:
return True
i = x
count = 0
while j>=0 and colorful[i+15*j] == ck:
count +=1
j = y+1
while j < 15 and colorful[i+15*j] == ck:
j += 1
count +=1
if count >= 5:
return True
j = y
count = 0
while i >= 0 and j >=0 and colorful[i +15* j] == ck:
j -= 1
i -= 1
count += 1
i = x+1
j = y+1
while i< 15 and j <15 and colorful[i+15*j] == ck:
i += 1
j +=1
count += 1
if count >= 5:
return True
j = y
i = x
count = 0
while i >= 0 and j <15 and colorful[i + 15 * j] == ck:
i -= 1
j += 1
count += 1
i = x + 1
j = y - 1
while i< 15 and j >0 and colorful[i+15*j] == ck:
i += 1
j -=1
count += 1
if count >= 5:
return True
return False
runing = 1
Ai_wait = 0
while runing:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
if turn == 1:
pos = event.pos
grid = (int(round(pos[0] / 35)), int(round(pos[1] / 35)))
for c in checks:
if c.state == 0:
if c.ox == grid[0] and c.oy == grid[1]:
colorful[(c.ox) + (c.oy) * 15] = 2
c.color = WHITE
c.state = 2
turn = 0
if True == check_win(c.ox,c.oy):
runing = 0
if turn == 0:
if Ai_wait == 30:
Ai_wait= 0
#pos = Ai_choose()
grid = pos
for i in movements:
while i == pos:
pos = (random.randint(1, 19), random.randint(1, 19))
grid = pos
for c in checks:
if c.state == 0:
if c.ox == grid[0] and c.oy == grid[1]:
colorful[(c.ox) + (c.oy) * 15] = 1
c.color = BLACK
c.state = 1
turn = 1
if True == check_win(c.ox, c.oy):
runing = 0
clock.tick(50) while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
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