ISO7816 (part 1-3) asynchronous smartcard information
- =============================================================================
- ISO7816 (part 1-3) asynchronous smartcard information
- =============================================================================
- - Contents -
- ------------
- I ) Introduction of the ISO7816 standard
- II ) Summary of the ISO7816 standard
- 2.1 - ISO7816-1 Standard
- 2.2.1) Minimal Contact Size
- 2.2.2) Pin's position
- 2.2 - ISO7816-2 Standard
- 2.2.3) Pin Assignement
- 2.2.4) Contact Location
- 2.3 - ISO7816-3 Standard
- 2.3.1) Electrical Signals Description:
- 2.3.2) Voltage and current values:
- 2.3.3) Operating procedure for integrated circuit(s) cards:
- 2.3.4) Answer to Reset:
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- I ) Introduction of the ISO7816 standard:
- ====================================
- II ) Summary of the ISO7816 standard:
- ===============================
- The ISO7816 standard are separated in 3 different parts
- - ISO7816-1 which define the physical characteristics of the card.
- - ISO7816-2 which define dimension and contact position of the card.
- - ISO7816-3 which define the electical signals and transmission
- protocols.
- The following organisations should be contacted for more details:
- - CEN (Comit Eurpen de Normalisation)
- rue Brderote 2
- B-1000 Brussels
- Belgium
- - ISO (International Standard Institute)
- Case postale 56
- CH-1211 Genve 20
- Switzerland
- 2.1 - ISO7816-1 Standard
- ------------------
- The ISO7816 Standard define many physical features, but here we are only
- going to describe the more intesting features.
- * Ultra violet light :
- Any protection beyond the ambiant UV light level shall be to the
- responsability of the card manufacturer.
- * X-rays :
- Exposure of either side of the card to a dose of 0.1 Gy relative to a
- medium-energy X radiation of 70 to 140 Kv (cumulative dose per year)
- shall not cause malfunction of the card.
- * Surface profile of the contacts :
- The difference in level between all contacts and the adjacent card
- surface shall be less than 0.1 mm.
- * Mecanical strenght (of the card and contact)
- The card shall resist damage to its surface and any components contained
- in it and shall remain intact during normal use, storage and handling.
- surface (with pins) must not be damaged by a pression caused by a steel
- ball of 1.5 mm diameter on which is applied a strenght of 1.5 N.
- * Electrical resistance : All the resistances measured between any two
- points of the pins must not be over 0.5 Ohm, with any current value
- from 50 uA to 300 mA.
- * Magnetic field : The chip of the card must not be damaged by a static
- magnetic field of 79500
- * Static electricity : The card must not be damaged by a electrical
- discharge of 1500 V of a 100 pF capacitor trought a 1500 Ohm resistance.
- * card maximal bending :
- __________
- ___,---' '---,___ ^
- _,--' '--,_ | f
- ,' ', v
- a - large side of the card
- - deformation (f) : 2 cm
- - periodicity : 30 bendings a minute
- b - short side of the card
- - deformation (f) : 1 cm
- - periodicity : 30 bendings a minute
- Acceptance: The card must work correctly and must not have any
- crackings after 1000 bendings.
- 2.2 - ISO7816-2 Standard
- ------------------
- 2.2.1) Minimal Contact Size :
- ,-------------, ^
- | | |
- | | | 1.7mm
- | | |
- '-------------' v
- :<----------->:
- 2mm
- 2.2.2) Pin's position :
- ,-----------------------------------------------------------------
- | : :
- | : C
- | D :
- | : ---- ,----, ,----,
- | : | C8 | | C4 | -,
- | ------- '----' '----' |
- | ,----, ,----, |
- | | C7 | | C3 | |
- | '----' '----' |
- | ,----, ,----, | AFNOR position
- | | C6 | | C2 | |
- | '----' '----' |
- | ,----, ,----, |
- | | C5 | | C1 | -'
- | '----' '----'
- | ,----, ,----,
- | | C1 | | C5 | -,
- | '----' '----' |
- | ,----, ,----, |
- | | C2 | | C6 | |
- | '----' '----' | ISO7816 position
- | ,----, ,----, |
- | | C3 | | C7 | |
- | '----' '----' |
- | ,----, ,----, |
- | | C4 | | C8 | -'
- | '----' '----'
- | : :
- | A : :
- |<------------------------------>: :
- | :
- | B :
- |<----------------------------------->:
- |
- 2.2.3) Pin Assignement: C1 : Vcc = 5V C5 : Gnd
- --------------- C2 : Reset C6 : Vpp
- C3 : Clock C7 : I/O
- C4 : RFU C8 : RFU
- 2.2.4) Contact Location:
- -----------------
- All the sizes are in milimeters
- | A B C D | A B C D
- ----+------------------------------- ----+-------------------------------
- C1 | 10.25 12.25 19.23 20.93 C1 | 17.87 19.87 16.69 18.39
- C2 | 10.25 12.25 21.77 23.47 C2 | 17.87 19.87 14.15 15.85
- C3 | 10.25 12.25 24.31 26.01 C3 | 17.87 19.87 11.61 13.31
- C4 | 10.25 12.25 26.85 28.55 C4 | 17.87 19.87 9.07 10.77
- C5 | 17.87 19.87 19.23 20.93 C5 | 10.25 12.25 16.69 18.39
- C6 | 17.87 19.87 21.77 23.47 C6 | 10.25 12.25 14.15 15.85
- C7 | 17.87 19.87 24.31 26.01 C7 | 10.25 12.25 11.61 13.31
- C8 | 17.87 19.87 28.85 28.55 C8 | 10.25 12.25 9.07 10.77
- ----+------------------------------- ----+-------------------------------
- ISO7816 location AFNOR location
- NB: The AFNOR location is transitional, and has been used for
- compatibility reasons with existing magnetic stripe cards.
- 2.3 - ISO7816-3 Standard
- ------------------
- 2.3.1) Electrical Signals Description:
- ------------------------------
- I/O : Input or Output for serial data to the integrated circuit inside
- the card.
- VPP : Programing voltage input (optional use by the card).
- GND : Ground (reference voltage).
- CLK : Clocking or timing signal (optional use by the card).
- RST : Either used itself (reset signal supplied from the interface device)
- or in combination with an interal reset control circuit (optional
- use by the card). If internal reset is implemented, the voltage
- supply on Vcc is mandatory.
- VCC : Power supply input (optional use by the card).
- NOTE - The use of the two remaining contacts will be defined in the
- appropriate application standards.
- 2.3.2) Voltage and current values:
- --------------------------
- Abbreviations:
- Vih : High level input voltage
- Vil : Low level input voltage
- Vcc : Power supply voltage at VCC
- Vpp : Programming voltage at VPP
- Voh : High level output voltage
- Vol : Low level output voltage
- tr : Rise time between 10% and 90% of signal amplitude
- tf : Fall time between 90% and 10% of signal amplitude
- Iih : High level input current
- Iil : Low level input current
- Icc : Supply current at VCC
- Ipp : Programming current at VPP
- Ioh : High level output current
- Iol : Low level output current
- Cin : Input capacitance
- Cout: Output capacitance
- * I/O
- This contact is used as input (reception mode) or output (transmission
- mode) for data exchange. Two possible states exist for I/O:
- - mark or high state (State Z), if the card and the interface device are
- in reception mode or if the state is imposed by the transmitter.
- - space or low state (State A), if this state is imposed by the
- transmitter.
- When the two ends of the line are in reception mode, the line shall be
- maintained in state Z. When the two ends are in non-matced transmit
- mode, the logic state of the line may be indeterminate. During
- operations, the interface device and the card shall not both be in
- transmit mode.
- Table 1 - Electrical characteristics of I/O under normal
- ------- operation conditions.
- ,--------+--------------------------------+---------+---------+------,
- | Symbol | Conditions | Minimum | Maximum | Unit |
- +--------+--------+-----------------------+---------+---------+------+
- | | Either | Iih max = +/- 500uA | 2 | VCC | V |
- | Vih | (1) +-----------------------+---------+---------+------+
- | | or | Iih max = +/- 50uA | 0.7 VCC | VCC (3) | V |
- +--------+--------+-----------------------+---------+---------+------+
- | Vil | Iil max = 1mA | 0 | 0.8 | V |
- +--------+--------------------------------+---------+---------+------+
- | | Either | Iol max = +/- 100uA | 2.4 | VCC | V |
- | Voh | +-----------------------+---------+---------+------+
- | (2) | or | Iol max = +/- 20uA | 3.8 | VCC | V |
- +--------+--------+-----------------------+---------+---------+------+
- | Vol | Iol max = 1mA | 0 | 0.4 | V |
- +--------+--------------------------------+---------+---------+------+
- | tr, tf | Cin = 30pF; Cout = 30pF | | 1 | us |
- +--------+--------------------------------+---------+---------+------+
- | (1) For the interface device, take into account both conditions. |
- | (2) It is assumed that a pull up resistor is used in the interface |
- | device (recommended value 20k Ohm. |
- | (3) The voltage on I/O shall remain between 0.3V and VCC+0.3V. |
- '--------------------------------------------------------------------'
- * VPP
- This contact may be to supply the voltage required to program or to
- erase the internal non-volatile memory. Two possible states exists for
- VPP: Idle state and active state, as defined in table 2. The idle state
- shall be maintained by the interface device unless the active state is
- required.
- Table 2 : Electrical characteristics of VPP under normal
- -------- operation conditions.
- ,--------+--------------------------------+---------+---------+------,
- | Symbol | Conditions | Minimum | Maximum | Unit |
- +--------+--------------------------------+---------+---------+------+
- | Vpp | Idle State | 0.95*Vcc| 1.05*Vcc| V |
- | Ipp | (programming non active) | | 20 | mA |
- +--------+--------------------------------+---------+---------+------+
- | Vpp | Active State | 0.975*P | 1.025*P | V |
- | Ipp | (programming the card) | | I | mA |
- +--------+--------------------------------+---------+---------+------+
- | The card provides the interface with the values of P and I |
- | (default values: P=5 and I=50) |
- '--------------------------------------------------------------------'
- Rise of fall time : 200 us maximum. The rate of change of Vpp shall not
- exceed 2V/us.
- The maximum power Vpp*Ipp shall not exceed 1.5W when averaged over any
- period of 1s.
- * CLK
- The actual frequency, delivered by the interface device on CLK, is
- designated either by fi the initial frequency during the answer to
- reset, or by fs the subsequent frequency during subsequent transmission.
- Duty cycle for asynchronous operations shall be between 45% and 55% of
- the period during stable operation. Care shall be taken when switching
- frequencies (from fi to fs) to ensure that no pulse is shorter than 45%
- of the shorter period.
- Table 3 - Electrical characteristics of CLK under normal
- ------- operation conditions.
- ,--------+--------------------------------+---------+---------+------,
- | Symbol | Conditions | Minimum | Maximum | Unit |
- +--------+--------+-----------------------+---------+---------+------+
- | | Either | Iih max = +/- 200uA | 2.4 | VCC (2) | V |
- | | (1) +-----------------------+---------+---------+------+
- | Vih | or | Iih max = +/- 20uA | 0.7*VCC | VCC (2) | V |
- | | (1) +-----------------------+---------+---------+------+
- | | or | Iih max = +/- 10uA | VCC-0.7 | VCC (2) | V |
- +--------+--------+-----------------------+---------+---------+------+
- | Vil | Iil max = +/-200 uA | 0 (2) | 0.5 | V |
- +--------+--------------------------------+---------+---------+------+
- | tr, tf | Cin = 30pF | |9% of the period|
- | | | |with a max:0.5us|
- +--------+--------------------------------+---------+---------+------+
- | (1) For the interface device, take into account three conditions. |
- | (2) The voltage on CLK shall remain between 0.3V and Vcc+0.3V. |
- '--------------------------------------------------------------------'
- * RST
- Table 4 - Electrical characteristics of RST under normal
- ------- operation conditions.
- ,--------+--------------------------------+---------+---------+------,
- | Symbol | Conditions | Minimum | Maximum | Unit |
- +--------+--------+-----------------------+---------+---------+------+
- | | Either | Iih max = +/- 200uA | 4 | VCC (2) | V |
- | Vih | (1) +-----------------------+---------+---------+------+
- | | or | Iih max = +/- 10uA | VCC-0.7 | VCC (2) | V |
- +--------+--------+-----------------------+---------+---------+------+
- | Vil | Iil max = +/- 200uA | 0 (2) | 0.6 | V |
- +--------+--------------------------------+---------+---------+------+
- | (1) For the interface device, take into account both conditions. |
- | (2) The voltage on RST shall remain between 0.3V and VCC+0.3V. |
- '--------------------------------------------------------------------'
- * VCC
- This contact is used to supply the power voltage Vcc.
- Table 5 - Electrical characteristics of VCC under normal
- ------- operation conditions.
- ,--------+---------+---------+-------,
- | Symbol | Minimum | Maximum | Unit |
- +--------+---------+---------+-------+
- | Vcc | 4.75 | 5.25 | V |
- | Icc | | 200 | mA |
- '--------+---------+---------+-------'
- 2.3.3) Operating procedure for integrated circuit(s) cards:
- ---------------------------------------------------
- This operating procedure applies to every integrated circuit(s) card with
- contacts:
- The dialogue between the interface device and the the card shall be
- conducted through the consecutive operations:
- - connection and activation of the contacts by the interface device.
- - reset of the card.
- - answer to reset by the card.
- - subsequent information exchange between the card and the interface
- device.
- - desactivation of the contacts by the interface device.
- These operations are specified in the following subclauses.
- NOTE : An active state on VPP should not only be provided and maintained
- when requested by the card.
- a - Connection and activation of the contacts:
- -----------------------------------------
- The electrical circuits shall not be activated until the contacts are
- connected to the interface device so as to avoid possible damage to any
- card meeting these standards.
- The activation of the contacts by the interface device shall consist of
- the consecutive operations:
- - RST is in state L;
- - VCC shall be powered;
- - I/O in the interface device shall be put in reception mode;
- - VPP shall be raised to idle state;
- - CLK shallbe provided with a suitable and stable clock.
- b - Reset of the card:
- -----------------
- A card reset is initiated by the interface device, whereupon the card
- shall respond with an Answer to Reset as describe in 2.4.
- By the end of the activation of the contacts (RST is in L, VCC powered and
- stable, I/O in reception mode in the interface device, VPP stable at idle
- level, CLK provided with a suitable and stable clock), the card answering
- asynchronously is ready for reset.
- The clock signal is applied to CLK at time T0. The I/O line shall be set
- to state Z within 200 clcok cycles of the clock signal (t2) being applied
- to CLK (time t2 after T0).
- An internally reset card reset after a few cycles of clock signal. The
- Answer to Reset on I/O shall begin between 400 and 40 000 clock cycles
- (t1) after the clock signal is applied to CLK (time t1 after T0).
- A card with an active low reset is reset by maintaining RST in state L for
- at least 40 000 clock cycles (t3) after the clock signal is applied on CLK
- (time t3 after T0). Thus if no Answer to Reset begind within 40 000 clock
- cycles (t3) with RST in state L, RST is put to state H (at time T1). The
- Answer to Reset on I/O shall begin between 400 and 40 000 clock cycles
- (t1) after the rising edge of the signal on RST (time t1 after T1).
- If the Anwser to Reset does not begin within 40 000 clock cycles (t3) with
- RST in state H (t3 after T1), the signal on RST shall be returned to state
- L (at time T2) and the contacts shall be desactivated by the interface
- device.
- GND ________________________________________________________________________
- __________________________________________________________________
- VCC _| : :|___
- :_______________________________________________________________:
- VPP __|: |____
- : t3 t3 :
- :<--------------------------->:<------------------------------->:
- : :_________________________________:
- RST ___:_____________________________| |____
- : : :
- CLK ___|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||____
- : t1 : :
- :<-------------->: : :
- : __________:____________:_________________________________:
- I/O __XXXXXXXX |____________:_______Answer____________________:XXXX
- (IR) : : : :
- : t2 : : t1 :
- :<---->: :<---------->: :
- : _______________________:_________________________________:
- I/O __XXXXXXXX : |______Answer________:XXXX
- (AL) : t2 : : :
- :<---->: : :
- : :_________________________________:
- (SH) : : :
- T0 T1 T2
- IR : Internal Reset t2 <= 200/fi
- AL : Asynchronous Reset 400/fi <= t1 <= 40000/fi
- SH : Syncronous Reset 40000/fi <= t3
- Figure1 : Reset of the card
- -------
- With a card answering synchonously, the interface device sets all the
- lines to state L (See figure 2). VCC is the powered, VPP is set to idle
- state, CLK and RST remain in L state, I/O is put in reception mode in the
- interface device, RST shall be maintained in state H for at least 50 us
- (t12), before returning to state L again.
- The clock pulse is applied after an interval (t10) from the rising edge of
- the reset signal. The duration of the state H of the clock pulse can be
- any value between 10 us and 50 us ; no more than one clock pulse during
- reset high is allowed. The time interval between the falling edges on CLK
- and RST is t11.
- The first data bit is obtained as an answer to reset on I/O while CLK is
- in state L and is valid after an interval t13 from the falling edge on RST.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- VCC__/
- _____________________________________________________________________
- VPP___/
- t12
- :<---------------->:
- :__________________:
- RST_____/: \_______________________________________________
- : :
- : t10 t11 : t15 t16
- :<---->: :<---->: t14 :<---->: :<---->:
- : ____ : :<---->: :______: : : _______
- CLK_____________:/ 1 \:______:______:/ 2 \:______:/ 3 \_______
- : :
- : t13 : t17
- :<---->: :<---->:
- _____________________________ :______________ :______________ ___
- I/O___//////////////////////////////\:_______1______X-X_______2_______X-X___
- 5us <= t10 10us <= t14 <= 100us Clock low after RST
- 5us <= t11 10us <= t15 <= 50us Clock High
- 50us <= t12 ........ Reset High 10us <= t16 <= 100us Clock Low
- t13 <= 10us Propagation delay t17 <= 10us Propagation delay
- Figure2 : Reset of the card when a synchronous answer is expected.
- -------
- 1 - The internal state of the card is assumed not to be defined before
- reset. Therefore the design of the card has to avoid inproper operation.
- 2 - In order to continue the dialogue with the card, RST shall be
- maintained in the state where an answer occurs on I/O.
- 3 - Reset of a card can be initiated by the interface device at its
- discetion at any time.
- 4 - Interface devices may support one or more of these types of reset
- behaviour. The priority of testing for asynchronous or synchronous cards
- is not defined in this standard.
- c - Deactivation of the contacts
- ----------------------------
- When informations exchange is terminated or aborted (unresponsive card or
- detection of card removal), the electrical contacts shall be desactivated.
- The deactivation by the interface device shall consist of the consecutive
- operations:
- - State L on RST;
- - State L on CLK;
- - Vpp inactive;
- - State A on I/O;
- - VCC inactive;
- 2.3.4) Answer to Reset:
- ---------------
- Two types of transmissions are considered:
- * Asynchronous transmission:
- In this type of transmission, characters are transmitted on the I/O line
- in an asynchronous half duplex mode. Each character includes an 8bit
- byte.
- * Synchronous transmission:
- In this type of transmission, a series of bits is transmitted on the I/O
- line in half duplex mode in synchronisation with the clock signal on CLK.
- a - Answer to Reset in asynchronous transmission
- --------------------------------------------
- * Bit duration
- """"""""""""
- The nominal bit duration used on I/O is defined as one Elementary Time
- Unit (etu).
- For cards having internal clock, the initial etu is 1/9600 s.
- For cards using the external clock, there is a linear relationship
- between the Elementary Time Unit used on I/O and the period provided
- by the interface device on CLK.
- The initial etu is 372/fi s where fi is in Hertz.
- The initial frequency fi is provided by the interface device on CLK
- during the Answer to Reset.
- In order to read the initial character (TS), all cards shall initially
- be operated with fi in the range of 1 MHz to 5 MHz.
- * Character frame during answer to reset
- """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
- Prior to the transmission of a character, I/O shall be in state Z.
- A character consists of ten consecutive bits:
- - a start bit in state A;
- - eight bits of information, designated ba to bh and conveying a
- data byte;
- - a tenth bit bi used for even parity checking.
- A data byte consists of 8 bits designated b1 to b8, from the least
- significant bit (lsb, b1) to the most significant bit (msb, b8).
- Conventions (level coding, connecting levels Z/A to digits 1 or 0: and a
- bit significance, connecting to b1...b8) are specified in the
- initial character, call TS, which is transmitted by the card in response
- to reset.
- Parity is correct when the number of ONES is even in the sequence from
- ba to bi.
- Whithin a character, the time from the leading edge of the start bit to
- the trailing edge of the nth bit shall equal (n+/-0.2) etu.
- When searching for a start, the receiver samples I/O periodically. The
- time origin being the mean between last observation of level Z and first
- observation of level A, the start shall be verified before 0.7 etu, and
- then ba is received at (1.5 +/-0.2) etu. Parity is checked on the fly.
- NOTE : When searching for a start, the sampling time shall be less than
- 0.2 etu so that all the test zones are distinct from the transition
- zones.
- The delay between two consecutives characters (between start leading
- edges) is at least 12 etu, including a character duration (10+/-0.2) etu
- plus a guardtime, the interface device and the card reamain both in
- reception, so that I/O is in state Z.
- Start Parity Next
- bit <----- 8 data bits -----> bit Start bit
- Z ____ ________________________________......______ __
- | | | | | | | | | | | | |
- I/O | |ba|bb|bc|bd|be|bf|bg|bh|bi| Guardtime | |
- |___|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |___|_
- A : : : :
- 0 t1 : t10
- : :
- :<---- (n+/-0.2) etu --->:
- Figure 3: Character frame
- --------
- During the Answer to Reset, the delay between the start leading edges of
- two consecutives characters from the card shall not exeed 9600 etu. This
- maximum is named initial waiting time.
- * Error detection and character repetition
- """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
- During the answer to reset, the following characters repetition
- procedure depends on the protocol type. This procedure is mandatory for
- cards using the protocol type T=0; it is optional for the interface
- device and for the other cards.
- The transmitter tests I/O (11+/-0.2) etu after the start leading edge:
- - If I/O is in state Z, the correct reception is assumed.
- - If I/O is in state A, the transmission is assumed to have been
- incorrect. The disputed character shall be repeated after a delay
- of at least 2 etu after detection of the error signal.
- When parity is incorrect, from (10.5+/-0.2) etu, the receiver transmits
- an error signal at state A for 1 etu minimum and 2 etu maximum. The
- receiver then shall expect a repetition of the disputed character (see
- figure 8).
- If no character repetition is provided by the card,
- - The card ignores and shall not suffer damage from the error signal
- coming from the interface device.
- - The interface device shall be able to initiate the reception and
- the whole Answer to Reset response sequence.
- * Structures and content
- """"""""""""""""""""""
- A reset operation results in the answer from the card consisting of the
- initial character TS followed by at most 32 characters in the following
- order:
- - T0 ................... Format character (Mandatory)
- - TAi, TBi, TCi, TDi ... Interface characters (Optional)
- - T1, T2, ... ,TK ...... Historical characters (Optional)
- - TCK .................. Check character (Conditional)
- Reset
- |
- | _________________________________________ _______ _________
- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
- '-->| TS| T0|TA1|TB1|TC1|TD1|TA2|TB2|TC2|TD2| ......... | T1| ... | TK|TCK|
- |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|_ _|___|_ _|__ |___|
- TS : Initial character
- TO : Format character
- TAi : Interface character [ codes FI,DI ]
- TBi : Interface character [ codes II,PI1 ]
- TCi : Interface character [ codes N ]
- TDi : Interface character [ codes Yi+1, T ]
- T1, ... , TK : Historical characters (max,15)
- TCK : Check character
- Figure 4 : General configuration of the Answer to Reset
- --------
- The interface characters specify physical parameters of the integrated
- circuit in the card and logical characteristics of the subsequent
- exchange protocol.
- The historical characters designate general information, for exemple,
- the card manufacturer, the chip inserted in the card, the masked ROM
- in the chip, the state of the life of the card. The specification of
- the historical characters falls outside the scope of this part of
- ISO/IEC7816.
- For national simplicity, T0, TAi, ... ,TCK will designate the bytes as
- well as the characters in which they are contained.
- Structure of TS, the initial character
- --------------------------------------
- The initial character TS provides a bit shynchronisation sequence and
- defines the conventions to code data bytes in all subsequent characters.
- These conventions refer to ISO1177.
- I/O is initially in state Z. A bit synchronisation sequence (Z)AZZA is
- defined for the start bit and bits ba bb bc (see figure 5).
- The last 3 bits bg bh bi shall be AAZ for checking parity.
- NOTE : This allows the interface device to determinate the etu initially
- used by the card. An alternate measurement of etu is a third of the
- delay between the first two falling edges in TS. Transmission and
- reception mechanisms in the card shall be consistent with the alternate
- definition of etu.
- The two possible values of TS (ten consecutive bits from start to bi and
- corresponding hexadecimal value) are
- - Inverse convention : (Z)ZZAAAAAZ
- where logic level ONE is A, ba is b8 (msb is first), equal to $3F
- when decoded by inverse convention.
- - Direct convention : (Z)ZZAZZZAAZ
- where logic level ONE is Z, ba is b1 (lsb first), equal to $3B
- when decoded by direct convention.
- Start ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi
- Z ____ _______ ___________ ______
- | | | | | Z Z Z | | | |
- (Z)| A | Z Z | A | or | | Z (Z)
- A |___| |___|_A___A___A_|___|___|
- Figure 5 : Initial character TS
- --------
- Structure of the subsequent characters in the Answer to Reset
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- The initial character TS is followed by a variable number of subsequent
- characters in the following order: The format character T0 and,
- optionally the interface characters TAi, TBi, TCi, TDi and the
- historical characters T1, T2, ... , TK and conditionally, the check
- character TCK.
- The presence of the interface characters is indicated by a bit map
- technique explained below.
- The presence of the historical characters is indicated by the number of
- bytes as specified in the format character defined below.
- The presence of the check character TCK depends on the protocol type(s)
- as defined as below.
- - Format character T0
- -------------------
- The T0 character contains two parts:
- - The most significant half byte (b5, b6, b7, b8) is named Y1 and
- indicates with a logic level ONE the presence of subsequent
- characters TA1, TB1, TC1, TD1 respectively.
- - The least significant half byte (b4 to b1) is named K and
- indicates the number (0 to 15) of historical characters.
- ,----,----,----,----,----,----,----,----,
- | b8 | b7 | b6 | b5 | b4 | b3 | b2 | b1 |
- '----'----'----'----'----'----'----'----'
- :<------- Y1 ------>:<-------- K ------>:
- Y1 : indicator for the presence of the interface characters
- TA1 is transmitted when b5=1
- TB1 is transmitted when b6=1
- TC1 is transmitted when b7=1
- TD1 is transmitted when b8=1
- K : number of hitorical characters
- Figure 6 : Informations provided by T0
- --------
- - Interface characters TAi, TBi, TCi, TDi
- ---------------------------------------
- TAi, TBi, TCi (i=1, 2, 3, ... ) indicate the protocol parameters.
- TDi indicates the protocol type T and the presence of subsequent
- characters.
- Bits b5, b6, b7, b8 of the byte containing Yi (T0 contains Y1; TDi
- contains Yi+1) state whelther character TAi for b5, character TBi for
- b6, character TCi for b7, character TDi for b8 are or are not (depending
- on whether the relevant bit is 1 or 0) transmitted subsequently in this
- order after the character containing Yi.
- When needed, the interface device shall attribute a default value to
- information corresponding to a non transmitted interface character.
- When TDi is not transmitted, the default value of Yi+1 is null,
- indicating that no further interface characters TAi+j, TBi+j,
- TCi+j, TDi+j will be transmitted.
- ,----,----,----,----,----,----,----,----,
- | b8 | b7 | b6 | b5 | b4 | b3 | b2 | b1 |
- '----'----'----'----'----'----'----'----'
- :<------ Yi+1 ----->:<------- T ------->:
- Yi+1 : indicator for the presence of the interface characters
- TAi+1 is transmitted when b5=1
- TBi+1 is transmitted when b6=1
- TCi+1 is transmitted when b7=1
- TDi+1 is transmitted when b8=1
- T : Protocol type for subsequent transmission.
- Figure 7 : Informations provided by TDi
- --------
- - Historical characters T1, T2, ... ,TK
- -------------------------------------
- When K is not null, the answer to reset is continued by transmitting
- K historical characters T1, T2, ... , TK.
- - Check character TCK
- -------------------
- The value of TCK shall be such that the exclusive-oring of all bytes
- from T0 to TCK included is null.
- The answer to reset is complete 12 etu after the leading edge of the
- last character.
- Protocol type T
- ---------------
- The four least significant bits of any interface character TDi indicate
- a protocol type T, specifying rules to be used to process transmission
- protocols. When TDi is not transmitted, T=0 is used.
- T=0 is the asynchronous half duplex character transmission protocol.
- T=1 is the asynchronous half duplex block transmission protocol.
- T=2 and T=3 are reserved for future full duplex operations.
- T=4 is reserved for an enhanced asynchronous half duplex character
- transmission protocol.
- T=5 to T=13 are reserved for future use.
- T=14 is reserved for protocols standardized by ISO.
- T=15 is reserved for future extension.
- NOTE : If only T=0 is indicated, TCK shall not be sent. In all other
- cases TCK shall be sent.
- Specifications of the global interface bytes
- --------------------------------------------
- Among the interface bytes possibly transmitted by the card in answering
- to reset, this subclaus defines only the global interface bytes TA1,
- TB1, TC1, TD1.
- These global interface bytes convey information to determine parameters
- which the interface device shall take into account.
- - Parameters F, D, I, P, N
- ------------------------
- This initial etu is used during answer to reset is replaced by the work
- etu during subsequent transmission. F is the clock rate conversion
- factor and D is the bit rate adjustment factor to determine the work etu
- in subsequent transmissions.
- For internal clock cards:
- initial etu = 1/9600 s work etu = (1/D)*(1/9600) s
- For external clock cards:
- initial etu = 372/fi s work etu = (1/D)*(F/fs) s
- The minimum value of fs shall be 1MHz.
- The maximum value of fs is given by table 6.
- I and P define the active state at VPP.
- - Maximum programming current : Ipp = 1mA
- - Programming voltage : Vpp = P.V
- N is an extra guardtime requested by the card. Before receiving the next
- character, the card requires a delay of at least (12+N) etu from the
- start leading edge of the previous character. No extra guardtme is used
- to send characters from the card to the interface device.
- The default values of these parameters are:
- F = 372 ; D = 1 ; I = 50 ; P = 5 ; N = 0
- - Integer values in global interface bytes
- ----------------------------------------
- The global interface bytes, TA1, TB1, TC1, TB2 code integer values FI,
- DI II, PI1, N, PI2 which are either equal to or used to compute the
- values of the parameters F, D, I, P, N presented above.
- TA1 codes FI over the most significant half byte (b8 to b5) and DI over
- the least significant half byte (b4 to b1).
- TB1 codes II over the bits b7 and b6, and PI1 over the 5 least
- significant bits b5 to b1. The most significant bit b8 equals to 0.
- NOTE : The interface device may ignore the bit b8 of TB1.
- TC1 codes N over the eight bits (b8 to b1).
- TB2 codes PI2 over the eight bits (b8 to b1).
- Table 6: Clock rate conversion factor F
- -------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- FI | 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111
- --------------+-------------------------------------------------------
- F | Internal clk 372 558 744 1116 1488 1860 RFU
- --------------+-------------------------------------------------------
- fs (max) MHz | - 5 6 8 12 16 20 -
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- FI | 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111
- --------------+------------------------------------------------
- F | RFU 512 768 1024 1536 2048 RFU RFU
- --------------+------------------------------------------------
- fs (max) MHz | - 5 7.5 10 15 20 - -
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- RFU : Reserved for Future Use
- Table 7: Bit rate afjustment factor D
- -------
- -------------------------------------------------------
- DI | 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111
- ------+------------------------------------------------
- D | RFU 1 2 4 8 16 RFU RFU
- -------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------
- DI | 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111
- ------+------------------------------------------------
- D | RFU RFU 1/2 1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32 1/64
- -------------------------------------------------------
- RFU : Reserved for Future Use
- - Programming voltage factor P
- ----------------------------
- PI1 from 5 to 25 gives the value of P in volts. PI1=0 indicates that VPP
- is connected in the card which generates an internal programming voltage
- from VCC. Other values of PI1 are reserved for future use.
- When PI2 is present, the indication of PI1 should be ignores. PI2 from
- 50 to 250 gives the value of P in 0.1V. Other values of PI2 are reserved
- for future use.
- Table 8 : Maximum programming current factor I
- -------
- -------------------------------
- II | 00 01 10 11
- -----+-------------------------
- I | 25 50 100 RFU
- -------------------------------
- - Extra guardtime N
- -----------------
- N codes directly the extra guard time, from 0 to 254 etu. N=255
- indicates that the minimum delay between the start edges of two
- consecutives characters is reduced to 11 etu.
- b - Answer to Reset in synchronous transmission
- -------------------------------------------
- * Clock frequency and bit rate
- """"""""""""""""""""""""""""
- There is a linear relationship between the bit rate on the I/O line and
- the clock frequency provided by the clock interface device on CLK.
- Any clock frequency between 7kHz and 50kHz may be chosen for the reset
- sequence. A clock frequency of 7kHz corresponds to 7kbit/s, and values
- of the clock frequency up to 50kHz cause corresponding bit rates to be
- transmitted.
- * Structure of the header of the Answer to Reset
- """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
- The reset operation results in an answer from the card containing a
- header transmitted from the card to the interface. The header has a
- fixed length of 32 bits and begins with two mandatory fields of 8 bits,
- H1 and H2.
- The chronological order of transmission of information bits shall
- correcpond to bit identification b1 to b32 with the least significant
- bit transmitted first. The numerical meaning corresponding to each
- information bit considered in isolation is that of the digit.
- - 0 for a unit corresponding to state A (space)
- - 1 for a unit corresponding to state Z (mark)
- * Timing of the haeder
- """"""""""""""""""""
- After the reset procedure, the output information is controlled by clock
- pulses. The first clock pulse is applied between 10us and 100us (t14)
- after the falling edge on RST to read the data bits from the card. State
- H of the clock pulses can be varied between 10us and 50us (t15) and
- state L between 10us and 100us (t16).
- The first data bit is obtained on I/O while the clock is low and is
- valid 10us (t13) at least after the falling edge on RST. The following
- data bits are valid 10us (t17) at least after the falling edge on CLK.
- Each data bit is valid until the next falling edge the following clock
- pulse on CLK. The data bits can therefore be sampled at the rising edge
- of the following clock pulses.
- * Data content of the header
- """"""""""""""""""""""""""
- The header allows a quick determination of whelther the card and the
- interface device are compatible. If there is no compatibility, the
- contacts shall be desactivated.
- The first field H1 codes the protocol type. The values of the codes and
- the corresponding protocol type are
- Hexadecimal value protocol type
- -----------------------------------
- 00 and ff not to be used
- 01 to FE each value is assigned
- by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17 to
- one protocol type
- The second field H2 codes parameters for the protocol type coded in
- field H1. The values of H2 are to be assigned by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17.
- 2.3.5) Protocol type selection (PTS)
- -----------------------------
- If only one protocol type and FI=D=1 (default value of TA1) and N smaller
- than 255 is indicated in the answer to reset. The transmission protocol
- associated to the protocol type may be started immediately after the
- transmission of answer to reset.
- If more than one protocol type and/or TA1 parameter values other than the
- default values and/or N equeal to 255 is/are indicated in the answer to
- reset, the card shall know unambiguously, after having sent the answer to
- reset, which protocol type or/and transmission parameter values (FI, D, N)
- will be used. Consequently a selection of the protocol type and/or the
- transmission parameters values shall be specified.
- If the card is able to process more than one protocol type and if one of
- those protocol types is indicated as T=0, then the protocol type T=0 shall
- indicated in TD1 as the first offered protocol, and is assumed if no PTS
- is performed.
- If a card offers more than one protocol and if the interface device
- supports only one of these protocols which is not T=0 and does not support
- PTS, the interface should reject or reset the card.
- 2.3.5.a - PTS protocol
- ------------
- Only the interface device is permitted to start a PTS procedure:
- - The interface device sends a PTS request to the card.
- - If the card receives a correct PTS request, it answers by sending a
- PTS confirm, if implemented or the initial waiting time will be
- exceeded.
- - After the succesfull exchange of PTS request and PTS confirm, data
- shall be transmitted from the interface device using the selected
- protocol type and/or transmission parameters.
- - If the card receives an erronous PTS request, it will not send a PTS
- confirm.
- - If the initial waiting time is exceeded, the interface device should
- resetor reject the card.
- - If the interface device receives an erroneous PTS confirm, it should
- reset or reject the card.
- The parameters for the transmission of the PTS request and PTS confirm
- shall correspond to those used within the Answer to Reset regarding the
- bit rate and the convention detected by TS and possibly modified by TC1.
- 2.3.5.b - Structure and content of PTS request and PTS confirm
- ----------------------------------------------------
- The PTS request and PTS response each consist of one initial character
- PTSS, followed by a format character PTS0, three optional parameter
- characters PTS1 PTS2 PTS3, and a character check PCK at the last byte.
- PTSS identifies the PTS request or PTS confirm and is coded FF.
- PTS0 indicates by the bits b5, b6, b7 set to 1 the presence of the
- subsequently sent optional characters PTS1, PTS2, PTS3 respectively. It
- codes over the least significant bits b4 to b1 the selected protocol type
- T as coded in TD bytes. The most significant bit b8 (default b8=0) is
- reserved for future use.
- PTS1 codes the parameter values FI and D as coded in TA1. The interface
- device may send PTS1 in order to indicate the selection FI and/or D values
- to the card. If PTS1 is not sent, FI=1 and D=1 are assumed as defaults.
- The card either acknowledges both the FI and D values by echoing PTS1 or
- does not send PTS1 indicating the use of the default values.
- PTS2 indicates the support of N=255, when bit b1 is set to 1. Bit b1 set
- to 0 is the default and indicates that the 11 etu period is not used. If
- bit b2 is set to 1, the card shall use an extra guardtime of 12 etu for
- its transmssion of characters to the interface device. Bit b2 set to 0 is
- the default and indicates that no extra guardtime is required. Bit b3 to
- b8 are reserved for future use.
- If PTS2 is sent by the interface device and is not echoed by the card, the
- interface device should reject or reset the card.
- The coding and use of PTS3 is not defined.
- The value of PCK shall be such that the exclusive-oring of all charcters
- from PTSS to PCK included is null.
- 2.3.6) Protocol type T=0, asynchronous half duplex character transmission
- protocol----------------------------------------------------------
- --------
- This clause defines the structure and processing of commands initiated by
- an interface device for transmission control and for card specific control
- in an asynchronous half duplex character transmission protocol.
- This protocol uses the parameters indicated by the answer to reset, unless
- modified by the protocol type selection.
- 2.3.6.a - Specific interface parameters: the work waiting time
- ----------------------------------------------------
- In an answer to reset, the interface character TC2 codes the integer value
- WI over eight bits b8 to b1. When no TC2 appears in the answer to reset,
- the default value of WI is 10.
- The interval between the start leading edge of any character sent by the
- card and the start leading edge of the previous character (sent either by
- the card or by the interface device) shall not exceed 960*OWI work etu.
- This maximum delay is named the work waiting time.
- 2.3.6.b - Structure and processing of commands
- ------------------------------------
- A command is always initiated by the interface device. It tells the card
- what to do in a 5-byte header, and allow a transfer of data bytes under
- control of procedure bytes sent by the card.
- It is assumed that the card and the interface device know a priori the
- direction of data, in order to ditinguish between instructions for
- incoming data transfer (where data enter the card during execution) and
- instructions for outgoing data transfers (where data leave the card during
- execution).
- without parity error
- --------------------
- Start Start
- _____ _____________________________________ ___________
- | | | | Byte i | | |P | | | Byte i+1
- |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| guartime |__|___________
- Even
- with a parity error parity
- ------------------- bit
- Start Start
- _____ ______________________________ Error __ ___________
- | | | | Byte i | | |P | | signal | | | Byte i+1
- |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |________| |__|___________
- Figure 8 : Byte transmission diagram
- --------
- * Command header sent by the interface device
- """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
- The interface device transmits a header over five successive bytes
- designated CLA, INS, A1, A2, L.
- - CLA is an instruction class. The value FF is reserved for PTS.
- - INS is an instruction code in the instruction class. The instruction
- code is valid only if the least significant bit is 0, and the most
- significant half byte is neither 6 nor 9.
- - P1, P2 are a reference (e.g. an address) completing the instruction
- code
- - P3 codes the number n of data bytes (D1, ... , Dn) which are to be
- transmitted during the command. The direction of movement of these
- data is a function of the instruction. In an outgoing data transfer
- command, P3=0 introduces a 256 byte data transfer from the card. In an
- incoming data transfer command, P3=0 introduces no transfer of data.
- All remaining encoding possibilities for the header are specified in
- subsequent parts of ISO7816.
- After transmission of such 5 byte header, the interface device waits for
- a procedure byte.
- * Procedure bytes sent by the card
- """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
- The value of the procedure bytes shall indicate the action requested by
- the interface device. Three types of procedure bytes are specified:
- - ACK : (The seven most significant bits in an ACK byte are all equal or
- complementary to those in the INS byte, apart from the values 6x and
- 9x) The interface device control VPP state and exchanges data
- depending on ACK values.
- - NULL : (=$60) This byte is sent by the card to restart the working
- time, end to anticipate a subsequent procedure byte. It requests no
- further action neither on VPP nor on Data.
- - SW1 (= $6x or $9x, expect $60); The interface device maintains or sets
- VPP at idle and waits for a SW2 byte to complete the command.
- Any transition of VPP state (active/idle) must occur within the
- guardtime of the procedure byte, or on the work waiting time overflow.
- At each procedure byte, the card can proceed with the command by an ACK
- or NULL byte, or show its disaproval by becoming unresponsive, or
- conclude by an end sequence SW1-SW2.
- Byte | Value | Result
- -----+-------+------------------------------------------------------------
- | INS | VPP is idle. All remaining data bytes are transferred
- | | subsequently.
- | |
- | INS+1 | VPP is active. All remaining data bytes are transferred
- | | subsequently.
- ACK | ___ |
- | INS | VPP is idle. Next data byte is transferred subsequently.
- | _____ |
- | INS+1 | VPP is active. Newt data byte is transferred subsequently.
- -----+-------+------------------------------------------------------------
- NULL | $60 | No futher action on VPP. The interface device waits for a
- | | new procedure byte
- -----+-------+------------------------------------------------------------
- SW1 | SW1 | VPP is idle. The interface device waits for a SW2 byte
- Acknoledge bytes
- ----------------
- The ACK bytes are used to control VPP state and data transfer.
- - When exclusive-oring the ACK byte with the INS byte gives $00 or
- $FF, the interface device maintains or sets VPP as idle.
- - When exclusive-oring the ACK byte with the INS byte gives $01 or
- $FE, the interface device maintains or sets VPP as active.
- - When the seven most significant bits in the ACK byte have the same
- value as those in the INS byte, all remaining data bytes (Di, ...,
- Dn) if any remain, are transferred subsequently.
- - When the seven most significant bits in the ACK byte are
- complementary to those in the INS byte, only the next data byte
- (Di), if one remains is transferred.
- After these actions, the interface device waits for a new procedure.
- Null byte (= $60)
- -----------------
- This byte is sent by the card to reset the workwaiting time and to
- anticipate a subsequent procedure byte.
- Status bytes (SW1=$6x or $9x, expect $60; SW2 any value)
- --------------------------------------------------------
- The end sequence SW1-SW2 gives the card status at the end of the command.
- The normal ending is indicated by SW1-SW2 = $90-$00.
- When the most significant half byte SW1 is $6, the meaning of SW1 is
- independant of the application. The following five values are defined:
- $6E The card does not support the instruction class.
- $6D The instruction code is not programmed or is invalid.
- $6B The reference is incorrect.
- $67 The length is incorrect.
- $6F No precise diagnostic is given.
- Other values are reserved for future use by ISO7816.
- When SW1 is neither $6E nor $6D, the card support the instruction.
- This part of ISO7816 does not interprets neither $9X SW1 bytes, nor SW2
- bytes; Their meaning relates to the application itself.
- Supplement (were seen sometimes):
- ---------------------------------
- SW1 SW2 Meaning
- 62 81 Returned data may be corrupted.
- 62 82 The end of the file has been reached before the end of reading.
- 62 84 Selected file is not valid.
- 65 01 Memory failure. There have been problems in writing or reading
- the EEPROM. Other hardware problems may also bring this error.
- 68 00 The request function is not supported by the card.
- 6A 00 Bytes P1 and/or P2 are incorrect.
- 6A 80 The parameters in the data field are incorrect.
- 6A 82 File not found.
- 6A 83 Record not found.
- 6A 84 There is insufficient memory space in record or file.
- 6A 87 The P3 value is not consistent with the P1 and P2 values.
- 6A 88 Referenced data not found.
- 6C XX Incorrect P3 length.
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