#include "opencv2/objdetect/objdetect.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp" #include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h> using namespace std;
using namespace cv; /** Function Headers */
void detectAndDisplay( Mat frame );
void RestoreVectors(vector<vector<Rect>>& vecs_bank, vector<Rect>& vecAll); /** Global variables */
String palm_cascade_name = "palm.xml";
String fist_cascade_name = "fist.xml";
CascadeClassifier palm_cascade;
CascadeClassifier fist_cascade;
string window_name = "Capture - Palm and fist detection"; /** @function main */
int main( int argc, const char** argv )
CvCapture* capture;
Mat frame; //-- 1. Load the cascades
if( !palm_cascade.load( palm_cascade_name ) ){ printf("--(!)Error loading\n"); return -; };
if( !fist_cascade.load( fist_cascade_name ) ){ printf("--(!)Error loading\n"); return -; }; //-- 2. Read the video stream
capture = cvCaptureFromCAM( - );
if( capture )
while( true )
frame = cvQueryFrame( capture ); //-- 3. Apply the classifier to the frame
if( !frame.empty() )
{ detectAndDisplay( frame ); }
{ printf(" --(!) No captured frame -- Break!"); break; } int c = waitKey();
if( (char)c == 'q' || (char)c == 'Q' || == c) { break; }
} cvReleaseCapture(&capture);
return ;
} /** @function detectAndDisplay */
void detectAndDisplay( Mat frame )
std::vector<Rect> faces;
std::vector<Rect> palms;
std::vector<Rect> fists;
static vector<vector<Rect>> palms_bank;
static vector<vector<Rect>> fists_bank;
const int MAX_NUM = ;
Mat frame_gray; cvtColor( frame, frame_gray, CV_BGR2GRAY );
equalizeHist( frame_gray, frame_gray ); //-- Palm detection
palm_cascade.detectMultiScale( frame_gray, palms, 1.1, , |CV_HAAR_SCALE_IMAGE, Size(, ) );
if(palms_bank.size() > MAX_NUM)
palms_bank.erase(palms_bank.begin()); vector<Rect> palmAll;
RestoreVectors(palms_bank, palmAll);
groupRectangles(palmAll, ); for( size_t j = ; j < palmAll.size(); j++ )
rectangle(frame, palmAll[j], Scalar(,,), );
} //-- Fist detection
fist_cascade.detectMultiScale( frame_gray, fists, 1.1, , |CV_HAAR_SCALE_IMAGE, Size(, ) );
if(fists_bank.size() > MAX_NUM)
fists_bank.erase(fists_bank.begin()); vector<Rect> fistAll;
RestoreVectors(fists_bank, fistAll);
groupRectangles(fistAll, ); for( size_t j = ; j < fistAll.size(); j++ )
rectangle(frame, fistAll[j], Scalar(,,), );
} //-- Show what you got
imshow( window_name, frame );
} void RestoreVectors(vector<vector<Rect>>& vecs_bank, vector<Rect>& vecAll)
for(size_t i = ; i < vecs_bank.size(); i++){
vecAll.insert(vecAll.end(), vecs_bank[i].begin(), vecs_bank[i].end());
Groups the object candidate rectangles.
- C++: void groupRectangles(vector<Rect>& rectList, int groupThreshold, double eps=0.2)
- C++: void groupRectangles(vector<Rect>& rectList, vector<int>& weights, intgroupThreshold, double eps=0.2)
- Python: cv2.groupRectangles(rectList, groupThreshold[, eps]) → rectList, weights
Parameters: - rectList – Input/output vector of rectangles. Output vector includes retained and grouped rectangles. (The Python list is not modified in place.)
- groupThreshold – Minimum possible number of rectangles minus 1. The threshold is used in a group of rectangles to retain it.
- eps – Relative difference between sides of the rectangles to merge them into a group.
The function is a wrapper for the generic function partition() . It clusters all the input rectangles using the rectangle equivalence criteria that combines rectangles with similar sizes and similar locations. The similarity is defined by eps. When eps=0 , no clustering is done at all. If , all the rectangles are put in one cluster. Then, the small clusters containing less than or equal to groupThreshold rectangles are rejected. In each other cluster, the average rectangle is computed and put into the output rectangle list.
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