

class DBImpl : public DB


    struct CompactionState;
    struct Writer;// Information kept for every waiting writer
    Env* const env_; // 文件,目录,日志,Schedule线程
    const InternalKeyComparator internal_comparator_;
    const InternalFilterPolicy internal_filter_policy_; // 提高随机读的性能
    const Options options_;  // Options to control the behavior of a database (passed to DB::Open)
    bool owns_info_log_;
    bool owns_cache_;
    const std::string dbname_;
    // table_cache_ provides its own synchronization
    TableCache* table_cache_;
    // Lock over the persistent DB state.  Non-NULL iff successfully acquired.
    FileLock* db_lock_;
    // State below is protected by mutex_
    port::Mutex mutex_;
    port::AtomicPointer shutting_down_;
    port::CondVar bg_cv_;          // Signalled when background work finishes
    MemTable* mem_;
    MemTable* imm_;                // Memtable being compacted
    port::AtomicPointer has_imm_;  // So bg thread can detect non-NULL imm_
    WritableFile* logfile_;
    uint64_t logfile_number_;
    log::Writer* log_;
    uint32_t seed_;                // For sampling.
    // Queue of writers.
    std::deque<Writer*> writers_;
    WriteBatch* tmp_batch_;
    SnapshotList snapshots_;
    // Set of table files to protect from deletion because they are
    // part of ongoing compactions.
    std::set<uint64_t> pending_outputs_;
    // Has a background compaction been scheduled or is running?
    bool bg_compaction_scheduled_;
    ManualCompaction* manual_compaction_;
    VersionSet* versions_;
    // Have we encountered a background error in paranoid mode?
    Status bg_error_;

CompactionStats stats_[config::kNumLevels];





Status DB::Open(const Options& options, const std::string& dbname, DB** dbptr) 

// Implementations of the DB interface

  virtual Status Put(const WriteOptions&, const Slice& key, const Slice& value);
  virtual Status Delete(const WriteOptions&, const Slice& key);
  virtual Status Write(const WriteOptions& options, WriteBatch* updates);
  virtual Status Get(const ReadOptions& options,
                     const Slice& key,
                     std::string* value);
  virtual Iterator* NewIterator(const ReadOptions&);
  virtual const Snapshot* GetSnapshot();
  virtual void ReleaseSnapshot(const Snapshot* snapshot);
  virtual bool GetProperty(const Slice& property, std::string* value);
  virtual void GetApproximateSizes(const Range* range, int n, uint64_t* sizes);
  virtual void CompactRange(const Slice* begin, const Slice* end);
  // Extra methods (for testing) that are not in the public DB interface
    // Record a sample of bytes read at the specified internal key.
  // Samples are taken approximately once every config::kReadBytesPeriod
  // bytes.
  void RecordReadSample(Slice key);


Iterator* NewInternalIterator(const ReadOptions&,
                                SequenceNumber* latest_snapshot,
                                uint32_t* seed);
  Status NewDB();
  // Recover the descriptor from persistent storage.  May do a significant
  // amount of work to recover recently logged updates.  Any changes to
  // be made to the descriptor are added to *edit.
  Status Recover(VersionEdit* edit) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mutex_);
  void MaybeIgnoreError(Status* s) const;
  // Delete any unneeded files and stale in-memory entries.
  void DeleteObsoleteFiles();
  // Compact the in-memory write buffer to disk.  Switches to a new
  // log-file/memtable and writes a new descriptor iff successful.
  // Errors are recorded in bg_error_.
  void CompactMemTable() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mutex_);
  Status RecoverLogFile(uint64_t log_number,
                        VersionEdit* edit,
                        SequenceNumber* max_sequence)
  Status WriteLevel0Table(MemTable* mem, VersionEdit* edit, Version* base)
  Status MakeRoomForWrite(bool force /* compact even if there is room? */)
  WriteBatch* BuildBatchGroup(Writer** last_writer);
  void RecordBackgroundError(const Status& s);
  void MaybeScheduleCompaction() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mutex_);
  static void BGWork(void* db);
  void BackgroundCall();
  void  BackgroundCompaction() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mutex_);
  void CleanupCompaction(CompactionState* compact)
  Status DoCompactionWork(CompactionState* compact)
  Status OpenCompactionOutputFile(CompactionState* compact);
  Status FinishCompactionOutputFile(CompactionState* compact, Iterator* input);
  Status InstallCompactionResults(CompactionState* compact)


LevelDB主要有以下几个部分的内存开销:memtable,immutable table,table cache,block cache

memtable和immutable table的大小由 options_.write_buffer_size决定。

table cache由max_open_files决定数量。

block cache最大可以传入 size_t的大小。



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