课程一(Neural Networks and Deep Learning),第一周(Introduction to Deep Learning)—— 1、经常提及的问题
Frequently Asked Questions
Congratulations to be part of the first class of the Deep Learning Specialization! This form is here to help you find the answers to the commonly asked questions. We will update it as we receive new questions that we think are important for all learners.
General Questions
Q: I have an idea that would improve the course content. What can I do? A: Contact us at feedback@deeplearning.ai or put it in the forum "New ideas for the course". We are happy to collaborate with learners willing to improve the course! Thanks a lot.
Q: I cannot submit my assignment? A: This issue should not be happening but if it does please let us know immediately. One temporary work around would be to download your notebook and go to the corresponding programming assignment tab ==> + Create Submission and upload it.
Q: The audio in the videos is quite bad sometimes, muffled or low volume. Please fix it. A: You can mitigate the audio issues by turning down the bass and up the treble if you have those controls, or using a headset, which naturally emphasizes the higher frequencies. Also you may want to switch on the English closed captioning. Of course, we are working everyday to improve the quality of the videos and avoid anything that can affect your learning.
Q: What does it mean when I see “Math Processing Error?” A: The page is attempting to use MathJax to render math symbols. Sometimes the content delivery network can be sluggish or you have caught the web page Ajax javascript code in an incomplete state. Normally just refreshing the page to make it load fully fixes the problem.
Q: The video quality is bad? A: You could click the settings option in the video and upgrade the quality to High. (recommended if you have a good internet connection)
Q: Is there a prerequisite for this course? A: Students are expected to have the following background:
- Very basic programming skills (i.e. ability to work with dictionaries and for loops)
- Familiarity with basic machine learning (how do we represent a dataset as a matrix, etc.).
- Familiarity with the basic linear algebra (matrix multiplications, vector operations etc.).
Q: Why do we have to use Python? A: Python is an open-source language, anyone can use it from anywhere in the world. It is widely used in academics (research labs) or in the industry. It has a useful library "Numpy" that makes math operations very easy. Python has several deep learning frameworks running on top of it (Tensorflow, Keras, PaddlePaddle, CNTK, Caffe, ...) and you are going to learn some of them. It is also easy to learn. Furthermore, we believe Python has a good future, as the community is really active and builds amazing stuff.
Q: Has anyone figured out the how to solve this problem? Here is my code [Insert code]. A: This is a violation of the Coursera Honor Code.
Q: I've submitted correct answers for [insert problem]. However I would like to compare my implementation with other who did correctly. A: This is a violation of the Coursera Honor Code.
Q: This is my email: [insert email]. Can we get the answer for the quiz? A: This is a violation of the Coursera Honor Code.
Q: Do I receive a certificate once I complete this course? A: Course Certificate is available in this course.
Q: What is the correct technique of entering a numeric answer to a text box question ? A: Coursera's software for numeric answers only supports '.' as the decimal delimiter (not ',') and require that fractions be simplified to decimals. For answers with many decimal digits, please use a 2 digits after decimal point rounding method when entering solutions if not mentioned in the question.
Q: What is the correct technique of entering a 1 element matrix ? A: They should be entered as just the element without brackets.
Q: What does a A being a 3 element vector or a 3 dimensional vector mean? A: If not described a vector as mentioned in the questions is
Q: I think I found an error in a video. What should I do? A: First, post it on the Errata forum. We will try to implement your feedback as soon as possible. You could also send us an email at feedback@deeplearning.ai.
Q: My quiz grade displayed is wrong or I have a verification issue or I cannot retake a quiz. What should I do? A: Contact learner support. These queries can only be resolved by learner support and it is best if they are contacted directly. Do not flag such issues.
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