if (str_kind is not null) then
l_str_kind := str_kind;
v_wheresql := v_wheresql || ' and kind = :kind ';
l_str_kind := '';
v_wheresql := v_wheresql || ' and 1 = :kind ';
end if; 2.时间段的写法:
if (dt_itstarttime is not null) then
v_wheresql := v_wheresql || ' and createtime >= (' || to_date(dt_itstarttime, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') || ' )';
end; if (dt_itstarttime is not null) then
v_wheresql := v_wheresql || ' and createtime <= (' || to_date(dt_itstarttime, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') || ' )';
end; if (dt_valstarttime is not null) then
v_wheresql := v_wheresql || ' and validtime >= (' || to_date(dt_valstarttime, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') || ' )';
end; if (dt_valendtime is not null) then
v_wheresql := v_wheresql || ' and validtime <= (' || to_date(dt_valendtime, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') || ' )';
end; 或:
v_sql := v_sql || ' and trunc(a.creattime) >= to_date(:crestarttime,''yyyy-mm-dd'') ';
v_sql := v_sql || ' and trunc(a.creattime) <= to_date(:creendtime,''yyyy-mm-dd'') ';
v_sql := v_sql || ' and trunc(a.updatetime) >= to_date(:updstarttime,''yyyy-mm-dd'') ';
v_sql := v_sql || ' and trunc(a.updatetime) <= to_date(:updendtime,''yyyy-mm-dd'') '; 3.时间的写法:
v_sql := v_sql || ' and logtime >= to_date(:logtime, '|| ' ''yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'')'; 4.or的写法:
if (str_object is not null) then
l_str_object := str_object;
v_sql := v_sql || ' and ( objectid = :objectid or objectname = :objectname )';
l_str_object := 1;
v_sql := v_sql || ' and ( 1 = :objectid or 1 = :objectname ) ';
end if; 注意: 此时在using 中l_str_object要写两个 5.字符串的写法:('|| 字符串 ||')
v_sql := v_sql || ' and status in (' || ltrim(rtrim(str_status, ','), ',') || ') ';
v_sql := ' select netname from t_cms_netconf where netid = ' || str_netid || ' order by 1 ';
v_sql := ' t.status in (' || rtrim(str_status, ',') || ')'
v_sql := v_sql || ' and instr(''|'' || b.typelist || ''|'', ''|'' || :typelist || ''|'') > 0'; 6.数字的写法: ||数字
举例: v_sql := v_sql || ' and handletimes < ' || f_ums_config_in_qr('deploy/cms/task/maxsend', 5); 7.数组的写法:
sql中的写法:returning transactionid into :arr_tranactionid
using中的写法:returning bulk collect into v_arr_tranactionid --v_arr_tranactionid定义的临时变量 8.like的用法及%和_的处理
if (str_specialname is not null) then
l_str_specialname := '%' || lower(str_specialname) || '%';
v_sql := v_sql || ' and lower(a.specialname) like :specialname ';
l_str_specialname := '';
v_sql := v_sql || ' and 1 = :specialname ';
end if; if (str_tapecopyright is not null) then
l_str_tapecopyright := '%' || lower(str_tapecopyright) || '%';
v_sql := v_sql || ' and lower(a.tapecopyright) like :tapecopyright ';
l_str_tapecopyright := '';
v_sql := v_sql || ' and 1 = :tapecopyright ';
end if; --2.
if (str_specialname is not null) then
l_str_specialname := '%' || replace(replace(lower(str_specialname), '%', '<%'), '_', '<_') || '%';
v_sql := v_sql || ' and lower(a.specialname) like :specialname escape ''<'' ';
l_str_specialname := '';
v_sql := v_sql || ' and 1 = :specialname ';
end if; if (str_tapecopyright is not null) then
l_str_tapecopyright := '%' || replace(replace(lower(str_tapecopyright), '%', '<%'), '_', '<_') || '%';
v_sql := v_sql || ' and lower(a.tapecopyright) like :tapecopyright escape ''<'' ';
l_str_tapecopyright := '';
v_sql := v_sql || ' and 1 = :tapecopyright ';
end if; --经测试,两者写法均可. 9.页面上选择"按时间排序"的数据库处理方法
--按修改时间排序. 1-时间顺序,2-时间倒序
if ( i_sortorder = 2 ) then
v_sql := v_sql || ' order by a.createtime desc, a.copyrightid ';
v_sql := v_sql || ' order by a.createtime asc, a.copyrightid ';
end if;


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