source URL:

While the instructions on the Boost web site are helpful,
here is a condensed version that also builds x64 libraries.

  • You only need to do this if you are using one of the libraries mentioned in section
     of the instructions page. (E.g., to use Boost.Filesystem requires compilation.) If you are not using any of those, just unzip and go.

Build the 32-bit libraries

This installs the Boost header files under C:\Boost\include\boost-(version),
and the 32-bit libraries under C:\Boost\lib\i386.
Note that the default location for the libraries is C:\Boost\lib but
you’ll want to put them under an i386 directory
if you plan to build for multiple architectures.

  1. Unzip Boost into a new directory.
  2. Start a 32-bit MSVC command prompt and change to the directory where Boost was unzipped.
  3. Run: bootstrap
  4. Run: b2
    toolset=msvc-12.0 --build-type=complete --libdir=C:\Boost\lib\i386 install

    • For Visual Studio 2012, use toolset=msvc-11.0
    • For Visual Studio 2010, use toolset=msvc-10.0
  5. Add C:\Boost\include\boost-(version) to
    your include path.
  6. Add C:\Boost\lib\i386 to
    your libs path.

Build the 64-bit libraries

This installs the Boost header files under C:\Boost\include\boost-(version),
and the 64-bit libraries under C:\Boost\lib\x64.
Note that the default location for the libraries is C:\Boost\lib but
you’ll want to put them under an x64 directory
if you plan to build for multiple architectures.

  1. Unzip Boost into a new directory.
  2. Start a 64-bit MSVC command prompt and change to the directory where Boost was unzipped.
  3. Run: bootstrap
  4. Run: b2
    toolset=msvc-12.0 --build-type=complete --libdir=C:\Boost\lib\x64 architecture=x86 address-model=64 install

    • For Visual Studio 2012, use toolset=msvc-11.0
    • For Visual Studio 2010, use toolset=msvc-10.0
  5. Add C:\Boost\include\boost-(version) to
    your include path.
  6. Add C:\Boost\lib\x64 to
    your libs path.

Test code

// boost_lib.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/regex.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
using namespace std;

void wait(int seconds)

void my_thread()
  for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
    std::cout << i << std::endl;

int main()
  boost::thread t(my_thread);


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    linux下编译安装boost库 linux下编译安装boost库 1.下载并解压boost 1.58 源代码 下载 解压 2.运行 3.使用b2进行构建 构建成功的提示 4. ...

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