On an infinite number line (x-axis), we drop given squares in the order they are given.

The i-th square dropped (positions[i] = (left, side_length)) is a square with the left-most point being positions[i][0] and sidelength positions[i][1].

The square is dropped with the bottom edge parallel to the number line, and from a higher height than all currently landed squares. We wait for each square to stick before dropping the next.

The squares are infinitely sticky on their bottom edge, and will remain fixed to any positive length surface they touch (either the number line or another square). Squares dropped adjacent to each other will not stick together prematurely.

Return a list ans of heights. Each height ans[i] represents the current highest height of any square we have dropped, after dropping squares represented by positions[0], positions[1], ..., positions[i].

Example 1:

Input: [[1, 2], [2, 3], [6, 1]]
Output: [2, 5, 5]

After the first drop of positions[0] = [1, 2]: _aa _aa ------- The maximum height of any square is 2.

After the second drop of positions[1] = [2, 3]: __aaa __aaa __aaa _aa__ _aa__ -------------- The maximum height of any square is 5. The larger square stays on top of the smaller square despite where its center of gravity is, because squares are infinitely sticky on their bottom edge.

After the third drop of positions[1] = [6, 1]: __aaa __aaa __aaa _aa _aa___a -------------- The maximum height of any square is still 5. Thus, we return an answer of [2, 5, 5].

Example 2:

Input: [[100, 100], [200, 100]]
Output: [100, 100]
Explanation: Adjacent squares don't get stuck prematurely - only their bottom edge can stick to surfaces.


  • 1 <= positions.length <= 1000.
  • 1 <= positions[i][0] <= 10^8.
  • 1 <= positions[i][1] <= 10^6.

这道题不就是经典的俄罗斯方块么?!只不过是简化版的,我们只有方块下落,没有其他那些奇形怪状的东西,这样简化了难度,不过方块的大小不是固定的,有可能很大,但是不管方块再大,只要有一点点部分搭在其他方块上面,整个方块都会在上面,并不会掉下来,让我们求每落下一个方块后的最大高度。我们知道返回的是每落下一个方块后当前场景中的最大高度,那么返回的数组的长度就应该和落下方块的个数相同。所以我们可以建立一个heights数组,其中heights[i]表示第i块方块落下后所在的高度,那么第i块方块落下后场景的最大高度就是[0, i]区间内的最大值。那么我们在求出heights数组后,只要不停返回[0, i]区间内的最大值即可。继续来看,这道题的难点就是方块重叠的情况,我们先来想,如果各个方块不重叠,那么heights[i]的高度就是每个方块自身的高度。一旦重叠了,就得在已有的基础上再加上自身的高度。那么我们可以采用brute force的思想,对于每个一个下落的方块,我们都去看和后面将要落下的方块有没有重叠,有的话,和后面将要落下的方块的位置相比较,取二者中较大值为后面要落下的方块位置高度heights[j]。判读两个方块是否重叠的方法是如果方块2的左边界小于方块1的右边界,并且方块2点右边界大于方块1点左边界。就拿题目中的例子1来举例吧,第一个下落的方块的范围是[1, 3],长度为2,则heights[0]=2,然后我们看其和第二个方块[2, 5]是否重叠,发现是重叠的,则heights[1]更新为2,再看第三个方块[6, 7],不重叠,不更新。然后第二个方块落下,此时累加高度,则heights[1]=5,再看第三个方块,不重叠,不更新。然后第三个方块落下, heights[2]=1。此时我们heights数组更新好了,然后我们开始从头遍历,维护一个当前最大值curMax,每次将[0, i]中最大值加入结果res即可,参见代码如下:


class Solution {
vector<int> fallingSquares(vector<pair<int, int>>& positions) {
int n = positions.size(), cur = ;
vector<int> heights(n), res;
for (int i = ; i < n; ++i) {
int len = positions[i].second, left = positions[i].first, right = left + len;
heights[i] += len;
for (int j = i + ; j < n; ++j) {
int l = positions[j].first, r = l + positions[j].second;
if (l < right && r > left) {
heights[j] = max(heights[j], heights[i]);
for (int h : heights) {
cur = max(cur, h);
return res;



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class Solution {
vector<int> fallingSquares(vector<pair<int, int>>& positions) {
vector<int> res;
map<pair<int, int>, int> m;
int curMax = ;
for (auto &pos : positions) {
vector<vector<int>> t;
int len = pos.second, start = pos.first, end = start + len, h = ;
auto it = m.upper_bound({start, start});
if (it != m.begin() && (--it)->first.second <= start) ++it;
while (it != m.end() && it->first.first < end) {
if (start > it->first.first) t.push_back({it->first.first, start, it->second});
if (end < it->first.second) t.push_back({end, it->first.second, it->second});
h = max(h, it->second);
it = m.erase(it);
m[{start, end}] = h + len;
for (auto &a : t) m[{a[], a[]}] = a[];
curMax = max(curMax, h + len);
return res;


The Skyline Problem




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